Chapter 1

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It's been 2 weeks since daddy put his "plan" in motion. We are yet to see it. I mean with Mr Scott's desertion I've had to supervise the construction. It's a good thing I grew up around this business, and can run it in my sleep. But I'm a girl. I'm 24. These bushmen don't want to listen. I think what makes it worse is that I was born here, grew up here, but I only speak English.

I wish my brothers were in town, but those 2 never come home. We only see them Christmas holidays. They stay atleast 2 weeks. I won't lie I miss their overprotective selves. I only lasted 1 day in a co-ed high school. One day. I was shipped off to a girls' school. One of those where your dress is below the knees. There were no school dances or dates for me. I wished I was in South Africa or America where I could attend proms and matric dances.

My dad calls me into his office. When I walk in, he's not alone.
Dad: This is Mr Buthelezi, he will be the project manager for this housing construction. Buthelezi, this is Alana or should I say Ms Phillips. She's our resident electrical engineer, but has been managing the project for me. My permanent office is not here on site. I have 6 jobs in progress right now, so I can't be here. She knows everything there is to know about this nightmare and will be of great help to you. With that said I will leave you to it.

I look at this mountain of a man before me and I'm gobsmacked.
Dad: Before I forget. Here is your work cellphone, your driver's numbers are already programmed. So are all mine and Alana's too. Here are your house keys. There is a 24 house helper who will cook, clean, and take care of anything else you might need.
Buthelezi: Thank you sir
Dad: No, thank you. I know you did not have to be here. Alana knock them dead.
He walks out, leaving me with this man. He is so tall.

Me: Can we move this meeting to your office. Good to meet you Mr But... sorry but I can't pronounce your name. Please write it down for me so I can visualize it.
Buthelezi: Don't worry about it. It will be easier if you used my second name Joshua.
Me: Perfect I'll call you Josh. I hope you don't mind. I've always liked that name.
I suddenly developed verbal diarrhoea. Ok I get like this when I'm nervous and this mountain right here. Damn....


I'm driven to my house. A beautiful double story in Masaki. I walk into my room and I'm captured by my view. The sun is setting on the ocean horizon. Yoo I'm going to enjoy these 6 months. I've decided not to concern myself with what I left back home. God's plans are bigger than ours, so I will leave Him in control. I will enjoy this country and everything it has in store for me.
I am Senzo Joshua Buthelezi. Ready to conquer the world 1 country at a time.

I get up at 05:00 and hit the gym. My only requests for a home were: A bed, a view and a gym. Mr Phillips overdid himself, this house is breathtaking. I'm done in an hour and get ready for work. My driver is at the door by 7 as directed. Protein shake in hand, I'm ready to take on whatever is out there. The naughty old man got me a sexy maid. How does he even know I prefer them yellow!!! Ayi these old men though. Even her uniform says eat me now.

We get to the site at 07:30. Alana is here already.
Alana: Good morning sir Josh. How was your evening?
Me: Morning. I love my house. The view. The gym.
Her: Wait wait wait. Which house. Did he set you up in Masaki?
Me: Yes he did.
Her: I love that house. I fell in love with it the second I saw it. I love the kitchen, the views. I made them add the skylight in the master closet. I just dream of laying in there and watch the rain. Ummm sorry.
Me: Oh wow. The way you describe it, I want to experience it.
We laugh. This one is such a happy little person.
Her: Let's go

Today we are stationed in the boardroom, meeting all the supervisors and team leads. I'm satisfied with the changes she has made in the past 2 weeks. She really turned the mess around. I scheduled more meetings for the next day. I will have plans in place.

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