Chapter 31

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[Chapter 31]

(Cordelia's perspective)

"It's apparent to me that we both need some space." At this moment all I wanted to do was hide, hoping tomorrow would be different. "Whatever we choose to do from this point on we can discuss tomorrow when we've better collected our thoughts. Goodnight Soda." 

Heading back inside I nearly bumped into my parents who were just about leaving. "Your father and I have tickets back home for Sunday night. I'd suggest you get packed and start saying your farewells as soon as possible."

I said nothing and simply brushed past them and went straight into the kitchen to clean up before Steve got back. Not stopping me they left, knowing full well the tension they had created.

(Soda's perspective)

What's wrong with me? I should go in there now and apologize to her.

Reaching for the doorknob the door had opened up. Cordy's parents stood before me, shutting the door behind them. "Oh good. You haven't left yet. We have an offer to make you."

"An offer?"

Cordy's mother had pulled out a slip of paper from her purse and held it out for me to take. "Under the conditions that you end whatever relationship you have with our daughter, we offer you this check."

I went wide eyed by their proposal. "You want me to accept that?"

"You'd be making a smart decision if you did. Either way our Cordelia's going to come to her senses and do what's right for herself." Her father was stern, trying to get me to take on their offer with his reasoning.

"You can keep your money because I don't want it. I may not be the best man for your daughter, and I'm not the most well off, but no amount of money could ever make me hurt her." 

Her mother didn't seem all too happy with my response. "You'd be hurting her more by staying with her. Don't you understand that? Do you honestly think that you could provide a comfortable life for her and potentially a future family as well?"

Cordy's mother had pulled out slip of paper and a pen, writing something down before handing it to me. "We'll give you until tomorrow night to accept or decline our offer. If you really cared about our Cordelia as much as you say you do you'd make the right decision here."

With that they had gone on to where ever it was they were staying, leaving me to figure out what to do now.

Hesitant to try and talk to Cordy again I decided it best to leave her alone for the night. She probably didn't want to see me right now anyways. Not after that argument we had. Deciding it best to head on home  I did just that.

Sitting on my bed, I pulled out the same slip of paper Cordy's folks had handed to me. written on it was the address of a nearby hotel as well as a phone number.

Wadding it up into a ball I hesitated to throw it into the trash bin.

What they said. . . They weren't wrong. Maybe this was something I should consider. Maybe I was holding her back from a better future.

(Cordelia's perspective)

Finished with everything I tried to find another thing to do to keep my mind busy. I didn't want to think too much about how tonight had gone.

The front door had opened and in came Steve. "Cordy? Your folks gone already?"

"Well tonight didn't exactly go well."

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