☾ seventy - one ☾

378 14 1

'Should I wring his neck?'

Come to think of it, he thought it wouldn't matter if he killed him right now.

Max was surrounded by a ferocious impulse toward his father and stepmother.

He glanced to the side and Juvellian came into his sight once again.

Immediately Max changed his mind.

'Yes, I should show her that I'm not a scary person.'

It was then that the nobles began circling around to greet him.

The noblemen all bowed in unison and one of them opened their mouth to ask a question but was soon interrupted.

"Oh, this mask is a gift from my sister."

The nobles were shocked by the Crown Prince's words.

 The Empress's eyes shook.

Then the Emperor asked his son, who was speaking strange words.

"Is that a mask a gift?"

"I told her I'd definitely be holding a masquerade ball, but I'm the only one wearing a mask. So I assumed my sister was playing a little prank."

The Empress then replied with a forced smile.

"Crown Prince, our Lady has prepared a perfect banquet for you. Furthermore, there's no way she'll play a prank on the nation's affairs, right?"

Max glared at her remark.

"Oh, so you made a mistake. I see, I understand."

The Empress's expression hardened quickly.

Even if it wasn't a mistake, the main concept is the core of the problem.

If she admits that it was a mistake, she will be criticized for her carelessness.

So in the end, she couldn't help but admit that it was a prank.

That would have ruined the main event of the palace on purpose.

The Empress took a deep breath.

"Well, I still enjoyed the surprise, whether it was a mistake or a joke. Either way, my sister gifted this for me, so I think I'll keep wearing the mask."

The Empress frowned at the unexpected rebuke of the Prince.

At first glance, it seemed that he was doing this to be generous.


"Your Majesty is so generous."

"You're generous enough to embrace your sister's mistake!"

Before she knew it, the nobles began praising the Prince's generosity.

Now the Crown Prince was in a mood to be praised for whatever he did.

The Empress, who could not bear this atmosphere more, forced herself to smile and raise herself up.

"I'm glad you like the banquet the Princess has prepared. I'm a little disorganized, so I'll have to go to the Resting Room."


As soon as the Empress disappeared from the field of view, Max glanced down as she walked down the stairs.

The Empress thought of the Crown Prince as a taciturn idiot, and thanks to that, the checks remained at the current level.

'It's not because I'm scared that I haven't dealt with you, stupid woman, I'm just waiting for the right time.'

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