R is for Regret

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Before you read this story. I know its short but it is a more serious chapter. I got this idea from something else but that doesn't exactly matter. I Hope you like this. And if you would be so kind as to give me an idea/ideas for the letter "S".

Wilbur never exactly learned regret. He lived his life to the fullest. The first time he felt regret was when he didn't close the garage door. But if today you asked him the thing he regretted most was leaving Violet alone for maybe 4 hours. It is not the leaving her alone part. It is what happened in those four hours he regretted.

It was two weeks since Violet's family was killed in a mission. She was the only one who survived because she was held captive and was forced to watch the villain slowly kill each family member one by one. Something in her broke that day. Her innocence maybe, but something about having to watch your family be viciously murdered in front of you can break even the strongest of people.

Wilbur was with her after it happened. He didn't leave her side and hid all the alcohol and pills in the house. He didn't want to take any chances. He felt so bad for her. She now only had him. He was her only family left. During those two weeks he never let her out of his sight. But he needed to go grocery shopping and she was asleep on the couch with a movie on so he decided to leave her.

He only meant to be gone an hour but with the traffic and the stores being beyond crazy busy, it took him four times longer than it should have. When he came home he looked in the living room and she wasn't there but the tv was still on.

"Violet?" He called for her thinking she might be in the bathroom. Bu there was no answer.

He walked to the bedroom and saw her there sprawled on the bed with a half empty Smirnoff bottle in her hand and a bottle of sleeping pills on the dresser. He rushed to her. Wilbur took the vodka out of her hand and put it on the counter. He put his head to her chest to listen for a heart beat. There was one but he still had to wake her up. He sat her up and shook her some.

"Violet!" He said. "Wake up!" He started to panic. He slapped her lightly on the cheek. Her head flopped to the other side.

"VIOlET! Wake up! DAMMIT VIOLET WAKE UP!" He screamed in a shaky voice. He slapped her a little harder this time. She groaned.

"N-n-no." She said very faintly.

"COME ON VIOLET! I NEED YOU TO WAKE UP!" He shouted even louder.

"N-n-no g-g-go a-aw-way." She said a little stronger.

He picked her up and stood her up she almost supported her self but almost fell. Wilbur put an arm around her waist and hers around his shoulders. He noticed how pale she was. He panicked a little more. He half carried her to the bathroom. He sat her on the toilet and he turned on the shower.

"VIOLET! I need to know how many pills you took." He asked her.

"J-just a few." She said as her voice slid down to barely audible again. She saw the shower and started to make a few feeble attempts to escape. Se mostly just pawed at him but it was more like a pet. He picked her up and put her under the cold water. She jumped and grabbed the towel rack.

"L-let me out." She told him.

"Not until you get some color in your face." He told her. When he arrived she was pale as snow and just as cold. After a few minutes he looked at her again and saw her shivering.

"C-c-can-n-n I g-get out n-n-now?" She asked. She was soaked to the bone. Her hair was drenched, all the way down to her bare feet. She was in pajama pants and a black tank top with a sports bra on. The shirt stuck to her every curve with it being wet and in that moment he couldn't help but feel attracted to his wife even more than before.

"Yes."he said turning off the water. He helped her out and wrapped a towel around her. "I will let you get dried off. I will be back in 5 minutes. If your not out I'm coming in." He told her. Se nodded.

"C-c-can y-you get m-me some clothes f-from..." She stammered but he put a hand up.

"Yes. I will bring you clothes." He told her. He walked to the bedroom and got a long sleeve t-shirt and pajama pants, underwear and another sports bra for her. He opened the door and gave them to her.

He stood outside the door and waited for her. He watched the clock intently. At the three minute mark she emerged. He didn't waste anytime. He hugged her tighter than he ever had before. She hugged him back. The two of them started crying.

"I could have lost you. When I came home I thought you were dead." He told her in an unsteady voice.

"I'm sorry. I found the bottles and an old photo and I had a few shots ANSI started feeling guilty and.." Se said hugging him tighter burying her face in his shoulder and grabbing his t-shirt like a child does.

"Shh. It's okay. You're going to be okay. Your fine now." He told her stroking her damp hair.

"I'm sorry." She told him.

That night they never left each others side except for a few minutes to use the bathroom. He flushed the vodka and the pills down the drain.

That night Wilbur discovered how much she meant to him. He discovered how it feels to almost have a loved one die. He empathizes with her and helped her through her depression.

Never can one person regret something so much it pushes all future thoughts out of their head. Even to this day it still comes into his mind about the "ifs" and the "maybes'". He often thinks to himself about how he could have lost her. She never had another suicide attempt after that. But the only person who regrets that entire happening more than Wilbur. Was Violet. She gave up alcohol and never looked back.

Regret can be a funny thing. It can cause us to look at the past more than the road ahead. It can eat you up inside not knowing what would have happened if you had done this instead of that. But what's past has past. And yes, the past can hurt. But you can either spend all your time dwelling on it or you can turn a cheek and face the future and keep moving forward.

Hey I want to know more about y'all! Tell me something about yourself. Something that makes you different from the next reader. :) One for me is that when I get bored I paint my hand. Yes I paint all over my hand. The other day I got bored waiting for the paint to dry on a project so I painted my hand. And in class I draw all over my hand. Nothing big just doodles. Some people say to draw it on the paper but it's not the same you know?

Okay. Let me know :)

Love you guys


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