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"We are also different,And yet so much the same

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"We are also different,
And yet so much the same.
Everyone, in some way or another,
Will experience a kind of pain."
~ Anonymous

"Jungkook move your hands away from your face or else the fever will increase."
"Where did you learn that from?"
The brown-haired girl glared at the lifeless body that lay on the bed. She was kneeling beside him aid kit in hand. They were both left alone in the living room after Jeawa and the others left for a secret mission.

"It's common sense now could you move your hand so I could place this on your forehead."
He heaved a sigh and followed her orders looking like a kicked puppy.

I placed the wet cloth on his forehead and pulled out the thermometer gesturing for him to open up but him being the stubborn guy he is ignored my demand and started smirking.

Heaving a loud sigh I said, "Just open your mouth or I'll shove this up your ass."
"Isn't that supposed to be my job?"
He scoffed at my clueless face, "You know what I'm talking about."

"I really don't know what you're staying but whatever open your mouth I don't have time for th-" He yanked my wrist halting me from continuing.

Face inches apart and arms against each other, he held her wrist tighter staring at her hazel eyes. He scanned her features memorizing the small freckles under her eyes and how they were so light blending with her skin that only became visible under the sunlight. He suddenly let out a sigh and said, "You must be my coronary artery because you're wrapped around my heart."

Scoffing at his words she gathered all the courage and pushed herself away from his grasp.
"Dear god what mistake have I done in my life to be assigned as this jerks doctor?!"

He let out a soft chuckle admiring the huffed face she makes when she gets mad, "Babe, you should be thankful you get to see my handsome face up close, girls would pay to breathe the same air I'm inhaling," he arrogantly spoke.

The young girl scoffed standing up to adjust the dress that rode up her thighs while watching the clock tick in silence.

"So you're not going to continue with the treatment?"
"Treatment? It's not that hard just pick up the thermometer and shove it up your ass."
"Why don't you do that for me?"

Whining she mumbled lightly, "Ugh plz, when will I be set free?"
Frowning at her choice of words he questioned, "Do you really not like it here?"

Glancing at his face in disbelief she quickly answered back, "Well yeah I'm technically being held hostage since I can't do shit without your approval, oh and I can't choose what to eat, I can't dress or even smell fresh air because I helped a patient escape, and not only did my dream get fogged up but as well as my job, apartment, and my lifestyle."

As she finished her rambling he laid their lost of words one because he thought she looked hot when she rambles and two because he felt guilty. Not only did he cause more risks in the break up of STB but he also ruined someone's life.

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