Chapter 25

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There's a knock on the door. I didn't expect them this early, I have a doctor's appointment in 10 minutes down the street, I guess they will be the first to know. I take my bag and rush to the door and walk past them.

Me: Hi; you are on time, let's go. I was about to call a taxi. I'm so lazy to drive you're my lifesavers.
I'm talking so much. I haven't even given them a chance to speak. He steps out of the car. He looks like he has aged a 1000 years, even gone a smidge darker. I'm frozen in my tracks.
Michael: Look who decided to drop in.

He walks slowly towards me, I don't know if I should run back to the house or straight into his arms. I look down and my once flat stomach, suddenly has a small bump. Literally a minute ago there was nothing. Now all of a sudden, daddy's here and someone decides to make an appearance. I have imagined this moment so many times, but this overwhelming sense of belonging I feel now was not there. At this moment I decide what our future looks like. I wait for him to get to me, he kneels in front of me and holds my waist. He looks up at my face and back to where he is. He lifts my top and I swear this bambino is a traitor, I feel bubbles and all sorts of commotion in there. He kisses the stomach, gets up and holds me in his arms. I missed his hugs. This man can hug.

Me: We are running late can we go please.
I give Michael directions.

We all walk in the reception area.
Receptionist: Aah ms Zikalala you are not alone today. Good for you.
This girl is too much. Was that even necessary.
Her: The doctor will see you now. You can all go in.
I look at the 3 sets of eyes starring at me. They haven't said anything. It's quite funny actually. In the past 10 minutes with them, they've all gone mute.
Me: Let's go.
Dr: Good morning Luthando. This must be daddy,
He shakes Josh's hand.
Me: My brother and his girlfriend.
He shakes their hands too.
Dr: Come let's check on this little one.
I lie on the bed and lift my top up. The heartbeat greets us first, I will never ever get used to this, a tear drops, Joshua wipes it off. I look up.
Joshua: Thank you.
Dr: Ok the baby is growing fine, we will know the sex at the next visit. You are still eating too much Luthando, this baby is big. Everytime you over eat just remember you have to push him out your vagina.
He giggles and I join him.
Me: I can't help it doctor. I eat amagwinya for breakfast lunch and supper. It's all he wants to eat. It's her fault.
I point at the girlfriend.
Everyone bursts out laughing.
Joshua: I can't believe it. No wonder I've been eating amagwinya too. Babe you won't believe even Sue knows how to make them now.
Me: Thank you doctor. Goodbye.
Dr: Bye family. Don't forget to make the appointment before you leave.
We walk out. I remain behind and schedule my next appointment and walk to them. They are already in the car. I get in and sit next to him in the back.
Joshua: You want me to leave you here?
It came out as a whisper. But we all heard it. I look at him and I don't have and answer. I just put my head on his chest as doze off.
Joshua: We are here. Wake up love.
I open my eyes and it takes me a minute to see where we are. We are at the airport.
Michael: Our flight leaves in a few. Take care of yourself sis. I love you and I trust him.
He says pointing at Josh. His girlfriend hugs me for the longest time.
Jabhile: You saved my life. Thank you.

We watch them go. And get in the car.
Josh: I'm starving love, where do we get food.
We drive off with my hand in his. I'm craving steak this morning. I direct him to my favourite chisanyama. We walk in and he goes to sort out our meal. After a while he's done braaing and comes with lots of meat, pap and salads. As soon as he puts the food on our table, I sit on his lap, look in his eyes and give him a slobbering kiss.
Me: Let's eat. We will talk when we get home.
He smiles at me and we dig in.

An hour later we park in my driveway. Honestly I just want to sleep but I know this man wants to talk. The weather has changed, the wind has picked up and it's raining. I pull him to the bedroom. I go down on my knees and untie his laces. Push him on bed and remove his sneakers and socks. I untie his belt and his jeans button. I unzip his jacket, get off the bed and pull him up. Mind you, this man is double my size, but right now he is putty in my hands and allowing me to do this. He is left in his boxers and vest and I'm still fully dressed. I remove my boots, leggings and jacket and am left in my t-shirt. I pull the heaviest blanket out of the cubboard and put it on the bed. I get under it and open for him to join me. He's been standing there like a statue, watching me. He removes the rest of his clothes and walks towards me. I gasp at the sight of his hard member.
I put my head on his chest. He pulls all of me to lay on him. I haven't felt him in so long. This is home and I pass out.


I let her sleep on me for an hour. But I miss her. I start caressing her bum and make her straddle me. She moans in her sleep. It's been so long I just want to be in her right now. I move her panty to the side and slide my finger in. She is so wet. Damnit. She lets out another moan. I can't hold myself anymore. I move her head from my chest, pull her up and start kissing her lips. She opens her mouth and my tongue makes its way in. She kisses me back and that is the green light I needed. She tries to move down so she can be in line with Shenge. She's so wet for me. I hold her in place.
Me: Lana you left me.
Her: Please
Me: You left me Lana. You left me.
Her: I'm sorry. Please
Me: I thought I showed you love. Baby I thought you knew that you were my earth.
Her: Please
Me: Please?
Her: Please
Me: Please what?
Her: Make love to me Joshua. I'm so sorry.
I put her on the bed and get up, all the time, not moving my eyes off her. She looks so fragile right now. I remove her t-shirt. Her bra and lace briefs follow. She's lying there all ready for me. My son hardly visible. This is where I wana be.
Her: Baby please.
Me: Patience my wife. Patience.
I open her legs. My kingdom is calling me. I rub Shenge from the clit to to her entrance, put it in a bit and it grips. SHIT. I pull it out and slide it back to the clit.
Her: Please sthandwa sam.
She speaks Xhosa.
Me: Will you walk out on me again?
I put the tip in again and I'm about to exit again, she holds me with her legs.
Her: Don't. I should've had more trust in you. In us.
I pull out again.
Me: Will you disappear without hearing me out again?
A tear escapes her left eye.
Her: No, I promise.
Enough now I put it all in. She yelps in pain. Shit the grip is unbelievable.
Me: I'm sorry my love. I'm sorry.
I start moving keeping my eyes on hers. Her walls are grabbing me so tight. I groan, while she whimpers. My family. I have my family.

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