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The ride was silent and it was starting to freak me out,just then the road started to get bumpy.We were going up some type of mountain.

Suddenly the car stopped I felt hands pushing me outside the car,the hands seemed to be Jungkook's since he was sitting next to me so he was probably the one to escort me out. I was still blindfolded and his hands were leading me through a path,not a single word was heard only the sound of leaves being stepped on and pasted by.

We were walking inside a forest since there was only trees and it was silent not a single car was heard.

He suddenly stopped and opened a door and pulled me inside while pulling the scarf off my eyes revealing a huge luxurious mansion.

"I'm back!",he shouted walking inside.
"Sup Kook welc-,who's this?",a tall brown haired boy said focusing his gaze on me.

"Oh yeah first let's settle down I'll explain everything",Jungkook said pulling me upstairs.
I started staring at my surroundings like a lost child.

"So Yuna this is your room and you'll stay here,don't worry your safe but only if you follow our rules",he said coldly.
"And what are they?",I asked curiously.
"First of all stay in this room and never leave it only in emergencies and emergencies like using the bathroom nothing else",he corrected,still keeping his straight face.
"Yeah and what if I'm hungry?",I asked worriedly.
"Starve until we give you",he answered.
"Ok let me get this clear,your basically going to treat me like a prisoner",I pointed out.

"Yeah and that's for your own safety",he corrected staring at me in a pitiful way.

"I want to leave",I stated.
"Yuna I don't think you understand who your dealing with",he continued changing his cold gaze into a pitiful one.
"I understand and I don't care",I spoke battling the tears that were starting to fall.

"Look don't be stubborn especially when your dealing with a mafia group,listen,it might seem simple for you to leave and go back to living your crappy life but trust me they will be after you and if they find you then your dead,so it's this or that,you die or continue living with us and following our rules that will lead to your safety",he said in a reassuring way.

I turned my gaze away from him and went back towards the neatly made bed and sat on it.He then left just like that without any other words.

Jungkook's POV:

I ran downstairs and settled myself on the long red sofa,where they all waited for me.

"Alright I think all of you need an explanation",I said staring at their angry faces.

"Oh yes we do",Jimin remarked.

"Alright first of all my dads story I'll speak of it some other time but to answer your questions that girl was the one who helped me escape so I thought it wasn't fair to leave her hanging and she needed some safety so I brought her here",I reassured.

"But master you do know she's a threat to us right",Namjoon spoke worriedly.

"I said I'll deal with her",I replied leaning back on the sofa.
"Master I agree with Namjoon she's a big threat to us and we'll need to keep an eye on her at all times,how do you know she isn't working for him?",Jin agreed.


"Master calm down we were just saying that for your safety,remember last time-",Hoseok spoke in agreement.

"I said I'll keep an eye on her and plus she could come in handy",I stood up and took out a packet of cigarettes.

"What do you mean master?",V questioned.
"I meant she might become our legendary tool that will lead us towards the rangers and you would never know what she's capable of,after all she is a therapist",I continued while lighting the cigar.

"Master way to go,I knew you had a plan in mind",Hoseok chuckled.

"Wait for it Hoseok,it's going to be epic",I continued.
"And when is that plan going to take place?"Jimin questioned.

"When I tell you but first we need to earn her trust",I said taking a long breathe inhaling the smoke and letting it out.

Yuna's POV:

I waited in my new room as I looked around.It was a floral beach themed room that had a balcony,which of course was locked and it has closet that was empty no clothes or anything and about the bathroom well it was outside.

I glanced at my handbag and picked up and decided to look for my phone.Surprisingly it wasn't there,searching here and there it was no where to be found.A knock was heard and I yelled a 'come in' before Jungkook walked inside and placed a plate of food on the table.

"Eat and sleep we have a long day tomorrow",he said walking towards the door.
"Hey do you by any chance know where my phone is?"I asked.

"Oh your phone,well I broke it",he glanced back at me.
"WHAT?!",I shouted.

"Don't worry I'll buy you a new one,it was just so they don't track your phone",he smirked.
"But I had all my memories inside of it",I said in a defeated way.
"You know you could just build new ones,with me",he seductively replied.

"Jungkook stop I'm still mad at you",I said staring at him in rage.
"All jokes aside eat and sleep we have a long day tomorrow and oh don't forget that the bathroom is on the left side of the hallway,and if you don't find it make sure to wake me up,my room is right besides yours",he informed while walking out and closing the door after him.

I sighed and laid back down...

This is going to be much worst then being a therapist,I'm a prisoner now...

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