Phase 2 episode 22: Monster Kid vs. Zero

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(In the Solar Dimension, Zero is currently laughing)

Zero: Yes, it's about time Monster Kid fights me.

(A giant Terradron appears next to Zero)

Zero: It's time to cause some destruction on Earth.

(Back in San Fransokyo, It's a normal day as people are doing their usual business when a portal opens as Zero walks out from the Solar Dimension and arrives on Earth with some Terradrons)

(Zero roars as everyone was screaming in terror)

Zero: That's right humans, runs for your miserable lives!

(Meanwhile at the Stewart Mansion, Max, Dennis, Megan and Daisy are watching a NASCAR race until a news report)

Max and Dennis: Aww.

Bluff: We interrupted your regular schedule program for this importing news.

Dennis: What could be more imported than race cars.

(The screen switches to Zero standing on top of Sycorax)

Bluff: These are live footage of where the alien monster known as Zero is currently on his way to Sycorax with several one-eyed creatures.

(The Stewart siblings are shocked)

Dennis: Oh no.

Max: Zero's here?

(Meanwhile, Zero and the Terradrons are marching their way to Sycorax, only to be blocked to the Blight Force)

Queen Blight: Not so fast Zero.

Zero: (glares at the Blight Force) The Blight Force.

Princess Blight: Mom, he's glaring at us.

Zero: So, I get to destroy three members of the same beings who help defeat me on Earth all those years ago.

(The Blight Force get ready is fighting stances)

Queen Blight: Our kind may have defeated you in the past, but we'll stop you.

Zero: How? You could've prevented King Ghidorah from destroying your homeworld, what makes you think you're going to stop me from conquering this planet?

King Blight: Let's show you!

Zero: I've been waiting millions of years to get revenge of the Blight.

(The Blight Force charge at Zero, the latter's eyes glow red as one of the Terradrons appeared in front of them)

King Blight: A Terradron!

Zero: A surprise attack, destroy them.

(The Terradron was prepared to generate a eye beam at the Blight Force, only to be destroyed by an energy beam)

Zero: What?

(Zero saw Salavak dives straight to the ground)

Zero: Finally.

(Salavak lands on the ground and morphs back into Max)

Max: Hello Zero.

Zero: So, surprise to see me Monster Kid?

Max: Not really, why are you here?

Zero: Why to kill you of course and to retrieve Garnos.

(Max morphs his hands into pincers)

Max: That's not gonna happen.

(Big Hero 6 have arrive to the scene as they land near the Blight Force)

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