Say What You Need To Say

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Okay. Okay. I know this is not part of e whole ABC style thing I've been doing but hey roll with it. It is like 2 am and inspiration hit. (I was goofing around on music videos on youtube and yea.. the title should give away where it led to. I started with Fall out Boy. I still don't exactly know how I got to that song. Honestly.) So who are you to complain. But anyways...

Guys. I have had 6 ideas given to me. And that's awesome and there's nothing wrong with them but... They are all from the same person. Geekysnowflake. Girl. You did nothing wrong. trust me. You are doing awesome but unless you come up with the worlds bestest greatest idea. I don't want anymore from you. I tell you what it can be the cheesy shit like 'under the mistletoe' I don't even care anymore. My only criteria now is just it starts with the letter 'U' and pertains to christmas or the holidays in general. Thanks you guys.

Violet sat opposite from Wilbur on the couch. She was reading and he was catching up on homework he had been too lazy to do during the week. Violet has had a crush on Wilbur for a long time now and she has just been to scared to tell him. She has tried to tell him the past few times they had been together but he had always changed the subject when it got the least bit uncomfortable for him.


Wilbur and Violet were sitting in the kitchen at her house.

"Hey Wilbur?" Violet spoke up.

"Yes?" He asked.

"I-I heard you and Kelley Greenwood are talking?" She said in an inquisitive voice.

"Nah. She's too uptight." He told her with his award winning smile.

"Any other girls you might have your eye on?" She asked.

"Um... No. Why? Do you have your eyes on someone?" He asked as the heat rose in his cheeks and face.

"Um... Maybe?" She said slowly and uncertain.

"Hey. I think Dash just called me to help him with a level in a video game. Um.. Thing." Wilbur said getting up and almost running out of the room.

*Flashback over*

Violet took a deep breath and put her book down. She sat up straighter and looked at Wilbur."Wilbur?" She said in an almost confident voice.

"Yes?" He asked.

"I have something to tell you." She told him trying to hold back a blush she knew was coming.

"I do too." He told her putting his books aside.

"I-" they said at the same time.

"No. Wait. You go first." They said together in unison. Violet held her hand up as for him to be quiet.

"I will go first." She told him.

"No. I need to go first. This has been bugging me for a while now and it's time I finally get it off my chest." He told her.

"Oh. O-okay." She said almost nervous about what was about to come. She figured she knew. He was going to say he was done with her. She bored him. He wanted more exciting friends.

"I like you. Not like just as a friend. But more." He told her. She saw he was blushing. He never blushed. She. violet parr was making him blush.

"I-I-I like you too. In that way." She told him as she hid behind her hair. She looked at the ground and only made little sparing glances up at him.

"This went better than expected. Violet Rachel parr. Would you do me the complete honor of becoming my girlfriend?" He asked in a nobleman's imitation.

"Yes" violet said with a smile.

"BOUT TIME ROBINSON!!!!!! I WAS WONDERING IF YOU WERE EVER GOING TO MAKE A MOVE!" Dash shouted as he came out from behind the wall he had been hiding behind. Dash noticed Violet's death stare. "Uh-oh" he said as he tuned to run away. But was stopped when he slammed into the wall of a forcefield.

"Oh no you don't you little insect." Violet said holding her hand out.

"What shall we do with him?" Wilbur asked her.

"I say we teach the little insect not to eavesdrop." Violet told him grinning.

"I couldn't agree more." Wilbur told her returning the large grin.

Ok. Well um I feel like that sucked. Did it? I don't know. It's 3 am right now and I can barely tell what's left right up and down. So till next we meet.

Don't talk to strangers.


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