Chapter 35

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My parent's love was always something to marvel. We knew that they loved us kids, but they put each other first. Always. They double teamed us all the time. I was born with my twin but their connection was just that special. They would only stay mad at each other for only an 1 hour. 2 hours max. You walk out of the kitchen , leaving them arguing about eggs. You come back 5 minutes later and they're laughing about something else.

I didn't think in my lifetime I would meet someone like my Sweetness. I thought it would be too hard to find my yang. But the universe made our paths meet. I had built a life and settled in Berlin but the chance to spear-head an unbelievable project lead me to South Africa. I collapsed in front of the lift as Michael Phillips and I woke up with a whole new identity. I woke up with a heritage. My family was rescued by that moment.

I bring in the chairs as instructed and Sweetness and I settle in front of the seniors. I take her hand in mine, trying to calm her nerves, but she yanks it out. I smile and look at babu Zulu. I'm also shitting bricks.

Zulu: oMpungose allowed us to send that letter with no reservations. Makoti we don't allow our boys to bring the wrong woman in this family. I consulted the minute we heard about the engagement.
I look at her and she is looking at the floor as if wishing it would open and swallow her. Unfortunately that only happened in the bible.
Zulu: Sicela usichazele ngalempixa badala.
I only understood cela.
Zulu: Sorry.
I guess he read my face
Zulu: Please tell us what happened, so we can be ready for the meeting on Saturday. Don't worry whatever you say in this room will not make us change our hearts or minds about you. You are Sambulo's prize for bringing the Mpungose clan together.


Hearing those words settled my insides a bit.
Me: Ngiyabonga baba.(Thank you sir)
I take a deep breath, close my eyes.
Me: My family was overjoyed when they found out I was with Sipho Mahlangu. They were the richest, most powerful family in the area. My father decided to cash in. He went straight to his father and demanded he pays for his son "ruining" his daughter. He was given a lot of money. He came home saying I was now a married woman. I was in matric, I was told when I finish writing, they were taking me to the Mahlangu home. The day I finished writing, I packed my bags and ran away.
Bab' Peter: So they lied to the Mahlangu's?
I didn't know how to answer that.
Bab' Moses: They are not to be trusted. Do you know how much was paid for you?
I shake my head
Bab' Moses: Don't worry your pretty little head our daughter.
Bab' Zulu: Abaphansi bakwa Mpungose see you as their makoti. Kodwa besebekulindile kwa Mahlangu. Igazi lakho lichitheke la kwa Zikalala. That makes all their dealings useless.
I look at Michael, he needs me to explain what was just said. In front of his parents.
Bab' Peter: My son, because you broke seal, you win. The ancestors acknowledge that her blood was spilt here.
I'm blushing so hard right now. Thank God I'm dark. This one smiles like a retard.
Bab' Moses: Thank you my children for making me proud. We will resolve this. We don't know what to expect when we get there so we will leave you here and travel alone.

After lunch they leave and we are left alone. He holds me so tight.
Mike: I love you.
Me: I know. Thank you. I love you too.
Him: So when was the last time you saw him?
Me: When I ran off
Him: So...
Me: I don't want to talk about it.
Him: I don't want any surprises Sweetness.
Me: What?
Him: You want me to repeat myself? Really? I can't do this with you right now. All these secrets. I want the truth. Not that bullshit you fed our parents. If your heart belongs to him, I want no part of this.
He walks out.
I slide to the ground tears flowing.


I love her, she is my future. But there's no way in hell I'll be stuck in a relationship with no honesty. I don't know why she thinks I'm an idiot. I've never taken shit from nobody in my life and it won't start now. I take a few minutes walking in the garden to calm myself down. When I return I find her in the exact spot I left her. I pick her up and head to our bedroom, remove our clothes and get in the covers. She doesn't move. Doesn't talk. Doesn't even turn to look at me. I'm not doing this shit. I go downstairs and sit in the lounge with my bottle and a glass.

After an hour I'm tipsy as hell and she walks in. She comes with a glass and fills it with my drink. I'm watching to see what she will do now. She downs the glass, I try to stop her, but she's gotten it down her trap. It's Stroh Rum so that was not a good idea.

