E is for Excuse Me?

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Hello everyone. I hope you all are well. This one is longer than most of mine. But. There is one important thing. THEY ARE ROOMATES AND BEST FRIENDS! NOT IN A RELATIONSHIP! yet. But i dont want to give too much away. I hope you like the story.:)

"Excuse ME?" Violet shouted to her roommate.

"My parents are coming from Tomorrowland and they think we are engaged." Wilbur said rubbing the back of his neck.

"Then tell them we aren't! We are just friends!" Violet shouted getting more and more frustrated with the situation.

"Um..." Wilbur said uncomfortably.

"Let me guess. If they find out you aren't then they will force you to move back with them?" Violet said frustrated.

"Yea. Exactly." Wilbur said with a stupid smile. "I can't move back with them. Do you know how it is living with no personal space and no peace and quiet?" Violet just raised an eyebrow.

"Never mind. But I can't go back to living with them. Please?" Wilbur begged.

"I will do it. Fine. But you owe me big Robinson!" Violet threatened. Wilbur jumped up and hugged Violet.

"Yes! Of course! Thank you thank you thank you thank you!" Wilbur said as he hugged Violet even tighter.

"Okay. Can't breathe." Violet got out. But Wilbur kept thanking her and didn't hear her.

"Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you." Wilbur continued as he kept hugging her.

"Yes." She managed to get out. Then she used a forcefield to get him off of her. She gasped when he let go. "I couldn't breathe." She told him.

"Sorry." He said embarrassed.

"When is your family getting here and how much of your family?" Violet asked as she let down the forcefield.

"Jut my mom and my dad and in a week." Wilbur told her.

"Okay. But you are going to her me clean this place." Violet said. "And how long will they be staying?" Violet asked as she sat down and drank from her water.

"Two weeks." Wilbur said. Violet gagged on the water.

"Two weeks?" Violet asked on disbelief.

"Or more knowing my mom." Wilbur said shyly. Violet grabbed her book and began hitting his arm.

"Why! Did! You! Not! Tell! Me! This! Be-fore!" Violet said in between hitting him with the book.

"Hey! I didn't know until yesterday! Now would you quit hitting me?" Wilbur asked.

"No! You! Deserve it!" Violet said with one last hit.

"Okay. Sheesh. Fair point. But I hate to tell you this. I don't want to get hit with the book anymore." Wilbur told her.

"Here. I'm putting the book down. See. Now what did you not want to tell me?" Violet asked.

"Um. I think it can wait actually." Wilbur told her.

"Fine. But it better not be anything big." Violet said as she grabbed her book and left the room.


"Wilbur?" Violet asked nervously as they drove to the train station to get his parents.


"What if they don't like me?" Violet asked.

"Are you kidding they'll love you." Wilbur told her encouragingly.

"What if I slip up and show my powers or something? Then they will think I'm a freak and-" Violet rambled.

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