I is for Invisible

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Y'all took too long. So I decided to just post it anyway. I mean one vote away. Come on guys. Anyways. I am still taking requests. I need letters "R" "U" and "X". ENJOY :) Please send in the requests though.

"Wilbur please just grow up! You need to stop lying to me about this!" Cornelius Robinson was screaming at his son once again because he broke into the lab.

"You can't prove anything."Wilbur said indignantly.

"I have cameras in my office and lab son." Cornelius said looking down at his son.

"Why don't you trust me! I didn't break anything. I didn't mess with anything. All I wanted to do was look around!" Wilbur shouted back.

"I don't trust you because last time you broke in you almost wiped yourself from existence. Then the time before that you almost blew up Carl. Twice. My point is that you didn't ask. One of these days your curiosity is going to stab you in the back." His father said still looking down at his pointy haired son.

"Well that will be the day!"Wilbur said back.

"Go to your room. You are grounded. You need to learn when enough is enough." Cornelius said finally having enough of it.

"No! I will not. I am tired of you never listening to me. You always just say to just watch and only pay attention. Not do anything unless you say it's okay! I am tired of it!"Wilbur finally let out.

"Now. Lets take a look at the times where you did pay attention to me. You never got In trouble or hurt in any way. Now the times where you didn't listen to me. You almost die 5 times. You almost blow up the house 7 times and lets not forget that one time where you almost changed the future!" He said back.

"It's called learning. Ever heard of it" Wilbur replied in his smart aleck voice.

"Yes I have. But learning never usually involves you almost killing anyone!" Cornelius was about done. He was fed up with his son at the moment.

"But I didn't kill anyone now did I!"Wilbur stated that fact.

"Say you slipped up one time and you did! What would you do? Hell Wilbur when are you going to learn? You are not the center of everything. I am tired of you thinking you can just do anything. You can't just do anything whenever you want. Don't even say Wilbur Robinson never fails. Because what happens the times you do? Have you even thought of that?" he stopped. Wilbur had just ran away to his room. "Shit. Not again." Cornelius said slapping his forehead.  This was not the first time this had happened. He walked over to the phone and called the Parrs.

"Hello." Hellen answered the phone.

"Yea Hellen can I speak to Violet?" Cornelius asked rubbing the back of his neck.

"Um..yea hold One sec." Hellen said. He heard her call Violet down stairs.

"What's wrong?" He heard Violets voice after a few minutes.

"Wilbur won't come out of his room again. Can you come over and talk to him?" He asked sort of embarrassed.

"Um. Yea sure but I need a ride. My Mom is busy and my dad is in Cuba helping out there." She told him.

"Okay great. I will send Carl over right now. Thank you." He told her.

"No problem." She replied as she hung up the phone.

After fifteen minutes Carl pulled into the driveway. Violet grabbed her jacket and ran out to meet him.

"Okay. Give me the whole story at what happened this time." She told Carl.

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