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No one's POV

Everything was going fine. Seon was okay after jimin consoled her. Yuna seemed bit off for few days but Seon is always here to make her feel nice as a best friend. As jimin said 'don't rush the things' so that happened, they don't rush anything and let it go smoothly. Hyunjin in his own thoughts that what does lee actually thinks about him and where this 'before dating' story gonna end and when will they actually become something.

Seon was nowadays giving time to Yuna and their bond came back once again. Yeah it was disturbed for past few days but now everything between them is like before, perfectly fine.

Right now everyone was in back yard while Seon and jimin were in their separate rooms. Rae and Rosè were playing chess while Yuna, hyunjin and Lee were looking at their game and cheering them up. Yuna was with Rae, hyunjin was with his sister, Rosè while Lee was supporting both of them.

Seon and jimin came out of their rooms together coincidentally and went to the back yard to find everyone having fun.

"Ohh everyone is enjoying huh?" Seon said and Lee gestured her to come and sit beside her. Seon sat down next to Lee.

After some time, their game finished. Rae lost
and Rosè won.

"Wahhhhh soo funn!!" Lee shouted while clapping hands and everyone nodded and clapped for the players. A silence took over them and they stayed in silence for few minutes until Jimin spoke.

"Your guys' relations are kinda confusing after hearing the history" jimin said, lifting his gaze from one to another.

"Ah wanna know?" Lee asked and jimin nodded.

"I'll explain" Rae raised her hand and looked at Lee. Lee gestured her to continue and she did.

"So Seon's father and Lee's father were distant cousins like they had blood of late leader that's why Lee, Sehun and Seon got powers" Rae said and Jimin nodded. 

"My parents and Seon's parents were friends like before we born. They all were basically childhood friends. Seon's grandfather was leader of the town and after him, her father became the leader. After her father, Sehun was supposed to be a leader but you know what happened......" Rae said and Seon looked down. Lee rubbed her hand with her thumb to comfort her. 

"They all used to take care of the town's matter. All were in some kind of positions. Seon's father was leader you know very well means he used to take all the decisions and nothing could be done without his sign and permission, my father used to look after import and export of the town and Lee's father used to delivers the orders of Mr. Kim to all the people under him. They used to attend all the meetings together." Rae explained and everyone nodded, few were amazed and few were not because they already knew everything.

"About me and Rosè so our mother and Seon's mother are sister so that means we are cousins." Hyunjin said.

"These actual relations are kinda confusing like our parents were cousins and few were friends and now few of us are cousins and few are just friends so don't worry about it just you should know that we are BEST FRIENDS" Lee said and everyone smiled.

"After what happened with Lee's and Seon's parents, my family left the town and went to the other country, they knew that the condition here was getting worst plus they believed in Sehun and he was the leader after all. But I didn't go with them because my best friends were here who I loved the most" Rae said and everyone nodded once again. 

"Our parents took us to the different country too but we visit our town every now and then" Rosè said.

"Anything else?" Lee asked and Yuna raised her hand.

"So who take care of the town's matter after S-Sehun?" Yuna asked.

"At first, everyone of us was young so all the workers took care of it. When I turned 17, I looked after everything and Seon played role of the leader" Lee answered. Jimin nodded and went to his room. They stayed quite for a while.

"Guys let's go out" Seon whined. "Ok who will come with us?" Yuna asked. "I'm in" hyunjin said. "What about you, unnie?" Seon asked Rae.

"No I'm not going" Rae said while yawning. "You sure?" Hyunjin queried. "Yup" Rae replied. "Me too I'm not going" Rosè said.

"I'm going out. I have some work" Lee said and everyone nodded.

"Okie then let us go" Seon said and hyunjin got up along with Yuna.

Everyone went to their rooms to get ready while Rae and Rosè kept doing what they were doing.

"Guys let's go I'm ready" Seon yelled. "We are ready too" Yuna and hyunjin said in unison. "Ok" Seon said and Yuna wrapped her arm around Seon's shoulder and lead her outside.

"So where shall we go?" Hyunjin asked before getting into the car. "Let's go to amusement park" Yuna said and Seon agreed with her.

After 10 minutes drive, they went out of the car and Seon was dragged by Yuna towards the roller coaster ride. They stood in the line and waited for their turn. They paid for the ride and went in. They rode roller coaster, mini ferries wheel, swing ride and much much more.

"Seon please" Yuna pleaded Seon to go on tea cup ride. "Yuna it's for kids" Seon objected. "Ah we are kids too now let's go" Yuna grabbed Seon's wrist and dragged her to aforementioned ride.

The ride was filled with laughter and giggles. After having fun for 10 minutes they went out. "That was so good" Yuna giggled. "Yeah right" Seon agreed with a smile.

"Oh look two kids got out of their tea cup ride aww" Hyunjin teased them and patted both of their heads. "Ya ya we are kids and you are grandpa now let's go I'm tired" Seon said.

"So we should go home? No eating?" Hyunjin pouted. "Nah unnie must have cooked for us. If we will have dinner outside then she'll get mad" Seon gave the reason.

They got inside the car and Seon started driving. They were talking and laughing when Seon's phone buzzed.

"Hello?" Seon said. Her eyes widened and started driving in fast speed making hyunjin and Yuna worried. "Ok we are coming" Seon hung up and looked at Yuna through rear-view mirror and lifted her gaze to the road again.

Few seconds later, Seon stopped the car and looked back again. "Yuna get out of the car?" Seon commanded. "What? why?" Yuna asked, confused. "Just do as I say" Seon said.

"Seon what happened?" Hyuniin asked. "I don't have time. Just please Yuna listen to me and get out of the car." Seon pleaded. "But where should I go?" Yuna asked.

"Go to the people you came with. Any one of them. You can go to the guest house or go anywhere you want. You just can't come with us" Seon said.

"But-" "Yuna listen to Seon and go. It must be for your own good" hyunjin said and give a understanding nod. Yuna nodded and got out of the car.

"Tell me if anything bad happens" Yuna said and hyunjin nodded.

Seon started driving once again in fast speed towards their house. "Where are we going?" Hyunjin asked. "Home." Seon gave a one word answer that made hyunjin confused and worried even more.

'Why is she so worried? Did something bad happened in our house?' Hyunjin thought.

"Will you explain what's wrong?" Hyunjin asked slowly and the answer he got made him sweat.

"We are attacked " said Seon.

Dead Powersजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें