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"In the chain of your arms,I found my freedom

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"In the chain of your arms,
I found my freedom."
-Daniel Saint

Third-person POV:

The night came to an end followed by the rise of the bright orbit that shined through the thick curtains. The girl shifted slightly from the light shaft and clutched her eyes shut only to feel a figure beside her. It was then she remembered the previous night. Yuna looked up at the sleeping figure wondering how they ended up in that position. She contemplated moving fearing startling him from his peaceful sleep, so she continued to dissemble her sleep. The girl snuggled closer to him and went back to sleep knowing that he would be gone the moment she woke up again.

She woke a couple of hours later to an empty room. Glancing at the clock on the nightstand it read 12:36 meaning she slept for 3 more hours. Yuna hopped off the creaky bed and made her way to the bathroom. She quickly washed up and dressed herself in the new set of a white sweatshirt and light blue jeans.

As she headed downstairs she made eye contact with Jimin, who was drying his face in the bathroom. He glanced up at her and his features softened, it was as if he contemplated walking up to her and hugging her. He broke the trance and continued his routine. Yuna heaved a sigh and ran downstairs to help with making breakfast, which usually consisted of pancakes and scrambled eggs.

When she got there she met with Seokjin who was already flipping the batter displayed on the frying pan. Glimpsing around she saw a bowl of washed fruits and an already-set bacon and eggs on a plate.

"Who are all of these for?"
Seokjin glanced at her and smiled, "It's for everyone."

Yuan frowned at that and made a confused expression.

"Today is the day before we start training for the grand finale," he smiled lightly then proceeded, "We don't know who's going to make it out alive so it's best we enjoy these last couple of days in peace."

Yuna gulped at that and walked in to help Seokjin prepare the dishes. It wasn't long before Seokjin ushered her outside claiming she needed to rest before Jumgkook returned from his errand.

As she seated Jimin hesitantly walked up to her and seated right beside her. He sighed before starting, "I assume you already know how dangerous this mission is and with whom we're fighting."

Yuna gulped once and glanced up at him, " I know but I'm still in shock I don't know how I'm supposed to react anymore, I feel numb."

Listening intently he held up his gaze and nodded. "Can we talk privately?" He suddenly asked gradually looking through his surroundings. Not knowing what to say Yuna stood up and allowed him to lead the way into a guest bedroom by the planning room.

As they both made it in, Jimin scanned the outside before securing the room with a click. He quickly ushered her towards the bed and with alert eyes, he quietly began speaking. "Listen carefully, I understand the relation you have with our enemy and I understand the danger you've been subjected to just by being here, and for that I want you to know that I have a plan for you one that will help you out of this mess, though it may not save your father it will definitely help you escape."

With a stunned expression, Yuna nervously began biting her nails a nervous habit she acquired back in her early middle school years.

"Jimin, do you know what you're saying? Isn't this going to cause you trouble what if you get harmed for my disappearance?" She nervously uttered voice paling every ticking second.

He smiled gently as he examined her shaky figure. "Yuna, I promise it will work out you don't have to fret about me if you follow the plan I put out for you then everything will work in our favor."

With a skeptical look, she shook her head in disapproval. Yuna has lived a life with a fair share of regrets and mistrust she knows that in order to get something you must take and in this case she concluded that the said guy isn't being transparent enough.

"Weren't you the one who yelled at Jungkook for bringing in an 'outsider' because you believed that I was a threat, what changed, and what makes you think that I will blindly believe you?"

Raising an eyebrow he chuckled quietly, "Well of course I felt uneasy when we first met because you were in fact an 'outsider,' that doesn't mean that you are necessarily dangerous, though I thought you were, but again that goes out to show how important this mission is for me and inviting you was something we hadn't planned before."

I nodded quietly before speaking again," You didn't answer my question, what changed?"

Smirking he stood up and walked towards the vanity across the room, "Everything and everyone did and because I felt guilty I thought that helping you would burden us less, don't you think?" He turned towards her with a mischievous smile plastered on his face.

"So what's the plan?"
He smirked largely, "We'll speak about it tomorrow when we have time, make sure to prepare yourself for the grand finale."

Later that night Yuna sat awake repeating the conversation she had earlier. The more she thought about the matter, a wave of nausea seemed to creep up through her esophagus. Losing track of time she glanced up at the clock across the room that read 1:29 and frowned. Without even realizing it she stood up and walked out of the room and headed to the room beside theirs to knock.

The knock rang through the empty hallway as hurried footsteps made their way towards the door. Seokjin peered out with a questioning look she sighed and nervously asked, "Do you know where Jungkook is, he hasn't came back since the morning did he tell you where he went off to?"

He sighed a sigh of relief and shook his head, "You scared me for a second... hold on let me catch my breath... he actually said he'd return at 2 so thirty minutes from now I guess, why, do you miss him,?" He asked wiggling his eyebrows and smiling happily.

"Okay, I will go now." Turning away Yuna ran back to their room and waited the remaining minutes fighting unimaginable sleep.

A sudden door click was heard as she snapped from her momentary nap suddenly fully awake. With a sigh of relief, she saw the dark-haired guy walk inside raising his eyebrows at her questionable state where she sat there wide awake.

"Why aren't you asleep yet?"

Heaving a breath she replied, "I have something to tell you and I really need your help."

He walked up to her and laid down beside her, head tilted towards her and eyes focused on her he raised his hand and gently placed it on her head.

"Go on, what's keeping that pretty mind of yours awake all night hmm?"


A/n: I'm backk<3
Word Count: 1200

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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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