Chapter 29

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「Chapter 29」

(July 24th)

"For the last time Cordy. Seve isn't goin' to bother us. He understands as well as we do that couples need alone time. Besides, he's already found us out so no need to act all innocent now." That cheeky grin of Sodas made my heart flutter.

But still, "Did you have to close the door though. It looks super suspicious of us."

Taking my hands in his he leaned forward and planted a kiss upon my neck, right below my jaw. "Steve would rather see a closed door than his bestfriend neckin' his cousin."

Stubbornly I shook his hold off of me and crossed my arms over my chest. "Is that all you came here for?"

"Of course not. But I know us both well enough that I doubt there wouldn't be at least some kissin' here and there." What he said was true but did he have to say it so casually?

Soda was the touchier one in our relationship, not that I minded it all too much. Such a slick talker as well. "You're trouble, Sodapop."

Leaning forward for a proper kiss the bedroom door had flung open revealing Steve who had both of his eyes covered by his hand. "Cordy, you got a call from your folks."

"You can open your eyes Steve. I promise we're decent." Getting up from where I sat I fixed my skirt.

"For now." Soda had added.

"Hush up, hun." Making my way to the home phone I made sure to hurry.

As steve had told me earlier, it was my parents on the other end, and judging by their tone of voice, they seemed less than happy regarding the letter I had sent them.

"Cordelia do you understand how upset your father and I are at you?!" I braced myself for what I knew would be a less than pleasant call.

"Upset at me for what reason exactly? For refusing to be set up with yet another one of your friends stuck up sons?" Maybe my tone wasn't the most polite. I guess my time here and the people around me have given me more confidence to speak up for myself.

"You understand how your father and I are just trying to do whats best for you. We want you to have a comfortable life with a wealthy husband who has a promising future. This- this boy that you're seeing-"

"Who you know nothing about." I chimed in.

I know my parents were just concerend for my well being but even so it shouldn't be their place to plan my future out for me. My mother, I knew judging by the steadiness of her voice, was doing her best to remain calm. "We just don't think you're thinking this through enough, Cordelia. Which is why we need to bring you home sooner than originally anticipated."

My father on the other hand spoke to me in a more stern manner. "Your mother and I will be there in three days-"

"Three days?! I apologize for my outburst but the plan was to leave on August 12th! I can't-"

The call had ended cutting me off mid sentence. It frustrated me to the core but as of now my concern was figuring out how to break the news to Soda. I know he wont be happy to hear it.

Steve had came up behind me as I hung the phone back up."What did your folks want?"

I turned around to face him. "They plan to send me home sooner than we discussed."

"Sodas not going to take that so well."

"He wont, but I have to tell him." Making my way back to my room where Soda had waited for me he smiled at my return. But that smile soon shifted to a look of concern. I was never good at hiding how I felt.

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