Too many options!

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In this exercise the villains (Iida, Bakugo, Uraraka, Hawks and All Might) will hide a huge ass bomb in a building. My task was to either get capture tape around their wrist apprehending them and getting them eliminated or get to the bomb and touch it.

However, being me, I ignored the second option.

Where would the fun be in that?

I would rather go and kick some asses and try to traumatic the number one hero then to go past them and touch the bomb. There were so many options I could do.

1) Freeze Time

This would probably be something like this:

First I would walk up to the house and use my quirk and whisper TIME FREEZE!

With that everyone should be frozen in place, then I would go around maybe even run around and search for that damn bomb. Replace everyone. Get All Might on the roof, Hawks outside, Bakugo sitting on the bomb. I would spare Uraraka and get Lucifer in a room with Iida and look him in with that cat.

Simple but and I would look like I used black magic the moment I unfreeze the time. Bomb outside, Hawks outside, Bakugo sitting on the bomb would probably fall down and since I would have placed All might on the edge of the building he would have fallen off. Easy right? I would make sure to make a position where I would snap with my fingers before freezing the time and voila I had a bomb in front of me ready for me to touch it.

That would be to easy right?

I think so too!

Next option!

2) Command them

In this one I would walk up to each and every one and just say GIVE UP!

Then I would take the capture tape and get them all out. Boom it's that simple!

Well, no much action here and also this is way too boring.

I can't do that!

I am Siren!

Beside they will look at my fluff balls quirk bad if I do shit with mine in front of them...

I mean they are kinda similar in the command point. Only difference I don't need a respond and that makes it a lot scarier! NOPE! I will not do something that could harm my fluff ball!

3) Lucifer

I was sure that my cat was capable of handling them all alone and yes, I call the cat mine from now on. He doesn't even want to leave my side anymore.

Well, he is cute and fluffy, all in all a sweet little angel to me. Keyword TO ME! For some reason he acts aggressive towards everyone else besides Shinso and Keigo. To them he would either ignore them or do something that he thought was in my interests like teleporting me in midair right in front of Hawks.


Not the greatest plan!

That was for sure a scare!

Just imagine him not able to catch me *shiver*. I would be a pancake by now... or .... maybe.... Lucifer would have teleported us too somewhere safe! This is something I really hopped he would have done or he and Siren would be gone by now!

Back to the topic.

I do trust the cat but I had the feeling that he would do something that would for sure bring someone of them six feet under which I was for sure against the rules. If it was All Might, Nezu would have thrown him a party for it.

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