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Seon's POV

I was in my room, sitting in front of my computer, a paper was placed in front of me and a pen in my hand noting down things from emails. I have been opening emails that I got from people of my town. Many people requested for new things in the town but there were many emails from both girls and boys telling me how much they like me and few even asked me out through email BUT I just ignored all of those proposals and focused on the main work.

I opened another email that's when door swung open. I turned my head towards the door and saw Lee coming towards me holding some papers.

"Hey sis" she said as she stopped near my desk. I put my pen down and turned my chair to face her. "Hey! sup?" I asked.

"I checked emails and noted down the important things people want in town" she said and placed her papers over the paper I was using earlier and supported her body on my desk.

"Yeah I've been working on it too. Tell me what are the most wanted things?" I asked her and we both leaned to look at the paper.

"There were many requests but the most asked thing was new parks" she said and showed me the main things written on the paper.

I leaned in, took a look and nodded. "Yeah same... I also got requests for new parks the most" I said and leaned back at my chair.

"So what do you say?" She asked while folding the paper she had in her hand earlier.

"I'm thinking about it. What about you? What you think?" I asked her. "I can't say anything. You are the leade- I mean you have to make the decision" she said and I looked at the ceiling, thinking about the matter.

"Hmm.... so.. the thing is that we don't have much space in our town to construct new parks plus we are constructing bridge and many other buildings are building up too" I said and she nodded in agreement.

"So? What will you say? Shall we not make new parks? It's okay but we should provide people what they want" she said calmly.

"You are right...." I stopped, confirming things in my mind before speaking. "Look! the main reason for them to ask about the new parks is because they can't go out of the town to enjoy so they need different parks for different activities like for jogging, for picnics, for chilling.... you know.... what I mean...." I explained and she nodded.

"Yeah I got what you mean. So what you really wanna say...?" She asked.

"I wanna say that we don't have enough space in our town for make more parks BUT we can reconstruct the old town park, right?" I said and she thought about it for a second before answering.

"Hm... right. You mean we should reconstruct that our biggest park and split it into different sections like--"

"Exactly" I snapped and said, making her chuckle. "Yeah okay you are right." She said.

"I'm always right" I said with a proud face. "In that way we won't need more new space AND people will have what they want, too" I said and she nodded and stood up still.

"Ok then. When are you gonna start it?" She asked. "I'm going to visit the bridge and I have to meet builders so I'll go and talk with constructors about park, too." I said and she nodded once again.

"Hmm ok. And yeah these are some papers. You have to sign them" she informed. "ok" I stood up, she patted my head and delivered a smile.

"Thanks! You are a great leader" she said before going out of my room. I smiled sadly and sighed before sitting down again. I looked into few more emails before going to change clothes as I was going to meet those builders and constructors.

After I changed into some good outfit, I made my way down the stairs. I went to the main door and put my joggers on and took my car keys. I was about to step out but a familiar voice stopped me.

"Where are ya going?" That person asked. I turned around to find the owner of the voice who was one and only that weirdo. "Out. Why?" I asked.

"Shall I join you?" Jimin asked making me frown. "What? Why?" I asked back. "I'm bored here and as you are going out alone then you will be bored too then why not I shall join you" he said and smiled cutely.

Cute!... Wait no!

"No you are not!" I exclaimed. "Ah-h-h why not?" He whined like a baby. "Because-" I started but he cut me off. "It's win-win situation so... please" he said and I sighed. "Ok fine" I said and got out of the house.

Why I let him join me? Because it was the only way to stop him from bugging me more.

I got inside the car and so did he. We wore seatbelts before I started the car.

I took a quick glance at him. He looks so fine!

"Your body doesn't match your personality" I said. "Hmm right. I get that a lot. My body is well defined and perfect you can say it's manly but my personality is cute and funny, right?" He said and I just nodded unbelievably.

"Where are we going?" He asked while looking out of the window. "We are going to the park where we will meet constructors and then I've to visit the bridge" I said and he nodded.

After few minutes drive, we got out of the car and went at the specific side of park where we were gonna meet the constructors.

"Hello ms. Kim" the head of constructors greeted me. I bowed to them and shook hands with head constructor, Mr. Han.

"Hello mr Han. This is my friend Jimin" I introduced him. He bowed 90 degrees and shook hands with all of them. "Nice to meet you" he said.

I liked the way he greeted them plus his manly voice was hot too.... I was thinking about his manly side but mr. Han snapped me out if my thoughts.

"So shall me start?" He asked and I nodded. We went towards a big table and everyone stood around it.

I had a map in my hand. I put it on the table and wide opened it.

"What map is it?" One of the men asked. "You made this park and you don't know about this map????" I asked. "I- I'm sorry" he apologised.

"Ok so we are gonna reconstruct this park I mean we have to make changes in this park" I started and they nodded.

"I want different sections in the park. This side is gonna be for the families who come on picnic. I want new, fresh, clean and soft grass on this area. " I said while drawing circles with my finger on particular part of the map. "This side, which is near this family said, is gonna be for kids to play so that they don't distrub their parents." I said while drawing circles on that particular part.

"This side, which is opposite to the family side, is gonna be for the boys and girls who come park for jogging. There should be hard and strong marble all over the area." I exclaimed and they nodded.

"This part, it's gonna be for teenagers to play. I need soft sand on the playing sections" I said and they nodded once again.

"That's it! You know how to make park beautiful, right? Or I have to explain that too?" I asked but they shook their heads and I nodded.

"Everything clear?" I asked. "Yes! We will start working from today" mr Han said and we shook hands once again before leaving.

"Great leader, huh?" Jimin said with a smirk. "Don't call me a leader, I don't like it." I said in a cold tone. "Woah! Chill. Okay I won't" he said before getting into the car.

"Where are we going now?" He asked. "I told you earlier" I said. "I don't remember! Tell me again" he whined again.

"Bridge" I answered. "For romance?" he said making me press the break pedal hard. "What????" I yelled. "I mean for what?" He said and I sighed annoyingly.

"To visit it! you dumbo" I said and hit his head but he grabbed my hand before I could retreat my hand.

"Don't do it again!" he commanded in raspy voice making me gulp. "U-h- o-okay" I said and he let go of my hand with a smirk.

You made my heart race again!

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