D is for Dance

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Violet sat on the couch with her face buried in a magazine and her headphones on. She had the music almost on full blast. She never expected Dash to come out of nowhere and hit the back of her head. He came running in super fast and held his hand out. He was running so fast it didn't take much for the slap to hurt.

"OW! DASH!" Violet managed to say through gritted teeth. She threw off her headphones and stood up. Dash ran by and knocked her feet out from under her. She stood back up and watched for his blur. She caught a glimpse of it by the table. She threw a force field up and it knocked him back.

"HEY NO FORCE FIELDS!" he shouted his usual response. This made her giggle like it always did. then she disappeared. (Thanks to Edna her entire wardrobe could turn invisible with her)

"Where did you go?" Dash asked not really expecting an answer. Then he heard a squeak on the hard wood floors. He ran and knocked her over. Violet reappeared. She had banged her head on the floor pretty hard. Then Dash grabbed her foot. He started pulling her along with him while she was running. Violet couldn't see a thing. Everything was a blur. She hoped for the best and threw a force field in front of him.


Dash had ran into the force field. The force field was then gone and Violet kept going forward and hit the leg of the dinning room table.

"What the hell Dash?" Violet said sitting up rubbing her back. Her back hit the leg almost making her do a back bend around the leg. The table moved back a fair few feet.

"What?" Dash asked perplexed.

"You started this. Now look what you've done." Violet explained.

"If you didn't put up a force field then-" Dash started.

"I WOULD HAVE THROWN UP!" Violet interrupted. This began one of the loudest argument the Parr children had yet. It was so loud they didn't hear the knock at the door.

Wilbur knocked on the door for about 5 minutes. He decided he had enough. He was not very patient. He put his ear to the door and heard yelling. ::Of course. Vi and Dash are at it again:: Wilbur decided to try one more thing.


Violet and Dash got silent. They heard the loud banging on the door. They looked at each other and they knew exactly what each other was thinking. ::Who is that? Did they see anything?:: Dash ran quietly up to the window upstairs. He looked out the window. He ran back down stairs.

"I don't see anyone." Dash told Violet.

Wilbur hid. He knew Dash would look out the window. He stood as close to the wall as possible.

"I-I'll check the door then." Violet said nervously. She walked nervously to the door then paused. "Dash." she whisper yelled. "Straighten the house. Hurry."

"Oh. Got it. " He ran around and about a minute later he gave gher the thumbs up that it was done. So she opened the door slowly only to look at the person standing there.

"God dammit Wilbur! We thought you were someone else." She said letting him in.

"Nope just plain old me." He said with his cocky smile. "Come on. We were going to get ice cream remember?"

"Oh yeah." She said just remembering. ::How could she forget::" Let me get my jacket and some shoes on." Wilbur looked down at her feet as she ran upstairs. He saw a blur run through the hall.

"Hey Dash." Wilbur said chuckling.

"Awww." He whined. "I was trying to scare you."

"Gotta be faster than that." Wilbur said.

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