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Yuna's POV

"Let's get over with this" she said and started cracking all her joints and fingers.

We peeked through the door to see the situation that is going on inside. We saw that boy tied to a chair, few men standing behind him while a tall middle aged man standing in front of that boy.

Seon was about to take a step forward but I pulled her by her wrist. "Where do you think you are going?" I whispered. "Going in.." she whispered back.

"Don't think that you are John Cena or something" I said in kinda mad tone. "Yeah I'm not John Cena, I'm Kim Seon okay? now I'm going" Seon was about to move but I gripped her wrist tighter.

"Are you insane??!!" I whisper yelled at her. "No I'm totally sane. Now listen, I'll go inside and when I'll look at your direction and make um... V with my fingers, you come inside and took that boy out and other people in cells too" She said while fixing her hair with one hand like a model. I loosen my grip on her wrist and she went in. "What is she up to?" I questioned myself.

No one's POV

Seon went inside. "Heyyyyyy!" She said.

Everyone turned their heads towards her direction. She went towards the table and leaned back at it.

"Who are you and how did you get in?" That middle aged man who seemed to be their boss, asked with an angry frown.

"Do you think I'm able to answer your question in this hot atmosphere?" Seon said and rolled her eyes while fanning herself sassily. She started unbottoning her jacket that she was wearing over her half sleeves shirt. Everyone's jaws hit the ground when they noticed glowing skin of Seon. She was captivating to all the men in the room.

"You look handsome" Seon said with a fake smirk on her face. That man aka boss started taking steps towards Seon who seemed liking the situation she was creating.

"Really?" That man asked with a smirk. "Yup" Seon said when he stopped in front of her. "Ask these men of yours to close their eyes". Seon said as she trailed her left hand to his shoulder. His smirk grew wider. Yuna was looking at them with the most disgusted look ever.

That boss ordered his men to close their eyes and turn around and they did. Yuna was still looking at that disgusting sight but she has to because she was waiting for Seon to give her hint to take next step.

Seon looked at Yuna's direction and made V sign with her fingers that were resting on her hip and it didn't go unnoticed by Yuna. Yuna tip toed to the boy and carefully started untie the ropes.

Yuna freed that boy and he stood up carefully not wanting to make any noise. They stood near the door. "You go" Yuna whispered him. "No! You guys helped me so I'm not leaving you guys here" he whispered back. Yuna sighed "ok then do you know about the keys for those cells?" Yuna asked.

"When they took me here, they was about to put me in prison but their boss asked to take me here. I saw the keys in one of guard's hand" that boy said. "Ok then go to the 1st floor and you will find the guards. Take keys and open all the cells" she said and the said boy nodded and carefully went out the room.

In the mean time;

"I like bad boys..." Seon said while running her fingers over his face, then shoulder, chest and stopped it on his waist. "But you know what I like more?" Seon asked with innocent eyes. "What?" He asked while wrapping his arm around her waist.

"Gun!" She said and pushed that man and pointed a gun at him. He immediately looked for his gun but didn't find it. "Where's my gun?!" He yelled making everyone to open their eyes.

"Doesn't it seems familiar to you? It's yours" Seon shook the gun. He was about to attach her but she shot his leg making him to fall on the ground. Everyone ran to attach Seon.

One man tried to punch her, she moved to the side, grabbed his hand and twisted it, she kicked his abdomen which made him fall on his knees, she punched his face hard and he fell down on the ground unconscious.

"You do something too, Yuna!!" Seon yelled while fighting with 2 men at the same time.

Yuna looked at the man who was coming towards her. She felt nervous and didn't know what to do. She started biting him like a zombie or vampire.

"Not biting! Eww" Seon made disgusting face while punching man's stomach. " It's not more disgusting than what you were doing earlier-- Yah! Can't you see I'm talking" Yuna got interrupted by a man.

Seon threw a man on a wooden table and it broke. Yuna grabbed a piece of wood of that broken table and started hitting a man with it.

"Over here!!" Seon yelled. Yuna grabbed one more wooden piece and threw it towards Seon who caught it right away. "Now I'm a wood-woman--- Ahh!" A man grabbed Yuna's neck and starting choking her. She kicked in his stomach and he coughed blood. She hit his face with that wooden piece and the man flew away while that wood divided into two pieces.

Yuna was panting hard so she went and sat down in the corner and started wiping her sweat off. She took off the shirt of that guard she was wearing. A man who was fighting earlier, came to Yuna and sat next to her and started wiping his sweat too.

"Are you single?" Man asked Yuna with a smirk. "No I'm plural" Yuna said and rolled her eyes. "No I mean are you free this Saturday?" Man asked and moved closer to Yuna. "No I'll be damn expensive" Yuna said and punched him and he landed on the ground.

"Is this you stomach or you are hiding a pillow under your shirt??" Seon asked a man who she was hitting with wooden piece. "Nevermind... you are already gonna dead" Seon said and broke his neck.

Yuna was trying to get out of grip of a man. "No- No not my shirt-- I SAID. NOT. MY. SHIRT!!" She turned around and slapped him hard. "Are you deaf??" Yuna asked and stepped on his face and started hitting it until his face starts bleeding.

There was only one man left while everyone was on the ground, half dead while other half unconscious. That last man was so terrified that he just ran away.

The both girls looked at each other. "Cmon 1st floor" Seon said and both went to the first floor but all cells were empty. They went to the ground floor and no one was there either. They went out of the building and saw all people standing waiting for both fighters. Both girls approached them and they thanked the girls so many time, few even asked for their number while few promised them that they will treat both girls. They were standing there when one perfectly alright man came out of the building.

"There they are!!!" The man said and pointed his finger towards them. "Ah another target---" Seon was about to go and kill him but she saw more coming out of the building.

"What to do??" Yuna asked. "Everyone stay strong and..." she held Yuna's hand. "Run!!!" Seon said and started running.

They got into the car and started driving don't know where they were going. Seon was driving in animalistic speed while Yuna got her face out of the window, looking at the people who were following them.

They drove for almost 10 minutes in very fast speed. Seon stopped the car when they were sure that those people have lost their track.
Seon turned her head in Yuna's direction who was faint.


Hey angels ~~
Next chapter will be the last part of this fight. Thanks for supporting:)

Words: 1361

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