A deal you can't refuse

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  • Dedicated to My dearest readers who so ever love this book

What if I told you I could add two new chapters right now. WHat if I told you I was stuck on R. If I update this story twice would you give me R words to use as my title possibility? If not then you will just have to wait another month maybe before I update.

So. I give you 2 new chapters and all you have to do is in the comment one word that begins with R.

And to sweeten the deal these two chapters are different than what I have written before. I promise that. I will give this 24 hours. If I dont get at least ten comments saying that you will do this then no deal. You will just have to wait. Now when I say that I want ten comments I expect those ten people or more to give me a word. If you don't hold up your end of the bargain then I will assume that no one cares about the book and Take months upon months to update. OKAY?

Now... Do we have a deal???

Just remember. All magic comes with a price.


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