Chapter 12

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I can't believe my life right now. I'm trying to move on but my heart is just sore. I met Pat on the first week of high school at Feza. She has been with me throughout. We met the other 2 over the years, also at Feza. I thought friends you know all your life become family. Yes we went our separate ways in tertiary, but we snapped back together after they came back. They all went abroad to study further and I stayed back and did my engineering degree locally.

What Pat said broke my heart. It wasn't my fault they never graduated. But she seems to blame me for all her failures. They've been in stable relationships when I, on the other hand, quit in the morning. My first love took the cookie and ran. After that I closed up shop. I mean he wined and dined me for months. A full year actually, then after our first time together he ghosted me. They've been trying to hook me up, but I was never interested. All their guys seemed to care about the business more than me, or just want to tap and pass. Josh is actually the first guy ever I found on my own. I've always been hooked up.

Our last night together as girls was short. We went out for drinks , but I didn't want to drink without Joshua. I didn't tell them that though, I had a silly excuse and they kept adding shots. I just waited for him to come. When he finally showed up I had 7 tequila shots to down. He said Sam had delayed him to a point where he almost didn't make it. The girls were so bored when they saw him. I know now it's because they saw him as my happiness. My ride or die wanted me to be raped by an HIV positive man and then fall pregnant by him.

Joshua: Sthandwa sam. I miss you at work.

I forgot he's back from the site. I didn't realize I was daydreaming and raise my eyes to look at him. He saved me. If I had taken all those shots, I would have suffered alcohol poisoning or even an overdose from those ruffies. He downed them like they were water.

Joshua: Alana are you listening to me?
Me: Oh sorry.

He baby kisses me and holds me tight. I cry silently because all I do these days is cry and he holds me tight. We hear tiny knocks on the door and I know my Samu is here, I'm sure Sue is nearby because since little missy can crawl now she's everywhere and very fast, we've had to baby proof the house.

I open the door and find her face beaming up. She has the cutest smile. I lift her up and when we turn we find Josh on his knee.
Him: I was planning an extravagant proposal. With candles and roses. But seeing the 2 most important people in my heart made me realize I didn't want to go on without you permanently being in my life. Princess and I need you in our lives. Will you marry me Alana Luthando Zikalala.
I scream and nod. Nod vigorously. He places the ring on my finger and kisses it. I just want him to hold me and kiss me and make passionate love to me all night. I hear laughter and immediately look up. He's on the phone.
Him: Baby pack our bags. We are leaving.
Me: What?
Him: We need a proper engagement. My dad already sent a letter to your family. I'm paying your bride price this weekend.
Me: And work?
Him: Already sorted. Now hurry, our flight leaves in 2 hours. South Africa here we come.

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