Chapter 11

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My attempt to seduce my man turned out to be the biggest break in "drug Alana" case. Josh makes a call.
Josh: Sam come here now
Me: But it can't be Sam. He has been with my family for so long. Damn baby this is stressful.
Josh: Love can you relax. We will get to the bottom of this.
He gives me a slight smile.
Him: I love you maZikalala. You are my future and I will take care of you. Trust me, I got this.
Me: No matter what?
Him: Look if you promise to be my strength when I am weak as I am yours then we are ok.
Me: ok.
Him: Even if I'm weak because of my own doing.
Me: Ok.
Him: I'm serious Lana. Now tell me what is this about not using condoms anymore?

Just then the door bell rings.

Me: Saved by the bell. Let's go.
He just shakes his head smiling.


I gave Sue the weekend off, so we rush to open the door. He walks in and I punch him square in the face and down he goes.
Lana: I have never seen anyone's lights go off before.
She burst out laughing.
Lana: That was epic babe. Epic!
We sit on the couch and wait for Mr to wake up.

A whole 20 minutes out. I didn't even hit him that hard
Me: Babe. We should've used this time to discuss the no condom issue.
Her: Is it an issue
Me: My love are you pregnant? I noticed you stayed away from alcohol all weekend and you've been super emotional
Her: You wish love. I didn't drink because I wanted to be inebriated by you. When I was in South Africa my sister in law took me to a gynae and I chose a contraceptive that will work for us.
Me: Ok
Her: You seem disappointed. Please don't be; we'll have lots of kids. I've been so emotional because the past 2 weeks have been taxing and I came here to be engulfed by all this love.
We are startled by a laugh on the floor. He's up.


Sam: If it isn't the famous love birds. She is mine. She's supposed to be with me. No one else.
Lana: But Sam you're married.
Sam: I know. You are my small madam.
Her: Second wife?
Sam: If you don't want that we will get rid of that pig at home.
Her: Sam you love your wife. I've watched your relationship grow from nothing.


Shit I need his lights out again. Should I kick him? Hit him over the head? Bae looks at me. I think he can see my brain is on overdrive. I get up and grab a wine bottle from the rack.
Josh: Woooaah wait babe.
He starts giggling
Me: I want to talk in private, without worrying about him running away.
Josh: No violence kodwa sthandwa sam. Ok let's lock him in the visitor's toilet.
Me: It's not him. He's taking the fall for someone.
Josh: I know.
Me: You do?
Josh: I didn't bring him here for the fool to confess.
Me: But why is he here then? We've been going around in circles and honestly I'm bored with the whole thing.
Josh: Someone is out to get you? Someone doesn't want to see you happy and it's not Sam. I've seen how he looks at you, it's definitely love. Not lust. Not envy. Pure love.
Me: So he's your competition.
Josh: They can try mina ngingu Zulu sthandwa sam, angiyi ndawo.
I just blush. I only understood thando and sam.
Josh: Call your girls to the Night Lounge tonight. Let's end this, it's exhausting.


The love birds keep Sam secured in the toilet and keep his phone.

SMS: Hi Sam, tonight is finally the night. Bring them to the Blue Inn. Her: room 8. Him: room 14.

A picture is then sent after the SMS

Encouragement to ensure success.

The picture has Sam's wife tied up in a dark room

Alana: Baby what is this?
Josh: Let me make a call. I wish I was in South Africa.
Voice: Ndodana
Josh: Mr Phillips how are you? Or should I say Zikalala?
Mr Z: Don't worry you will get used to it. I thought our Skype meeting was tomorrow?
Josh: I know sir, I need your help.
Joshua narrates what has occured and his plan.
Mr Z: I'm glad my daughter has you in her corner. I will discuss with my sons and we will do exactly as you ask.
Josh: Thank you sir, goodbye.
Mr Z: Bye son


The couple is cosy in a booth making out when 2 ladies approach.
Lady 1: If it isn't the love birds.
She is trying hard to fake a smile, but failing dismally.
Alana: Hi Anne, Julie. Where's Pat? It's so good to see you again my besties for life. You remember Joshua?
Anne: How could we forget. He's gorgeous.
Joshua gets up and gives them warm hugs.
Joshua: Don't mind my lady she's already a bit tipsy. I'll do the hugging for her today.
Julie: Let me order us some drinks. Pat is a bit occupied today.
When the waiter arrives, Alana gets up and bumps into her, spilling the drinks.
Alana: Ooops
And giggles.
Waiter: Don't worry mam, I'll make fresh drinks.
Anne and Julie look at each other and Julie walks to the bar.
Anne: Don't worry she will resolve everything.
Julie returns with fresh drinks and they all start drinking. As the rounds pass, the girls get drunker. Julie's phone rings. She doesn't even bother to move from the booth. Or speak quietly.
Julie: Hey you.
Caller: ...
Her: Yes, it's almost time.
Her: Sam is on his way.
Caller: ....
Her: No I'm not drunk. Just acting.
Caller: .....
Her: Don't worry they can't hear me. They are out of it.

Sam comes in and assists the couple into his car and the ladies follow in Anne's.

Sam: Sir I hope you know what you are doing.
Josh: Don't worry. Here look
Sam looks at the picture. His wife is already free.
Sam: Thank you sir.
Josh: Pat was the one who was holding her captive has been arrested.

Sam and Josh stumble in the assigned room and Sam steps out.
A figure appears from the bathroom.
Josh: You?
Thandi: I was given the opportunity to do this. Couldn't say no to another baby with you. We make beautiful babies. Now lie back and relax, you're on candid camera.


Sam picks Alana up and gently puts her on the bed and walks out
Man: You are beautiful. Best $20k I've ever made.
As he unbuckles his pants, the police rush in.
Police: Hands up you're under arrest.

Joshua barges in and rushes to his woman, holds her so tight.
Him: It's over. It's over.
She just cries uncontrollably
Him: Let's go to the police station my love.

Anne and Julie are put in separate holding cells to sleep off the alcohol and drugs.
But Pat is conscious and ready to be interrogated. Josh and Alana are led behind the 1 sided mirror to watch the interview.

Sgt: Good evening Miss Jumbo. Please state your name and surname, for recording purposes
Pat: Patricia Jumbo
Sgt: Do you know why you are here?
Pat: You don't have a case. So this is a waste of my time.
Sgt: In your apartment we found ruffies. We have taken them for testing to see if the batch is identical to the ones found in miss Phillips. If it is, you will be charged with drugging her.
Pat: You had no right to search my place
Sgt: We arrested John at the hotel. You paid him to sleep with Miss Phillips. You found him at the AIDS clinic. Therefore you will be charged with attempted murder.
Pat starts screaming uncontrollably, hurting herself with her restraints
Pat: That bitch had it coming. Little miss perfect. I wanted to prove she was loose and careless. I've been feeding her fertility pills for months. That rat from South Africa ruined my plans.
A doctor rushes in and injects her with something as she is now bleeding from trying to break free from the handcuffs and she falls asleep.

Alana crumples into Joshua's arms and he carries her out of the station.
Joshua: Baby I love you. I am sorry.

Thandi is escorted to South Africa and is barred from ever entering Tanzania again.

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