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I woke up straddled at the edge of the bed as the sun erupted from behind the curtains.It was morning probably 9 o'clock.Birds chirped outside each waiting for food as their parents kindly fed them.

I stretched my arms and yawned once more and went back to sleep staring at my surroundings.I spotted a shopping bag near the nightstand.Confusion hit me as why would there be a shopping bag here?,until I remembered that I was half naked.

"Oh crap!",I uncovered the bedsheet just to spot my naked legs.

"Ugh how did I forget that?",I quickly picked the shopping bag and started exploring what was inside.

What if it wasn't clothing?,I wondered.

What if it's a small fluffy puppy or what if it's a bomb wait what?!,I sighed and shook my weird thoughts and decided to see what was inside.

I stuffed my hand inside and pulled out a red bathing suit that had small white dots decorated on it.

"Woah!",I mumbled admiring the bathing suit,it honestly it looked nice.I never knew he had good taste in bathing suits and wait...

I grabbed the brassiere and tried it on and I couldn't believe my eyes.It fits perfectly,how the hell did he know my bra size?,Are guys this smart?

I sighed and glanced back at the shopping bag I should see what else he bought.

I once again stuffed my hand and pulled out a Nike sweatshirt and sweatpants paired together.

Hmm that's good what else and wait how much exactly did he pay for all this?!

There was something left at the bottom and it was a black and white Nike sneaker that fits perfectly with the outfit.And it was also my size,I'm confused.

I shook my thoughts away and decided to take a quick shower before I wore my new clothes,it's been 4 days without shower soo yeah?Walking inside the bathroom I started doing my business when suddenly something caught my eye....

"Noooo!",I shouted making my voice echo inside of the empty bathroom.

"I'm on my period",I cried out.

Ugh wrong timing how am I supposed to get pads now?Why is life so cruel?What I'm I suppose to tell him?And how?

I need them right now and he's no where to be found.Even if he was around I'm pretty sure I don't have that much confidence in me to ask him so ugh nooooooo!!!!!

I took a quick shower while constantly sighing in frustration.

I grabbed the towel that was on the door frame and wrapped myself around it.Walking out I kept thinking of a way to ask him or hmmm what if I escape it's a good chance,hmm no wrong timing I'd probably fail since I don't have that much energy in me to run.

Too concentrated in my thought I didn't even realize the figure that eyed me on the bed.I glanced up surprised I let out a small yelp holding my mouth in fear.

"WHAT THE HELL?!YOU SCARED ME!",I yelled frightened.

"I did?",he questioned still staring at me like I was some delicious meal ready to be eaten.
"Can you um leave I need to wear?",I awkwardly said holding onto the towel for dear life.

"I don't think I can,you should change in the bathroom",he coldly responded not moving a single inch.

"But it's wet,it's better here",I sadly said followed by a pout.
"What's wet?",he questioned a smirk plastered on his face.
"Wet?Ugh I meant wet in like the floor",my cheeks were already red in embarrassment but I tried correcting even if I knew he did that in purpose,what a jerk..

"Well I can't get up so you should change,here I'll close my eyes",he said innocently while covering his eyes with both his hands.

"Yeah!",I shouted in embarrassment while throwing something on him not realizing it was my bathing suit that flew and landed on his face.A smirk crept on his face as he picked it up,away from his face and examined it .

I blushed so much that I probably looked like a beet.I walked towards him and snatched it away from his hands and murmured "pervert" while clutching onto the red bathing suit.

"Come on hurry up I need to cloth myself",I cried out feeling exhausted from standing too long.
He smirked and closed his eyes while childly saying "see I can't see".He would've thought I would believe him.

"Come on hurry up I don't believe you",I angrily said fidgeting my toes on the floor impatiently.
"I swear I can't see anything",he swore while covering his eyes.
"Fine turn around",I replied sighing in defeat.He did as he was told but little did she know there was a mirror reflecting her body,little did she know he was watching while smiling happily.

As she finished clothing herself she lightly tapped on his shoulder alarming him to turn around.

"Times up!",I tapped on his shoulder while chuckling at his closed eyes.
"Oh um yeah so legs I mean let's go eat breakfast",he requested gulping constantly.

"Yeah but um I don't know how to say this but..",I awkwardly spoke holding both my hands and looking down at the floor.
He looked up confused at what she was going to say while staring at her he liked the way she looked in the oversized sweatshirt and wet hair.He liked how she was flustered when he told her to cloth in front him.He even liked the way she innocently talked to him not knowing what he could do to her if he couldn't handle himself.Lost in admiring her he didn't realize she was a blushing mess in-front of him.
He coughed breaking the silence and awkwardly said"what were you saying?"

"Um I need-",I tried speaking but he rudely interrupted with his horrifying guess.

"A kiss?".

"No!",I shouted feeling all awkward now,the confidence that I had left,died down.

"A hug?",he guessed still staring at me melting me on my spot.

"Noo!",I yelled getting angry at his assumptions.

"A peck?".

"Nooooo!!!,I'm on my period",I loudly blurted making him snap his stare away awkwardly.

"Oh!,um so you need oh um I'll get you some but um never mind",he awkwardly said hiding his face in embarrassment,like seriously though isn't he supposed to be like some sort of mafia leader or something,why is he acting so childish?

"Stay here princess I'll be back and hey um your bra is showing so hide it before I lose control completely",he pointed towards my chest and walked out closing the door after him.

I glanced at my chest to see if something was really showing,not seeing anything I decided to look myself in the mirror and as soon as I did,a sudden blush appeared on my face as I realized the bra string was slightly appearing.

"Ugh embarrassing",I mentally face palmed myself.
I started posing afterwards and suddenly I started cat walking in front of the mirror.
Wait I just realized that there was a mirror here how stupid of me not to recognize it earlier.

Wait Jungkook was sitting right there,does that mea-


A/n:Welp rip Jungkook😂

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