Chapter 9

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Me: Luthando Zikalala
I keep repeating it in front of the mirror. I keep thinking about our circumstances.

We are relaxing under a tree with the parents.
Me: You guys acted as if yours was a normal love story. Mommy did you really conceive the twins on your first date?
They both laugh at me.
Mom: But Lana is that conventional?
Dad: Our beginning is one for the storybooks.
Mom blushes as they look each other in the eye.
Him: It was always a bit weird so we never spoke about it. I was stationed in Uganda for training. After a grueling couple of months we were finally given time off, which meant, we could relax and drink in our tents, instead of patrolling the bush in the dark. Some of the Ugandan militants stationed there, offered us fresh meat from Kenya. We honestly thought they were talking about alcohol or actual normal livestock, but when we got to the village, it was actually girls. Apparently loose university girls so they weren't interested. You must know life in the bush is hard. You do a lot of despicable things.
He looks to the hills as if far in thought. He is remembering things that were long stolen from him. He smiles.


The young women had been traveling for days. They were taken from different parts of the East Coast, some as far as Somalia.
Soldier: We want to rate the merchandise so we can make money. So go in there taste for us and score out of ten.
All their heads were covered in sacks and they were in long brown muslim dresses.


Dad: The women could hear this conversation and were crying. I was watching this particular one in the corner busy playing with her hands like she's doing now. I got up and took her out to the Hut designated to me. We got in and this one wasn't even shy. She removed the sack and long dress.
Mom smiles.
Her: So now you remember.
Dad: We talked, laughed, cried together. By 2 in the morning, we had snuck out of that Ugandan village. By the end of that week we had entered Tanzania. Fugitives with nothing, but our love for each other.
Me: Dad when did you lose your memory?
Him: The second I broke her virginity. She didn't know enough about me to help piece it together and the bush wasn't an option.
Me: When?
Mom: We waited 90 days. Which is how long you should wait before you sleep with that nice young man.
Michael: What young man?
Matthew: Let's go home to meet him.
Me: Not so fast idiots. You will meet him, we are getting married.

My poor dad has worked hard to build a thriving construction company in Tanzania, far away from anyone or anything he knew
partnered with South African companies when they had projects in Tanzania, but has done no construction here. We travel back to Johannesburg in a few days and he has scheduled meetings with the partners we've worked with before. All 3 of us plan to join him for moral support.

Me: I want to go home now. I think I've exhausted my stay here.
Penny: Really? You haven't seen nothing yet.
Me: But I miss my man
Penny: I knew it. It had to be a man.
Me: But Penny, I can't even call him!!
She bursts out laughing
Her: It's your fault your phone ended up in hot steamy cow dung!!
I can't help but join her. We are both laughing our heads off.
Me: But when I bought it; they said it was waterproof!!
Her: Too bad it's not dung proof!!!
I start crying now.
Me: I don't even have a picture. Nothing. I can't even remember his numbers.
Her: Tell you what. Let's leave the boys with their grandma's and go explore the beach.

We spend all day at a spa and site seeing in Port Edward. It's beautiful here. But Luthando misses Joshua.
Her: Earth to Lana
Me: Hey
Her: You are thinking about Joshua again
Me: I can't help it Penny. He is the sweetest man ever. Do you think the dad's will allow me to go back?
Her: Let's go get the mom's in our corner first.
Me: I'm afraid to surprise him though. You know I've been AWOL for a week.
Her: So? He won't find someone new in that short period.
Me: I left him with his baby mama, ex wife.
Her: NOOO!! Why didn't you say anything sooner, we need to get you on the next flight out.
Me: In the same house. I left her in the guest bedroom.
Her: Let's go.
She drags my arm. While we're being driven home, she books me on the next flight out. It only takes off tomorrow morning. It will be a Saturday morning, so Josh won't be working. Honestly I am worried about making surprise drop ins. But I miss him too much.

Penny: Sanibonani endlini.
Moms: Hi dear
Even my mom has learnt how to greet. I'm impressed.
Penny: We have a problem. Sis Alana here needs to be in Tanzania as in yesterday.
Mom: It's because of the young man isn't it.
I look down embarrassed.
Me: Yes mommy
Her: We have done everything that we needed to do. Everything else can be done bit by bit. We had a discussion with your dad, that the company needs you on the ground. So you can go. Honestly I don't see a problem. I will talk to him tonight. In the meantime go pack.
You don't have to tell me twice. We rush to my room. From now on I'm going to print out a pic so I can keep it in my travel bag.

The flight is in the air by 5 in the morning. I'm so nervous. I can't even calm myself. I order an uber from the airport. Straight to his house


I haven't had a good night sleep since the last night Lana was here. It got worse when I couldn't talk to her anymore. Our last call was so awkward. Honestly I don't know if she was trying to break up with me. If I had a choice I'd be in South Africa right now. I hear the doorbell. So early on a Saturday. I guess Sue opened because now there is a knock on my bedroom door. What does this maid want. I turn and face the ocean. The door opens. WTF. I'm going to fire this bitch. If I wasn't naked under this duvet I would've jumped her.

Me: Susan, please send the person away. Tell them I will call them later. I'm under the weather.
Her: It's me.
That voice sends my blood rushing to all the right places. I turn to face the door and lift the duvet for her to join me. She rushes to me and I hold her so tight. She starts crying and for a second I forget I'm a man and I let a tear escape.

I kiss her so passionately, she melts in my hands. Her body responds to my every touch. Her dress lands on the floor, followed by her underwear. I'm towering over her tiny body, trying bit to overwhelm her with my weight.
Me: I miss my castle Lana.
Her: It misses you too.
Me: Can I just visit for a second. I will get up and find the condoms. I just...
Before I can finish, she grabs Shenge and places him at the entrance. I push in. Oh my heaven. I'm in heaven. I want to rush to finish but the emotions I'm feeling and the ones that have engulfed her face, making her tears to fall, that are making me to take it slow. I lift her right leg and place it on my shoulder. I'm going in deeper, causing her to moan louder and cry harder. She is nearing her end, her movements are now all over the place. I lift the left leg, sending her off the tangent, she moans so loud as she comes. I can feel my orgasm so close. I pull out just in time and spill on the towel next to the bed, I wipe her then clean myself.
I move closer to her. Hold her so tight.
Me: I love you so much Alana.
Her: I love you too Josh.

And we both fall asleep.

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