Chapter 30

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Me: Aaaah Michael. Mmmh
That is how I wake up on this Tuesday morning.
Him: F$%k
Me; Mmmh
Him: Good morning... mmmh
Me: Aaaaah
I open my eyes and my whole upper body is hanging off the side of the bed. His grip is so tight, I know I won't fall.
He slows down. Almost to a stop.
Me: Michael
Him: Yes love
Me: Michael, please
He increases his pace, then fades
Me: Please
Him: What do you want Sweetness.
Me: Harder mmmh. Harder please. Please.
It's as if I have woken something up in him. He does me so hard so fast. I release screaming and he follows soon after.

He pulls me back on the bed and holds me so tight
Him: I love you my wife.
Me: Damnit baby. What was that? I love you too
We fall back asleep.

My alarm goes off literally minutes after falling asleep.
Me: Really!!! I'm definitely not staying here.
Him: Why?
Me: Because you kept me up the whole night. How am I going to survive on my feet the whole day?
Him: That reminds me.
He walks out and comes back with a folder.
Him: Look at these and choose your favourite.
I open it and it's culinary institutes.

He walks into the bathroom and comes back 10 minutes later.
Him: See anything you like?
Me: I have found a Michelin star one here in Johannesburg, but the course starts next week and it's full time.
Him: Go shower quickly. We will see them before work.

We arrive at the college and everything looks expensive. I want to turn around and run for the hills. Michael just holds my hand tighter and we walk into the building.
Receptionist: Good morning sir, mam. Do you already have an appointment?
I'm shocked that she sees me too and I'm already in my uniform. I think I'm going to love it here.
Him: No mam
She smiles at me.
Her: How can I help then
Him: We wanted to enquire about your courses on offer.
Her: Please take a seat. Someone will assist you shortly.

A short balding white man walks out.
Him: Good morning. Please come with me.
He leads us to a boardroom.
Him: You are the luckiest people I've ever met.
We just look at him. He smiles.
Him: We do an intake of students once every 2 years. Our courses are full for the next 3 intakes. One of the people due to start next week pulled out just this morning. I was about to put word out and you walk in.
I smile like I've just had ice cream.
Michael: Where do I sign.
Principal: Our course is intense and taxing. We will literally run your life for the next 22 months. You will have quarters here, but can go home most weekends, and some week days.
We fill in the paperwork and Michael pays for the entire course.
Principal: See you next Wednesday miss Skosana.

We walk out hand in hand. We get in the car and I start crying.
Me: You did that for me?
He gets out of the car pulls me out and holds me close.
Him: I love you. I love your ambition. Your dreams are my dreams. We are in this thing called life together.
I give him the longest kiss.
Me: Thank you Mpungose wami.
I smile at him.
Me: All this makes up for pounding me all night, last night. Thank God we ran out of condoms. But it was already 6 in the morning.
We burst out laughing. He drops me off at the mall and heads out.


Charcoal walks in 30 minutes late. Usually when she is late she is so scared. Shakes in her boots. But today she has a strange confidence.
Me: You are late.
Her: I'm sorry mam.
Me: Where is your gym bag? Where did you change? I don't want you disgusting my customers with your magwinya smell.
Her: I don't sell there anymore. I had a meeting this morning. That's why I'm late.

1st it was the private hospital incident, being attended by 1 of the biggest cardiologists in the country for malaria. Then the gifts. and that engagement ring is expensive. I googled it and it costs over R60k. Now this attitude.

Her: Will that be all mam. I see there are people waiting for me at my counter.
Me: It's ok you can go to work.
I keep watching her from a distance. She commands respect. There is definitely a huge change in her aura.

Voice: What are you thinking about friend?
Me: Oh hi Lerato. It's nothing really. So how is operation "Get kortes back"
Her: Nowhere
Me: Let me see a picture of this man
Her: I don't have any.
Me: What do you mean?
Her: He never allowed me to take any puctures.
Me: Hayi mngani.
Her: It was supposed to be a 1 night stand. Then we kept going to the same hotel. It was a no strings attached arrangement but he ruined it. He'd send flowers, gifts and call me during the day.
Me: So how did you find out where he works.
Her: I eaves dropped on a phone conversation. I didn't even know he had a wife. All of a sudden he remembered her and iced me out.
Me: She needs to go.

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