J is for Just Looking Out for You

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In all his life Wilbur could always forget things very easily. Whether it be homework, chores, birthdays, or anything remotely important. But there was one person Wilbur would never forget. He saw her in a passing glances around school constantly. HE thought she was beautiful. Her jet black hair, her big puppy dog eyes, just everything about her intrigued him. He wanted to get to know this girl. To understand this girl, to become her friend. And that is what he set out to do.

One day during lunch he walked up to her. She seemed very intimidated by him approaching her like that.

"Hi." He said to her smiling.

"Um... Hi." She replied quietly avoiding his gaze.

"I'm Wilbur. And you are Violet right?" He asked her already knowing the answer.

"Yes." Violet told him. Wilbur didn't know what else to say so he improvised.

"Do you want to go see a movie or something?" He asked her.

"A-a movie?" She asked in disbelief.

"Yea. How does Friday night work?" He asked her.

"Good. Friday night works great." She told him while still avoiding his gaze. Violet was staring at her feet blushing like crazy.

"Okay great. I'll see you later." Wilbur said with a smile. As he walked away.

Violet walked away and was still blushing like crazy. She began to wonder to herself though... Was he actually asking her out or was he just doing a dare or something...

Violet went through the rest of her classes thinking about this. When her classes let out she set out to walk home. Little did she know she ran into Wilbur on the way out of the school building.

"Hey. Can I walk you home?" Wilbur asked.

"Oh. Um. Sure." Violet told him.

"Does anyone usually walk you home or do you walk alone?" Wilbur asked her.

"I usually walk alone." Violet answered.

"Oh  okay. What movie do you want to see on Friday?" Wilbur asked her.

"I don't care I'm up for anything." Violet answered. "Do you live near me or are you just being a gentleman?"

"Both. I'm just looking out for you." Wilbur answered.

"Oh okay." Violet replied.

From there their relationship grew and blossomed into something more. They became fast friends and as they went through middle school together they became closer and closer. When they got to high school Wilbur made some new friends that made Violet a bit anxious.

Violet saw Wilbur with his new 'friends'. She knew Wilbur liked these guys but there was something about them that made her very nervous but she could not pin point what it was. She knew she should talk to Wilbur about it but she didn't want to jeopardize their friendship over a case of nerves.

Wilbur knew her concerns even if she didn't vocalize them. He knew she would just be looking out for him. He knew her better than she thought he did. But he knew the guys too. He knew they weren't like what she thought they were. He liked all of them and had no problem with them until Tony Rydinger started becoming interested in Violet.

"Hey Wilbur." Tony called out to him. "This might sound a bit awkward but are um... Are you and Violet an item?"

"What? No. We are just really good friends." Wilbur answered calmly.

"Okay cool. Do you think it'd be okay if I asked her out?" Tony asked him. Wilbur was speechless. He didn't know if he should say yes, or no or what.But the more he thought about Tony and Violet together the more it made him jealous and bitter. But he put his feelings aside.

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