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"Don't wait for tomorrowdo it all today

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"Don't wait for tomorrow
do it all today. If tomorrow never comes,
you'll never regret a day."

-Amy D. Liskey

Third-person POV:

A week passes by as they navigate their destination from one home to another. Yuna's open wounds healed little by little until only the dark patched scars is plastered on her face. The same goes for Jungkooks fractured arm and the colorized wounds on his back. The team has finally settled to discuss their plans for the future while keeping in mind the risks of this so-called mission.

Namjoon took it upon himself to prepare a large map of their village as well as the scattered routes that they have to consider when conferring their plan. Seokjin on the other hand, started jutting down distinct shops that could help provide him with a large portion of weapons to buy. He took it upon himself to consider the money he would spend on those destructive weapons and began to realize that this is probably the only chance they had if they do take it. Meaning if they fail this time it would take them years to build back their legacy.

They gathered up one night to discuss the ongoing plan. Taehyung began informing them about the sudden letters he had received from unknown sources. He claims that the letters were each given a week apart and that only one word was written in the middle of each paper.

The first letter he received has the word know written in black ink. He began showing them each letter and the words that they each held, from hold to watch to future. Each of them picked the letter up and tried to examine the meanings behind the words but they didn't seem to pinpoint any particular meaning.

Yuna sighed loudly as she examined the scattered letters. "These don't seem like they were sent by accident." 'No shit Sherlock,' Jungkook wanted to reply but decided otherwise. She looked at one letter in particular and held it up to the light. Looking closely she spotted a small dragon at the bottom of the note and suddenly her eyes lit up.

"Omg, I think I've seen this before."

They all glanced at her with a perplexed gaze, "Can you try to remember?" Namjoon questioned eyes furrowed.

She nodded at his request and quickly rested her head on her knees. Jimin stood up and began examining the other letters on the table. Jungkook groaned loudly, "Let's leave this for now and discuss the plan for tomorrow because we don't have much time."

Seokjin glanced up at him and cleared his throat, "So tomorrow I have called a couple of people to buy the necessary weapons from, and Taehyung requested that he'll book us a site to stay at."

They all listened quietly to the plan and seated each on a wooden stool. Reaching for a drink Jungkook spoke out, "That's good I believe we should discuss the official strategy we need to be precise to make this work and because they have more of an advantage in terms of the number of people to back them up we need to train harder and save more time."

Clearing his throat he continued, "In the meantime, Yoongi will work on hacking the security cameras at their headquarters, and Namjoon and I will work on a plan based on the resources we have."

Jimin looked up at the sudden halt in the room, "What about me?"

"You and Hoseok will both train and provide extra help for the team, I need Hoseok to assist Taehyung in booking us a safe place to stay. Jimin we'll also need you to guide Yoongi, we need to work as a team if we want this to work out." They all nodded at the given plan and glanced at the petite figure.

"What about Yuna?" Yuna glanced up at the question.

"She will stay with me."
Looking bewildered the girl sat up and replied, "What?!? No, why can't I join and fight for my rights you guys stole my future the least you could do is make me feel included."

Jungkook shook his head and slightly glanced at her, "That's not what I implied."

She plopped her feet on the floor and exclaimed, "Then what do you mean? I want to join this because I'm not going to be pulled around like a useless rag doll I want to be able to fight on my own, I want to ensure my safety and to make it out here alive."

Jungkook groaned and rubbed his forehead once more and nodded. "You can join, however, if you do it will be harder to fulfill your last wish which is your safety, when you join, you will be obligated to complete certain tasks that will put you at higher risks."

"I'm fine with that."

He nodded once more, "She will join the training with us tomorrow and we will proceed with the plan, let's end it here for the night," Jungkook exhaled and stood up to leave.

One by one they left for their designated rooms and so did Yuna who ended up sharing a room with Jungkook due to the short number of rooms.

She walked in and plopped her face on the small bed near the window. The room they stayed at had two beds (of course separated) and a shared bathroom, which she had to wait for due to it being occupied.

Yuna grabbed the cover and hid underneath them and began pondering over the strangely lingering symbol she saw on the given letters. She twisted and turned her gears but to no veil. Following that Jungkook came out of the bathroom wearing his sleepwear which consisted of blank sweats and a Calvin Klein shirt. The young girl scrambled and got up to get prepared for her night routine which was nothing too serious considering their circumstance.

It was only after midnight that she abruptly recalled a critical point, "I remember," she loudly spoke which startled the sleeping figure beside her. Jungkook who shifted in his sleep began rubbing his eyes at the sudden noise and muttered, "What?"

"Jungkook, the symbol, I remember where I saw it, I've seen it tatted on my father's shoulder."

A/n: Jungkook got #1 on the Hot 100 today and he tied with Jimin as the only K-soloist to debut atop the chart😭

Word count:1100

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