V is for Vulnerable

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 Best of friends? yes. Inseparable? Yes. But dating? No. Violet and Wilbur have been friends since 5th grade. Now being juniors in high school. Wilbur had the good life. His father was rich, he had a huge family that was always around, his life was great. Violet on the other hand faced many horrors in her life. Every time her parents went out they had a chance of not returning. She was very shy and not outspoken. She was always scared for her parents and family and would often have horrifying nightmares involving them.

Wilbur knew of her troubles and tried to comfort her as best he could. Well. He knew of most. She kept the dreams to herself, seeing them as just dreams. He knew of her family's secret and Wilbur being the overprotective person he is, fears for Violet's safety everyday. He would often be very protective when it came to other people around her as well. Violet would appreciate the gesture but would often tell him, "you know better than most, that I can handle myself just fine." Wilbur knew it and tried to stop himself but he knew that he cared about her too much.

Wilbur and Violet would often spend multitudes of time at the other persons house and was an unofficial part of each respected family. The two would often spend more time at the others house than their own. They would also spend the night at the others house (they aren't doing the frickle frackle. Ya nasties). They would stay up and talk till the wee hours of the night. Countless times they have had all nighters together just talking. Sometimes they fell asleep on each other and woke up and it was awkward for them but they got over it.

Violet was fast asleep at the Robinson's house late at night. In her dream, she was fighting alongside her family. Then she was trapped in her own forcefield. Se tried to run to her family but was frozen to the spot. She saw her father about to be impaled. She tried to scream to warn him but no sound came out. She saw the spike go through his chest. Blood going everywhere. Coating part of the forcefield around her. Tears now streaming from her eyes she turned and saw her mother in a stretching machine. Violet knew what was about to take place and she tried to scream to her but again nothing came out. Then the machine began to move. The gears ground and began to pull her mother's limbs apart. This went on for a few minutes but began to go faster and sped up the process. Next she knew her mother was screaming in agony as her bones, skin, and organs were stretched to the brink of breaking. And break they did. They snapped and Helen Parr fell limp. Blood began to leak from her mouth and nose and gathered into a growing pool around her body when it fell to the floor. Her brother was choking. He was in a bubble and was grabbing his throat and his face was turning purple and blue. Then he hit the ground and was gone. Violet was now now bawling but no sound came out. Then she turned and a spike was coming to her.

She finally manages a scream. "NOOOOO!" She screamed as she sat up stock straight in the bed. She looked around and saw Wilbur stirring. She finally broke. She hugged her knees to her chest and broke down crying. Wilbur heard her scream and turned to her and saw her crying. He did what any other good friend would do. He got up and sat next to her. He hugged to her to his chest. She turned to him. Looked up at his for a split second but then broke down again. She threw her arms around him and cried into his shirt. He protectively wrapped his arms around her and stroked her hair. He didn't like when she felt vulnerable.

"Get it out. Just let it out. I'm here." He told her softly. He sat there with her like that for the good part of an hour. He noticed she was sleeping and he lay down in the bed. With her on his chest and his arms around her. He fell asleep instantly. Her heart beat beating faintly against his stomach and her now steady breathing lulled him to sleep. Her head lay against his chest and moved up and down with each of his breathes.

Violet woke up first the next morning. She noticed where she what position she was in. But she didn't move. She remembered her dream from last night and how scared she was. It felt so real. But his arms around her felt...safe. And she liked it.

She remembered how awkward it was before when she had woken up and he was cuddling her. But this felt different. She didn't know how but it just did. She laid her head back down on his chest and his arms went around her a little tighter. But she didn't mind. His heart beat was slow and steady along with the rise and fall of his chest.

Wilbur woke up twenty minutes later and saw Violet still on his chest. He was about to move but stopped when he heard Violet.

"No. Please don't." She said in a small voice.

"Ok." He said wrapping his arms around her again. He felt a heat rise in his face as he blushed and smiled. Something was different but neither could tell that they might have finally gotten out of the friend zone and now saw each other in another light.

Well. How was that?Again, another prompt from otpprompts. But the book is drawing to a close. I am running out of letters of the alphabet!

Till out next meeting,

I gotta jar of dirt! I gotta jar of dirt!


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