Chapter 6

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My person and I are going out for dinner tonight and we will take Samu to the beach tomorrow. Apparently the thought of him alone in that house with his ex wife is giving him anxiety attacks. I must find a way to get mommy to get me the green light from daddy to stay with him till she goes back RSA.
Daddy: We are supposed to be bonding angel but your mind is not here.
I just blush.
Him: You still won't tell me who this boy is that is keeping you busy.
Me: Dad.
Mom: Leave my child alone Phillips.

The house phone rings and I run to answer.

Me: Phillips residence.
Voice: Good day mam. You are speaking to Shaun from the Tanzanian embassy in South Africa. A Mr Michael Phillips has been identified in a South African hospital and this number was in his personal effects.
Me: What happened to him. Is he bad?
Voice: He is unconsuous. We need you to come to the country, there are decisions and signatures required.
Me: Thank you sir we will be in touch.
Before I hang up I remember I haven't really gotten any usable information from him.
Me: Wait. Please don't hang up, let me call my dad.
My dad is already next to me. He takes the phone while I walk slowly to my mom who is standing at the door, eyes wide open. I'm afraid to look at her, my tears are just flowing. Her twins are her world. Daddy quickly hangs up and comes to us.
Me: Daddy where is Matthew? How come he and Michael are not in the same place?
Dad: Your brothers should be in the same place. I spoke to Matt during the week, but not Mike.
Mom: Can you both just tell me what is happening. You are scaring me.
Me: That call was from the Tanzanian embassy in South Africa. Michael is unconscious in a hospital there.
Mom: My baby.
She starts wailing too.
Dad hugs both of us. He keeps giving his wife baby kisses.
Dad: Let me arrange for our trip there. Now you two go and pack.

Both of us head to our separate rooms while dad goes to his study. My phone rings. I answer absent mindedly.

Senzo: Alana you haven't been answering my messages. Are we ok?
I just start crying.
Him: Baby what's wrong
I haven't said anything to him. I'm just in pain and making him deaf with my loud sobs.
Him: I'm on my way
He hangs up

A few minutes later the I hear a car drive down the driveway. I walk out to him. I'm not ready for him to come in as a boyfriend.
He holds me so tight and I want to stay like this forever. This feels so right.
Him: Now tell me why you were crying?
Me: One of my brothers is in hospital in South Africa.
Him: How bad is it?
Me: We only know that he's unconscious. Nothing more.
Him: Let me go in and help your dad plan this trip.

We walk in hand in hand. My mom spots us and comes to us, I remove my hand quickly from his.
Me: Mom this is Joshua.
Mom: Pleasure to finally meet you my son. I'm sorry about the timing.
Him: The pleasure is mine. Ma please show me to where Mr Phillips is, I would like to help him arrange for South Africa.
Mom: Lana dear please show my son to your dad's study.


The mood in this house is so somber. It hurts to think of the amount of pain they are going through. Mr Phillips has 3 children. Twin boys who are older than my queen, then her.
Me: Good day sir. I'm here to help
Him: Afternoon son.
Me: What do we know so far?
Him: Nothing about his health. Only that he is at Milpark Hospital in Johannesburg. He needs me.
I can see the pain in his eyes.
Me: Sir, let me arrange flights and accommodation in Joburg.
Him: You will do that for me? You know you only need to manage my work project.
Me: I have something to gain by doing this right.
Him: You do?
Me: I want to marry Alana, so if I do this right. You will welcome me to the family.
He laughs so hard. Atleast for a second I get him to forget his troubles.
Him: That is the best news. I couldn't have looked for a better son in law. I'm proud of you my son.
Me: Thank you sir, let me get to it.

I arrange with my travel agent for a guesthouse in Parktown, flight tickets from Dar to Joburg and a V20, with a driver for the duration of the stay.
The flight leaves in 4 hours.

I get home brokenhearted. I just saw them off at the airport. I open the door and the lighting is slightly dimmer. Dinner is laid on the table, it's so quiet Samu is probably sleeping. In walks madam in the shortest dress. Her ass cheeks are out, her boobs are also spilling out of this dress. It looks like it's about 2 sizes too small, I'm sure Alana can rock this and look 2000 times better. I turn the lights all the way up.
Me: Ngiyalingwa la.(I'm being tested here)
Her: Babakhe(daddy). Welcome home.
Me: Erm Hi T. Please hold on a second.
I make a call
Me: Sam I'm sorry to do this but please turn around, I still need you tonight.
Sam: On my way sir. I wasn't far
Me: You lets go.
I drag her to her room and put all her belongings in her suitcases.
Thandi: What are you doing?
Me: You need to cool off a bit, you're sleeping in a hotel tonight. Where is my daughter?
Her: She is with your maid.
Me: Good. Your lift is here. We will see you in 2 days.

I drag her out and give Sam some money to book her into a hotel. This woman is stupid, I can't believe the universe picked her to be the mother of my child. What am I saying, I drilled into that vagina myself. I call in Sue and my baby and spend a quiet night with them

SMS: We landed safe. We will chat in the morning. Love you
Me: Love you too


I have never been this embarrassed. This fool keeps looking at me through his rear view mirror.
Me: What are you looking at wena?
Sam: I'm sorry mam.
He's apologized, but he keeps stealing glances. I look down and realize I'm still half naked. Mncm Senzo didn't even notice.
He bought me this dress himself, we were on a baecation in the Northern Cape. He bought it a bit small. His words were that he loved how it grabbed everything and spilled out his goodies.
Sam: You love him, don't you?
I look at this fool. I don't know why he thinks we are friends.
I look up and we are in front of a forest. Not a hotel in town.
Him: You will be able to lay low in here. It's a 5 star bnb run by a friend of mine. It's child friendly too.
He jumps out of the car, opens the boot and brings me a jersey.
Him: Wear this so I can check you in.
We walk in into the reception and they seem to be expecting us. We are lead to a great suite. I actually love this place. It's the kind of quaint establishment my husband would bring me to on our impromptu escape weekends. I can't believe I found those gestures boring. He would make love to me from the car to every nook and corner. That little girl is playing games. He loved me so much and I'm sure he still does. A love like ours doesn't just die.

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