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"Bright star,Would I were stedfast as thouArt—" ~John Keats

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"Bright star,
Would I were stedfast as thou
~John Keats

Waking up on her bedroom bed the girl didn't think she'd be any happier.Her room looked so vivid in her eyes as if it was a dream,like it was too good to be true.

She made it,she thought.

After running a yard or two,the girl made it to the road and from there it escalated pretty quickly.She called an uber and made her way back home paying off the driver that waited patiently outside,then headed to sleep.

Yuna yawned and started stretching happily.Her legs and arms felt sore from all the running.It felt weird to her how perfect her life was and how she took the perfect image for granted.She would  do anything she thought,anything to return to that picture perfect life.

The time where she felt independent and free.The time where she would wake up,drink coffee and head to work.She was a coffee lover.Coffee was the thing she'd crave when she felt stressed out.That's what she needed at the moment.

Although she felt free,the feeling of them finding her,brought goosebumps on her forearm.Doubt,that's what she felt.What would they do when the found her?Will they torture her?

"If they find you then your dead."

Jungkook's words repeated like a cycle in my head.I was afraid,devastated and nervous all in one.I stood up and made my way to the bathroom.

While taking a shower I started planning the next steps.For one she had to get out of her apartment,kiss it goodbye one last time.Probably the worst step of them all,she thought.Leaving her old memories for new ones being aware the new ones wouldn't be able to replace the actual memories.

She had to change her address.

That's the first step.However that didn't stop her from doubting.They'll find me she thought over and over again until it was carved onto her brain.They'll torture me she continued.

She knew she was afraid she knew she was dealing with a mafia group it wouldn't be long until they find her.She knew,but hope linger in the air.That maybe just maybe they would forget about her and not care to look for her.

She hoped that was the case.

Drying off she started dressing up and applying her skin care routine the one her skin ached to have.Yuna plopped herself on the chair outside her balcony staring at the open portrait.

Not long ago she used to hate the green trees she woke up to.She used to think they were blocking the view.Realizing her mistake she stared at every little branch on that tree with admire.For she thought she'd never see such beauty.

The way each tree was sculpted symmetrically.Leaves hugging the bare branches.Lines on bark,each wider than the other.She stared at the open sky,how wide it looked.How each cloud overlapped another.

Sighing in helplessness the black haired girl stood up and left the house.She wanted to run away as far as her legs could take her,and that's what she did.

I walked outside and took off.I didn't even know where I was running to until I walked by Dunkin' Donuts.

I walked inside and ordered myself a butter pecan swirl coffee and a croissant,the order I craved when I was stressed out about studies.I stared at the people outside.

Looking out the glasses window she saw a couple with two kids.A blonde girl with blue eyes and a small pink dress that hugged her tiny body and stopped right above her knees.She was wearing pink shoes that fitted well with the outfit.Her blonde hair was curled and she was holding a bag of popcorn snacking on them.There was a small boy next to her maybe 2 years old.He was nicely dressed as well.He wore a red sweatshirt with small blue pants.She smiled at his small black shoes that were probably half of her hand in size.

She hurriedly finished up her drink and continued her adventure.

I need a phone,was the next step.

Running to the apple store she grabbed the cheapest phone there.

Hmm an iPhone 5s,it's cheap and ok to use.

She spoke with the seller and quickly payed for it.It was such a downgrade considering she had a 8 plus but her budget said otherwise.

I continued wondering here and there until still I stopped in front of a bar.Oh yeah she thought that's what I need.

Walking inside she showed her ID.She headed to the barstools and sat down ordering herself a drink.

She was planning on getting knocked out today and she meant it.Its been long since the last time she drank and it was when she graduated college.Drink after drink,the world started to feel hazy around her.Her throat was dry but her body felt relaxed.When she drank she would always talk a lot and cry about her regretful mistakes.Though her alcohol tolerance was high she had the worst hangovers out there,that's why she only drank in occasions.

"~Hey beautiful."

She looked up at the 30 year old man and smiled in disgust.She hated how old guys took advantage of girls whenever they were unconscious.

"What is a sexy girl doing out here all by herself?"

I decided not to interfere.I stood up and wobbled my way towards the exit.

"Hey wait,"he grabbed my wrist pulling me backwards.

"Don't touch me,"I hollered stumbling away from him,but that didn't stop him from yanking me back like a predator catching its prey.

"I said let me goooo,"I spoke while clutching my teeth as anger raged inside of me.

I pushed him and ran outside.I kept running and running letting my legs lead the way.

I stopped in front of my apartment and decided I would sleep one night,that's all.

Running inside I slipped off my shoes and headed to my bedroom.

The world was blurring with every step I took.Not knowing I grabbed the blanket and entered the sheets ready to fall into lalaland,until I felt two arms wrap around my waist tightly.

"Where were you?"

A/n:I'm writing this while thinking of the MMA and MAMA awards I can't wait for it.

So how was the chapter and at the end who do you think was it?

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