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"O, My Luv'sLike a Red,Red Rose"~Patti Drennan

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"O, My Luv's
Like a Red,
Red Rose"
~Patti Drennan

Life is short and for that people take it for granted.

People seem to only care about what they see excluding what they actually feel about what they see.That is the main problem in life.It isn't about how kind,open-minded,selfless a person is,it's more about how mean,close minded and selfish they're.

Evil tend to win as time advanced.

No one cares about the generous,kind hearted human beings anymore.

No one cares about the tears you shed each night because of a stupid mistake you made.

No cares about the ache in your heart if you were left heartbroken.

Yet,they see you as the bad guy because they don't take time to get to now how you became that brutal human being.

People tend to judge you just from the first mistake you make.It's normal we all do it.We all see it.That's how our brains function and sadly that's how society works,blinded by money and power.

That's how it was for Yuna,a simple mistake crushed her entire life.She was furious and angry,all emotions mixed together,mostly emptiness.She didn't want to feel like a burden or a bundle to them.She needed a family.Or a friend that would hold onto her when she knows she's in trouble.She didn't need a group of friends.She thought one was enough,it doesn't matter if they don't hug her or give her advice in return.

She needed someone who would listens
to her rants and nod in acceptance to her adolescent mistakes.

She held onto the hope of finding someone who appreciates her.She gripped onto her aim,her dream of becoming who she really wants to be.

And that is to become fortunate.

"Ahhhh what the fuck?"

She was clutching onto the balcony for dear life as she strangled herself forwards onto the second floor but as always nothing goes as plans.

"What the heck?"
I was stuck in the middle of the air holding the white railing on the balcony.

"Omg,what the fuck was I thinking?"
My hands were starting to sweat and my forearm was starting to ache making me cry in agony.Why didn't I just take the damn stairs?

"Oh lordddddd,"I pleaded.

"One two three-!"
I pushed myself back and forth trying to reach the second floor without breaking a bone.And it successfully worked?

"Ouch," I yelped landing on the hard floor.I crutched holding my sore back and began planning my way out.I would be lying if I said I knew what I was doing.

"Ok ok so the kitchen is to the left and the dining room is on the right?"I mentally questioned myself.

I peeked from the door navigating my way out.The crack heads were still yelling at each other and I was pretty sure it was about me since I heard my name get yelled out a couple of times.

Being the clumsy girl that I am,I knocked a vase while walking backwards,luckly I caught it right on time heaving a sigh of relief.They were sitting on the living room each was in a seating form looking infuriated.

"Shit,I can't just walk out like that,"I mumbled to myself,biting my lower lip nervously.
On the right my eye caught a glimpse of another figure walking my way.

Fuck what am I supposed to do?
I ran back upstairs crawling my way up.Hiding behind the staircase I watched as the figure walked by,steadily tiptoeing I made it downstairs.Staring at the two exits I decided to take the safe way out from the back door.

Surprised at the sudden silence that halted.I was expecting sirens to erupt but I guess they have low security,sucks to be them.

I stared at the open view.

Oh how much I miss the fresh air.

I miss the cold breeze that crept through my nostrils.

I miss the freedom,being able to walk without feeling chained.

I miss the feeling.

Tears welled up my eyes blurring the bare view.

I ran through the forest,through the trees,through the branches.

I kept running sobbing at every step I took.It felt surreal.It felt bizarre.It felt strange.

I felt unchained...


There was silence in the room as the tension seemed to seize.Jungkook was staring at the ceiling while the others were staring at their hands.They've finally agreed to keep Yuna as their personal doctor for their upcoming missions.Jimin hasn't came back seeing that he left 2 hours ago.

Sighing Jungkook stood up and jogged upstairs.He was planning to inform Yuna about her new job that she will get payed for and maybe just maybe if she earns his trust he'd start allowing her to go partying with them.

Jungkook thought it was better to start low and earn her trust then he would consider the next steps.

Knocking on the dark brown door he patiently waited for an approval to enter.He usually just walks inside but this time he wanted to seem polite.

With no sound in return he twisted the door handle and peeked inside.


He stared at the unmade bed,at the now empty room,nothing but his furniture left untouched.
He was befuddled,a mixture of confusion and shock that made him not think properly.

He backed away running down the stairs raging in anger.

"Get your gears on,we have a mission to uncover"...

A/n:Soooo how was it????Hope it made sense.I tried to lessen the details so it be easily read...


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