Phase 3 episode 26: Chibi Monster Kid

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(Max, Daisy, Dennis and Andrew are currently watching a web series on YouTube)

Max: What is this?

Chibi Monster Kid

(In a chibi style San Fransokyo, Kentucky Kaiju is going on a rampage with people screaming in terror as the kaiju mech is holding Princess Blight hostage)

Princess Blight: Help! Help! Somebody, please rescue me!

(Max arrives while striking a pose)

Max: Unhand Princess Blight Kentucky Kaiju!

(Kentucky Kaiju roars at Max)

Max: If that's your answer? I don't agree with you!

(Max transforms into a giant amphibious reptile kaiju named Dinogator, who bites off Kentucky Kaiju's hand, freeing Princess Blight as he destroys the robotic kaiju from piece by piece and roars in victory)

Princess Blight: (claps) Yeah.

(As Dinogator transforms back into Max, Princess Blight hugs him, much to his delight as he blushes)

Princess Blight: My hero.

(Princess Blight kisses Max on the cheek as his eyes are replaced with pink hearts)

The End

(Max is shocked, blushing while Andrew, Daisy and Dennis are laughing)

Daisy: She kissed you! She kissed you!

Max: Stop laughing!

Daisy: She's probably watching too and blushing.

Dennis: Yeah!

Max: Haha! Very funny!

(A notification pops up)

Max: A Big Hero 6 news alert?

(Max clicks the notification, showing live footage of Big Hero 6 fighting chibi versions of themselves near Richardson's Rare Comics)

Max: That can't be good.

(After changing into his suit, Max is flying towards to the comic book store)

Max: Alright, it's time I save the day from...

(Max stops when he see Hardlight getting arrested)

Ian: Judy, tell Mr. Krei I'm taking some personal time!

(Ian is shoved into a police car and taking to prison while Judy sends a text)

Max: What?

(Max lands on the ground)

Max: I missed the fight?

(Max groans when he saw a Chibi Princess Blight)

Max: Chibi Princess Blight?

Chibi Princess Blight: Let me give you a hug.

(Max blushes as he is speechless)

Max: Uh...yes.

(Before Max can hug Chibi Princess Blight, she vanishes)

Max: What?

Karmi: (offscreen) Ha!

(Max turns around, seeing Karmi, who's holding Hardlight's gauntlet and Big Hero 6)

Max: Karmi? Big Hero 6?

Baymax: Hello.

(Karmi had a smirk on her face)

Karmi: I saw what you were going to do.

Max: Look, it's not like that, I was...

Karmi: You probably wanted to fight chibi versions of yourself and Princess Blight, right?

(Max sweats nervously when he saw the smirks on Karmi and the only human members of Big Hero 6)

Go Go: Got something to say?

Max: Uh, I gotta go.

(Max zooms back home)

(The next day)

(Max walks out of Richardson's Rare Comics, carrying box which contains a Chibi Princess Blight toy)

Max: Now that I got this Chibi Princess Blight toy, my shrine will be...

(Max stops when he saw Go Go standing in front in him, smirking while holding her phone)

Max: No, no, no! Please Go Go, don't...

(Go Go takes a pictures, sends it to her friends and leaves, leaving Max alone, glaring at her)

Max: I will get you Go Go.

(Coming soon: Go Go hunts Monster Kid)

Big Hero 6 and the Monster Kid of San FransokyoWhere stories live. Discover now