Chapter 7

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We land in Johannesburg, when my feet touch the soil I am overwhelmed by a sense of calmness. I smile to myself thinking of all the Americans that claim to feel like this when they land in Johannesburg or Joburg as the people here call it. But I can't help the overwhelming sense of dejavu. I'm so amused I can't help smiling
Wife: What's up with you? That mood you're in is definitely contagious.
She chuckles.
Me: I don't know darling. But I feel like I'm home.


We arrive in Johannesburg and the weather is a bit chilly. Our driver takes us to a beautiful guesthouse. Joshua has booked out the whole house for a month. It's not huge, but it will accommodate all of us. My brother's doctor advised us to come first thing in the morning, as it's passed visiting hours.

We wake up on Sunday morning and the chef has prepared a 5 star breakfast for us. At 09:00 we are ready to meet what's ahead of us. We arrive at the hospital and Matthew is here.
Matt: Morning family.
My mom rushes to him with a hug and he breaks down.
Him: I'm sorry mommy, I wasn't there. I wasn't there.
Mom: It's ok my boy, there's nothing you could've done.
Poor Matt looks like he has aged a thousand years. My brothers have always been weird, they feel each other's emotions and even physical pain. I never asked if they feel each other's pleasure too. When the one reaches an orgasm, the other feels it. I smile.
Matt: And then?
Me: No big bro. This I will take this to my grave. I give him the longest hug.
Dad: What happened son?
Just as he's about to explain the doctor walks in. He shakes our hands and leads us to his office.

Dr: Good morning Mr Phillips, family. I'm doctor Patel
Us: Good morning.
Dr: I know you don't want pleasantries, but just actuals. It looks like Mr Philllips suffered a major heart attack.
Us: What?
Dr: We have stabilized him and it looks like he requires quadruple bypass surgery. I have contacted a specialist to consult. He will come through tomorrow morning. In the meantime you can see him, let me lead you to ICU so you can see him.

We are directed to wear protective gear and we prepare to enter 2 by 2. We let the parents in first. After 15 minutes I walk in with Matt. .

Michael looks so peaceful, he looks like he is just resting. A much needed rest if you ask me. My brothers are 34 years old, and I love them so much. I hold his hands and start praying for him. When I'm done a voice says I must not fear, all will be well. That's enough to give me the much needed peace.


On Monday morning the family Phillips is ready to go to the hospital. As their car is about to exit the gate there is a man is blocking the exit. Mr Phillips walks out of the car in a trance.

Man: Zikalala
Maluleka iphilibana likaDonda
Ngoba leswelabavubeli
Nina bakwaNgonyama
Nina bakwaMnini
Nina bakwaMansumpa
Nina bakwaMadlikivana


The man walks off, gets in a black SUV and drives off. Matt and I are so confused at this point, my mom is crying her eyes out while dad is still a statue, standing in front of the gate, just staring. Mom gets off the car and fetches her husband. The drive to the hospital is so tense and quiet. If only I knew what that strange man was chanting.

We are a bit late for our appointment. We are in front of the doctor's office and the voices in there are elevated.

Man 1: No Shakir, why did you call me?
Man 2: You are the best in the land. I didn't have an option. Plus the obvious ofcourse.
Man 1: Couldn't you atleast give me a heads up.
Man 2: You wouldn't have believed me.
Man 1: I still don't.
Man 2: You kidding me right? I'm sorry I didn't warn you old friend.
Man 1: I can't reconcile what is happening.
The voices are calmer. Dr Patel walks out to greet us.

Dr Patel: The surgeon is here, please come in. Good morning
We walk in and freeze in our tracks. I look behind me, Matt is still here. But he is in front of me too. Or is Michael awake, but why is he in a doctor's coat.
Doctor 2: Excuse me.

He walks out. 5 minutes later he returns.

Doctor 2: I'm sorry I walked out, I had to make a quick call.

He acts like he doesn't see or feel the elephant in the room.

Doctor 2: I had them run tests on our patient and as soon as the results are out, I will advise on steps required. He keeps looking at Matt, then dad.
Me: Doctor can we see him.
Doctor 2:  Urm Yes, yes let us go.
Dr Patel: I have moved him from ICU. He can breath on his own now. Strangest thing happened when we went in for a consult this morning. The new room is more accommodating.

The doctors lead the way. We all walk in. He has less machinery atrached to him, but he is still not awake. I really want to ask the new doctor who he is. But I'm afraid of the answer. And as the youngest in this room, I choose to keep my peace. My mom is deep in thought. My dad's mind looks like it's on over process mode. Could my dad have cheated on mom? I know my parents conceived on their first date. Story of another day.

Just then the door opens. The chanting man from this morning walks in, followed by my dad. Wait. My dad is already in here, like WTF!!! My head is spinning, then my dad faints, the non lookalike instructs the third twin to add a bed in here. Yes he's the third one. Or should I call him the doctor triplet. More people who look like us walk in. How many more people can this ward hold?

Man: Ndodana ngathi kuyagcwala. Ngicela bonke abangaguli baye kwakho.(Son it's getting full in here. Can you accommodate everyone that is not ill at your house?)
Doctor 2: Yebo baba.( Yes sir)
The doctor whispers to the youngsters and ushers them out. Then he comes to Matt and I, we are glued to one another.
Doctor 2: My wife is on her way here now, she will take you to my house and I will stay here with our parents. This is a lot to take in, but all will be well.
I want to protest; but honestly I'm paralysed by all this.
Funny man: No ndodana(son), they should be here. Your wife can join us when she arrives.

Doctor Patel has also left us. We are here with the strangers. Strangers that look just like us. My mom is being comforted by a lady, I gather she's the mrs. The doctor's beeper sounds and he steps out. He comes back with a chart.

Doctor: Michael's results are back. I have to run more tests as there is nothing irregular in his bloodwork. His ECG reading was off the charts. That's why they called me here. Let me order another ECG and a CT scan.
The funny man was in the corner of the room, the entire time. I look there, he has created a mini shrine, there are candles burning and incense.

I whisper to Matt:
Me: South Africa is weird bro.
Him: Tell me about it.

Funny man: No need. He is healed now.
He moves to Michael, blows the incense in his face and moves to my dad and does the same.

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