G is for Goodbye

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This one is short. And sad. No flames please. It started as something else but this was better than what I had. Believe me. ENjoy (Lets make it 30 votes before I update?)

He sat there. He put down the paper. It was a note from Violet. His girlfriend. Or now his exgirlfriend. The note explained how they couldn't be together anymore. He didn't know what to think. Wilbur had read the note 5 times already. He wanted to make sure he didn't miss anything. He read through it one more time.

Dear Wilbur,

By the time you are reading this I will be long gone. I didn't want to leave. But the supers have to go again. The government is moving us away. NEVER SAY YUOU KNOW ME! If you did they would wipe your memory. I love you and you have given me the best years of my life. I really don't want to leave. Please don't come looking for me. It is for the best. I don't want oyu to wait for me either. I don't plan on ever coming back. I just want you to remember me. If everyone else forgets me i don't care. But you are the one person that I never want to forget. Or for you to forget me. I know you are still thinking about coming for me. Please don't. It would be better for the saftey of everyone. Especially your family. I really hope this is not goodbye forever. Maybe our paths will cross again someday. I hope they do from the bottom of my heart. I have one request for you. Stay who you are. Never change. You are wonderful. You are entusiastic, energetic, and amazing. Always be that boy that stands out. Never be afraid to be yourself. The real you is the one the world needs to know. I love you Wilbur. I really do.



P.S. Remember me and stay who you are.

He sat there still reading it. Over and over again. He had to act like he never knew her. He loved her. He never got to tell her though. He was always too nervous. Now he would give everything back in a second just tell her. Tell her one time. One time. That's all he asked for.

Then he said to himself,"I really hope this isn't goodbye."

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