Phase 2 episode 6: Where is Garnos?

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(Gold Vulture arrives at Stewart Tech and lands in front of the entrance, destroying the doors with an energy blast)

Gold Vulture: (enters the building) Ah, the old stomping grounds of Stewart Tech.

(Many employees and scientist run away)

Gold Vulture: (laughs) That's right, run away like the dogs you are.

(Gold Vulture scans and searches for the vault as his scanners had managed to discover the vault)

Gold Vulture: Yes.

(Gold Vulture smashes his way through the walls and arrives at a lab)

Gold Vulture: Ah, father's lab. Now, I remember where the vault, the door must be here.

(Gold Vulture looks at a door which leads to a hidden room and destroys it with an energy blast)

Gold Vulture: (enters the room) Finally, time for you to meet your............WHAT?

(Gold Vulture see that the vault door was destroyed and the canister holding Garnos has melted from the top)

Gold Vulture: Garnos is gone?!

(Gold Vulture angrily slams his fists to the floor)

Gold Vulture: How is this possible? I design that canister to hold Garnos, there's no way anyone could freed it.

(Max and Big Hero 6 arrive at Stewart Tech)

Max: If I remember, Dad says that Grandpa build a vault in his labor...

(Gold Vulture burst through the building in anger)

Gold Vulture: WHERE IS GARNOS!

Fred: Total villain meltdown.

Max: Oh great.

(Max develops wings and flies into the air, appears in front of his uncle)

Max: Where is Garnos Uncle Ivan?

Gold Vulture: I don't know because Garnos has escaped from the vault.

Max: What?

Gold Vulture: Apparently, someone had managed to discover the vault and freed Garnos. I don't suppose you would have anything to do with it?

Max: Why would I hide a bioweapon kaiju that could be a threat to the entire planet from you beside obvious reasons? I'm taking you to jail.

(Max charges at Gold Vulture)

Gold Vulture: I'm not going to be brought to prison by my nephew!

(As Max was about to attack him, Gold Vulture shoots an energy blast at a building antenna as it starts to falls)

Baymax: Oh no.

Honey Lemon: Those people will be crushed!

Max: No!

Gold Vulture: You have a choice Max, stop me or save those people.

(Max glares at his uncle and made his decision, flying straight to the building antenna along with Big Hero 6)

Gold Vulture: (laughs and flies off somewhere) Til me meet again Monster Kid!

(Max quickly transforms into Silverhead and grabs the antenna with his talons as Big Hero 6 protected many bystanders from falling debris)

(Silverhead lands safely on the ground and transforms back into Max)

Max: That was close.

(Big Hero 6 approaches Max)

Max: Wow, I did not expected to see one of my relatives, who I never met until today became a supervillain.

Fred: Yeah, especially when he's now part of your own rogues gallery.

Max: My rogues gallery of villains? You mean Chrome King, Phantom, Zero and Gold Vulture?

Fred: Yep.

(Meanwhile at Stewart Tech, Big Hero 6 and Max were standing in front of the vault along with Dr. Harold, Jade and Professor Granville)

Harold: This is bad.

Jade: Garnos has escaped.

Max: Uncle Ivan...I mean Gold Vulture said that someone else freed Garnos.

Professor Granville: Whoever is responsible would want to use Garnos could be very bad for the entire city.

Max: Or the entire planet.

Professor Granville: Well, there's that.

Hiro: Everyone, we found something from the security cameras.

(Baymax projects a holographic image from his eyes, showing footage of Zero freeing Garnos from his canister)

Max: It was Zero, he freed Garnos.

Harold: That's Impossible. How did Zero know where the vault was?

Fred: Maybe he and Gold Vulture are working together?

Max: For some reason, I'm don't think that's possible.

Harold: We have to find Garnos before things get worst.

(Mary, Megan, Dennis and Daisy enter)

Daisy: Daddy!

(Daisy rushes to her father and hugs him)

Dennis and Megan: Dad.

Mary: Harold, are you okay?

Harold: Yeah, I'm good Mary.

Jade: We're fine, turns out that Gold Vulture is really Ivan.

(Mary is shocked along with Megan and Dennis)

Mary: Ivan's back?

Harold: Unfortunately, yes.

Dennis: I can't believe our estranged uncle is back as a supervillain.

Megan: I'll never forgive him after what he did to Andrew.

Daisy: They were three brothers?

Megan: Yes Daisy.

Mary: It was before you were born sweetie, we didn't tell you the whole story.

(Daisy puts her head down in sadness as Adam enters, clears his throat, getting everyone's attention)

Adam: There's something you all should see.

(Moments later, everyone was at the lab as Adam showed some security footage of Vexa taking Andrew into the portal. leaving everyone shocked)

Mary: Oh my gosh!

Harold: Andrew, I thought he was...

Jade: He didn't die after all, he survived.

Dennis: So, he was saved by a female alien woman with wings?

Fred: Whoa! You guys know what this means?

Go Go: What?

Fred: Maybe that lady's part of an alien race of god-like beings from another planet. I bet she and her people will give Andrew some cosmic powers.

(Go Go face palms)

Max: So that means, Andrew is still alive, he's somewhere in the whole universe.

Megan: Will he return to Earth?

Harold: I hope so Megan, I hope so.

(The scene cuts to night time as several people are leaving Lucky Cat Cafe)

Aunt Cass: Goodbye, come back tomorrow.

(Aunt Cass closes the door and flips the open sign to close)

(Unknown to everyone, a pair of yellow eyes are seen in the sewers as Garnos lets out a small roar)

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