X is for eXcuses

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X is for eXcuses

"God dammit Robinson!" Violet shouted as she shook the door handle violently. "You couldn't just leave Jack alone about Merida now could you? Now he locked you in a closet. But my question is why the hell did you drag me into this! I am just an innocent bystander. Why! I was just minding my own damn business and the next thing I know I am dragged down a hallway and shoved in a closet with you!" Violet vented.

"I don't know why they dragged you into this!" Wilbur shouted back even though it was a complete lie. Jack knew he liked Violet and this was his revenge plan. Wilbur gave Jack credit though. It was underhanded and absolutely uncalled for but he marveled at Jack's creativity.

"What did you say to Jack to get him to come up with this hair brain scheme " Violet shouted

"That is an excellent question." He said rubbing the back of his neck. He had told Merida about Jack's crush on her and that had sent him up the wall. But they ended up dating in the end so Wilbur wondered why it mattered. He knew they were male gossiping about who they liked and such and what Wilbur did went completely against the bro-code.

"Look Robinson. The O.W.L. Exams are two weeks away. And I have a shit load of stuff that needs to be done. Find us a way out." Violet told him bluntly.

"Okay. Okay. I'm thinking." Wilbur told her. He didn't see how they were going to get out without their wands though.

Violet just realized how close they were together. They were crammed together in a room with maybe eight feet from wall to wall. With many cleaning supplies as well. So that forced them closer together. Violet noticed how close the walls were together. Se didn't like it.

"P-please hurry." She said quieter after a few minutes.

"Look. I'm trying okay!" Wilbur snapped. Violet flinched at those words. She was more focused on her breathing. 'In. Out. In out. Slow and steady. The walls aren't moving. The walls aren't moving. Holy shit the walls are moving.' Violet thought. She started to hyperventilate. She sat down and put her head between her legs.

"Are you okay?" He asked confused as he turned around and saw her.

Violet was dumbfounded by the question. Her claustrophobia disappeared as anger rose again.

"No! I'm not okay!" She shouted as she stood up again." I am locked in a closet with a pompous windbag who thinks he is king shit! But has absolutely no idea what the hell he's doing. And I'm sorry if I'm not thrilled inside at the fact that I was shoved in a rather tiny broom closet with the guy I have liked since third year. And I'm sorry if my claustrophobia was messing up your concentration o' great and noble one! If you don't figure out a way to get out of this place in the next ten minutes I will lose it!" She shouted. She was now almost yelling in his face. She was sick of his shit!

"Wait you like me?" Wilbur said with a smirk.

"Wait. Did I say that? Um." Violet said embarrassed.

"Yes you did say that." Wilbur said as his smirk got even smugger. But he didn't press on. He instead turned to the door and sighed."Look. Um. If we out our head together we might find a way out." He told her.

"What? That's it? You're not going to taut or tease me about it? No witty comeback? No smart remark? No-" but she was cut off by soft lips smashing onto hers. She then stopped all reason. She felt his hand on her cheek. With her brain now shut off she now put her hands around the back of his neck and began kissing him back. She felt his skinny but strong arms curve down to her lower back where they stayed as he pulled her closer to him. The kiss drew to a close when both pulled away. They looked at each other.

"Is that better than a witty remark or smart comeback?" Wilbur asked with a smirk.

"Yes." Violet said laughing. "Yes that is better." Then the door opened. Jack stood there with the wildest grin on his face. Violet and Wilbur broke apart from each other as fast as they could. Violet turned invisible, as that was her panic mechanism. But neither boy freaked out. They knew she could do that and just brushed it off.

"So? How was your twenty minutes in heaven?" Jack asked with a smirk. "But. I think you might want to know that we saw the whole thing."

"We? Who is we?" Wilbur asked.

"Oh. Nobody. Just me. Merida. Peter. And Wendy. But Dash stopped by when it was just getting really good. Before he ran away he said something about a 'black mailbox'?" Jack said as his smirk got wider.

Violet reappeared. "What!?" She shouted in disbelief. "My brother saw that! Well black mail my ass! I have some dirt on him and Vanellope!" Violet said crossing her arms.

"Oh well. So Robinson? Why'd you wait so long just to kiss her?" Peter asked.

"Well I was waiting for the right moment." Wilbur said inwardly pleased with his answer.

"That's a bullshit excuse there!" Merida called.

"It is no excuse!" Wilbur chimed in.

"Um Wilbur?" Violet said.

"What?" He asked as he turned to her.

"Yea. It is."

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