Her: All the attention he gave me. All the gifts he showered me with. I was convinced he loved me. I was 16 when we met. I was naïve and...
She is starting to slur her words. She did just down 80% alcohol percentage.
Me: We can discuss this tomorrow.
Her: NO TODAY!!!!
I think she's about to fall over, but I let her be.
Her: I'm sorry for not being open with you. I have never had to...
Lights out. I carry her to bed and pass out next to her.

I wake up first and look at how beautiful she looks. I want to touch her and make passionate love to her, but we need to focus in order to move past her hurt. It scares me how deep that fool affected her. If only she would talk to me. I didn't even realize she had woken up, I'm so deep in thought.
Her: Good morning.
Me: Morning
Her: What happened last night?
Me: Stroh Rum
Her: The plan was to talk. I'm sorry I got drunk.
Me: We can talk now.
Her: I knew he was a player. From the get go. But I chose to eat up all the schlep he fed me.


Watching him last night made me realize how important it is to let him in. I decided I was gona tell him everything.

Me: Good morning
I find Sipho in the car waiting to drive me to school. He's been driving me to and from school whenever he's available. He gives me a small package.
Him: It's nothing really. Just a BlackBerry phone. I need to find you when I need you. Keep it on you, it won't make a noise.
Months passed and I was happy. The year I was in matric he had finished varsity and started working. He was serving his articles at a firm in Johannesburg, which meant less time at home. On weekends he was busy on the family business. Rumours of him with different women intensified. He got tired of being interrogated.
Him: What I need as a man is that thing between your legs. If you can't serve me; someone else will.

During my finals I got a call from him
Voice: Aaaah Sipho. Yessss. Aaaah
Voice: Mmmh.... Yes baby girl.
I hung up the call and phoned back. He didn't pick up and it went to voicemail
Me: Who the fuck is that Sipho? It's over.

My aunt caught us when we were busy arguing. Well he was apologising and I was screaming. When my dad went to confront Mr Mahlangu, Sipho convinced his dad to pay everything my dad wanted because he figured I'd be stuck with him for life.

A few weeks later I was out of there. I haven't seen Sipho since. I was 17 when I finished Matric I am 23 in 2 weeks. If he wanted to find me, he would have. I was almost raped 3 years ago, landed in jail for beating that son of a gun up. I called Sipho for assistance, and he ignored my please.

Michael has been quiet listening to everything I've said attentively.
Me: Say something.
Him: You start school in 2 days. We are moving you in tomorrow, let's go.
Me: So you have no comment Sambulo.
Him: You've had time to process this baby. Can you give me time also. I promise I'll weigh in ok.
I'm so disappointed right now. We get ready an leave for the shopping. It takes us all day. We get home and a 2 gentlemen walk in.
Gentlebrother: We are here to do your hair.
2 hours later I have a beautiful fine twist on my head. Yes 2 hours. Magic
My baby hands me painkillers and we go to bed.

Me: Do you still love me?
Him: Do you still love him?
Me: Stop with this emotional blackmail bullshit Michael.
He looks at me.
Me: I was with him for almost 2 years. Yes I loved him. But it was teenage stuff. I never gave him my soul. Hell I couldn't even give him my body. I met you landed in your arms as if pushed by a gust of wind. You caught me. You turned my world upside down, which is the right way up. You gave me a purpose to live. I have never been happier than I am now. You did not sell me a dream. You put it into action. I am living my dream.
Now this insecurity cloak you are wearing, doesn't suit you. Leave it outside this relationship because I have no time for it.

I feel so emotionally high strung now I just start wailing. He holds me so tight, and then starts kissing my neck, my tits craved for the attention he's giving them now. My stomach, all the way to my nuffie. Then he starts eating me out. I can't stop crying, it feels so good it's making me cry even harder. I come so hard and before I can compose myself he drives himself in so quickly. I scream.
Him: Tell me you're mine.
His strokes are slow, deep and I'm holding him so tight with my thighs. I feel a droplet on my face and open my eyes. My baby is crying as well.
Me: I'm yours Sambulo
I pull him to me and he doesn't stop thrusting deep into my soul.
Me : I will never hurt you Sambulo. I love you. I love you so much
We cumm in synch and we just hold each other for the longest time.

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