Moving Forward

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"Do you really think that she's coming to school today 'Tsumu?"

Atsumu shrugged at his twin brother.
"I don't know, but I'm gonna stand her and wait till the last minute."

"Me too." Oasmu said as he looked to your door, waiting for you to come out with a cigarette in hand, ready for the school day.

You wanted to stay home, but also knew that being alone would do you no good.
You would just sit in silence and probably finish off the pack your aunt gave you.

Instead you woke up to your usual set alarm.

You were quick to shut off the annoying buzzing.
Looking to your right you noticed Suna passed out still.

Turns out the two of you ended up falling asleep on the loveseat.
Thankfully to you, you didn't end up waking up in his arms.

Even though you wished it was that case.
But you knew that Suna was under the impression that you and Atsumu were a thing.
If you did end up cuddling, you wouldn't want him to feel guilty for disrespecting his friend.

And you weren't ready to tell Suna the truth just yet.

You woke Suna up with a shake.
He stirred in his sleep at first, but then slowly opened his eyes.

"Gotta get ready for school." You said.

"That's like the worst thing to hear first thing in the morning." Suna said in a groggy morning voice.
It made your cheek flush a tiny bit.

You didn't say any more words, but speed walking into your room to get changed.

Once you were done, you noticed the time and that you took a bit longer to get ready than you wanted to.
So you were gonna buy lunch today.

You gathered your things and walked to the door, where Suna was already waiting.

"I'm surprised that you're actually going." He said, stuffing his hands in his pockets.

"Yeah well.. If I don't then what good will that do? Just gotta move on."

Suna hummed, opening the door and letting you walk out first.

The minute you walked out, you noticed the twins standing just past your small fence.

Their mouths wide open.

"Uh.." Atsumu said.

You felt your cheeks flush as you turned to lock the door.

"It's not what you think blondie." Suna said, walking to the twin's side.

"So nothing happened huh?" Atsumu smirked.

"No, I wouldn't do that Atsumu. She's your girlfriend. I don't mess with stuff like that."

You took in a deep breath, hearing those words.
Atsumu and girlfriend.

"I know you're not! I'm just teasing!" Atsumu smiled as he fell behind to stand next to you.

He intertwined your hand into his and gave it a light squeeze.

Unlike the other times he would hold your hand in public.
This time was different.
He was trying to comfort you. Knowing what happened last night, this was his way of letting you know that he's there for you.

So you didn't pull away when you went to light up the first smoke of your day.

"We should talk later." Atsumu whispered to you, so the two walking in front wouldn't hear.

"About?" You said, taking a long drag.

Atsumu nudged his head towards Suna who was walking in front of you.

You rolled your eyes.
"Not now 'Tsumu."


"You're so cool!!"


"Osamu marry me!!"

Your eyes widened at the last remark from a fangirl.

"Oh my God suna!! You look so cool!!!"

Your head snapped to the new voice.
You weren't expecting to hear Suna' s name out of a fangirls mouth.
It shocked you to say the least.
And you'd be lying if you said it didn't make you jealous.

You tried to refocus on your homework but too many voices and thought, blurred your brain. Making it impossible to complete your math.

You twirled your pencil between your fingers. Watching the boys practice.

"Nice block Suna!!"

You clicked your tongue at the girl again.

"You're amazing!"

You gritted your teeth.

"So cute!!!"

You rolled your eyes.

"I love you Suna!!"

And you were up on your feet.
Unfortunately it made a loud noise and everyone stared at you.

You looked around and met eyes with Suna.
Smirking you turned to leave out the gym doors.
Not wanting to hear those fangirls anymore.

"I swear! There's more of them everyday!" You grunted as you walked to your spot behind the school.

When you got there you sighed.
Finally taking out a smoke.

"This blows." You said as you zoned out. Letting all your thoughts flow through your mind.

You checked your phone to see no new message from either of your parents.

But there was one from your aunt.

Aunt Mayu❤️: Hey hun. Look what happened yesterday was out of line on both sides of your parents. I had no idea that your dad was staying with his brother. If I did I wouldn't of agreed with your mom coming to Tokyo with me.
I'm talking to her. And we're gonna visit the doctors to see about any medicine that could help. I don't know.
Money wise.
I want to help you.
You do not need to get a job okay? Focus on your school.
If you need anything don't hesitate to call or text.
I love you Y/n.
You're so strong❤️
(Read @1:26pm)

You read that message over and over again.
It was a surprise to you to hear those words. "You're so strong."

Coming from your aunt, it made you happy.
You also felt good to know that someone was on your side.
It made you feel less alone.

You smiled to yourself as you remembered why you ran from the gym.

Because some girl was cooing over Suna.
Suna. Who was not your boyfriend.

"Fuck it." You said, tossing your phone back into your jacket pocket.
"Feelings suck. Why do they exist?"
You smirked to yourself as you took a long drag from your smoke.

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