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The car ride home was silent.Throughout the ride I glanced at Jungkook several times examining his furrowed eyebrows.I tried figuring out whether he was angry or just being his cold self.

The cold breeze crept its way inside forming goosebumps on my bare shoulders.I shifted my focus outside staring at trees that passed by.

It's kind of unbelievable how I was escaping from a family member or as I rephrased him as a'father figure'.

The scenery was mind blowing.The stars were spread out in the open sky making it look like a fantasy.Too mesmerized by the dark sky I felt something covering my bare thighs.Glancing down I realized it was Jungkook's coat.I automatically returned it refusing his kindness.

"No I'm fine you can take it",I handed it back to him while looking away.

"I don't have a nerve to protest right now so don't be stubborn",he coldly replied.

"I actually do-",I looked at him angrily refusing to take his pitying.

"Don't",he left out cutting me off while focusing on the road.

I sighed and placed it back on my thigh while glaring back at the open view.There was a mountain at the far end covering half of the sky.The stars aligned each one representing something.Yuna thought back to when she was a child how her mom used to tell her how every star you see holds a story behind it's golden color,she used to protest and tell her mother that they weren't actually golden but white.

But she later found out her mom was probably right,they were golden it's just that from far out they looked somewhat white contrasting the dark sky.

The car ride ended as the view was replaced with tall trees and lurking animal.

He stopped the car outside the mansion and gladly walked in front of me while holding the door this time.

I ran inside my room and hurriedly placed myself under the sheets not caring to bathe after the long journey.

It's kind of funny how I ended up like this.Who would've thought?

She laid down comfortably holding a jacket that belonged to someone she envied.She glanced at the jacket and mentally face palmed herself.How could I have forgotten?

Her stomach grumbled alarming her of sudden hunger,it's been hours since she has last eaten but it felt like she hasn't eaten for days.

Standing up she realized she had to wake him up since sneaking out wouldn't be a good idea.

She crept outside slowly walking like a burglar trying to rob a bank.Knocking on the door once then twice then thrice until she heard a small groan as a reply.

"Um I'm hungry so I thought I should tell you",I said while opening the door.

There he was half naked covered by a thin layered blanket revealing his abs.
"Oh I'm sorry I shouldn't have came in",I apologetically turned away,a blush creeping on my cheeks.

He let out a small sigh then he stood up and walked ahead of me leading my way.

Going down the steps I couldn't help but recognize the tattoo he had on his back it looked like a dragon of some sort but a colored one,his muscles were flexing from the movement of his arms making him walk smoothly.I shook my head away and glanced at the kitchen that was now light up.

"So what do want to eat there's rice,noodles,eggs,and a cheese sandwich",the doe eyed guy listed staring at the fridge.

"I will go with a cheese sandwich",I chose sneaking a peak at the fridge that had a bunch of beer cans in it.

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