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Okay. Listen you guys. This s going to be kinda sad. And based on the walking dead in a way. The zombies are the same as they Re in the walking dead. Like is they get a hole in the head then they are fully dead. And for those who watch TWD I dare you to guess who dies before you get there. No cheating. I made it kinda obvious for those of you who pay attention. And do you think you would survive in the zombie apocalypse? (Yes. Someone is going to die and you won't like it. Sorry)

And I proudly present my ode to the walking dead.

Violet looked around. They had finally found a place to settle. They meaning, her, Wilbur, dash, and Jack-jack. They had also picked up some guy named Hans on the way. Away from everything. Violet was only 17 when the outbreak started. Dash was only 13. And poor Jack-jack had only just started 1st grade. Now all that was gone. Everything they once knew was gone. Their old home, friends, school, family. Everything. Their parents were taken to help fight it but they were never heard from again. Wilbur lost everything. Carl, lefty, Franny, Cornelius, Talulah, Lazlo, everyone.

After their parents never came back and the power went out in their house Violet decided they needed to stay moving. Carl began to rust and shut down after a few months while they were on the run. Cornelius was killed on a supply run. Franny was broken after that. She fought like hell after that. After a while she began to act like her old self again, well as close as you could get to her old self. Franny was the last person to go. She was fighting like hell when she died. But eventually they got her. Everyone in the group turned to Violet to lead now.

Violet knew it was her responsibility to keep everyone safe. Now she had finally found somewhere she could. She found an old warehouse on the edge of a town. She didn't know where they were anymore. They could be in Oklahoma, or Louisiana. All she knew was it was hot.

Violet was no longer the shy girl she once was. There was no room for that in this new world. Shy and timid gets you killed. Thinking for too long gets you killed. You need to learn to judge people quickly and act on instincts. You needed to learn how to kill; humans, animals, and zombies.

Wilbur saw how she progressed as a leader and person and admired her. As much as he wanted to tell her he knew that there was no room for that. A least not before. Before they were living day to day and hoping for a tomorrow. Now they found a stable place to live and might be able to settle down.

Violet sat and looked around at everyone. She took out her gun and sighed.

"Okay. Everyone. Look around and see if there are any holes in the wall and if there are any people. If they are dead kill'em if they are alive bring 'em back here. We meet back in half an hour. Now move out. Dash you go with hans and Jack-jack. Keep him safe. Wilbur you come with me." Violet told them as they followed her example. She pulled Dash over.

"Keep an eye on him. I'm still not sure i trust him." Violet told dash talking about Hans.

"Got it. And I know what you mean. It's not the eyepatch that gets me, it's just the vibe he gives off." Dash told her. (A/n yes an eye patch. Just like someone else in the walking dead that was a jack ass and caused many other deaths. Hmmmmm)

"Don't give him a gun." Violet told him as she patted his back and let him go.

Violet sighed at her brothers as they walked away. Dash would have been starting 10th grade this year. About. Jack-jack has grown up a lot too. They are both way more mature than they should have been. Violet reminisced for a few more seconds then snapped out of it.

"Okay. Lets go." Violet told Wilbur as he followed in behind her.

They found one hole in the wall which they moved the crates in front of to cover it up. The metal crates proved to hold furniture and clothes inside.

That night, they all stood out in the rain and washed all the dirt off themselves. After that they searched around a little more and found an old police radio.

"Okay. Tomorrow we are going on a supply run. Dash. Hans. You will come with me on the run. Wilbur. You stay here with Jack. Now both of you stay by that radio tomorrow. If something happens you run and never look back do you understand?" Violet asked. They nodded.

"Dash. If something happens on the run. You come back here and Run as far as you can. Dash. Put them on your back and run as fast as you can. Do you understand me?" Violet asked. Dash gave a nod in return.

"W-what ever would happen on the run, I'll take care of it." Hans said with a smirk but Violet just rolled her eyes.

"Now get to bed. We are all in need of a good nights sleep." Violet told them. They all said their goodnights and went to their beds. Violet couldn't sleep. She took her machete and knife and snuck outside.

She sat in the field and just thought. She thought about her former life. How she was shy and hesitant. How she had a crush on Wilbur. I mean she still did but when did she have time to do anything about it. She thought about her and her family fighting Syndrome. Her thoughts drifted to Dash. He had been a cocky little butthole but now he followed her lead and was fully responsible.

She thought about how she no longer used her powers to protect herself but more for her family now. They were all she has left now. Violet knew they would be safe now. Now she could relax some. No. No she couldn't. She could never relax again. Things would never be the same. Even now she was on guard. Listening. Not looking. No, her eyes were closed but she was listening.

She heard a noise behind her. She pulled her knife out and turned to see who it was. It was Wilbur. He had his hands up signaling he was unarmed. Violet relaxed some.

"Don't sneak up on me like that. If I had a gun you'd be dead." Violet told him as she sat back down. Wilbur sat down next to her.

"But I knew you didn't have a gun." Wilbur told her. Violet just rolled her eyes.

"Violet?" Wilbur asked.


"Look. There is something I want to say before the run tomorrow just in case." Wilbur told her.

"O-okay." Violet told him. Wilbur searched for the right words but couldn't find them.

"Are you okay?" Violet answered when Wilbur just sighed in defeat. Violet laughed at him some and used her newfound courage to give him some. She kissed his cheek. And while she pulled back he pulled her back in for a kiss they'd never forget. Years of passion shined through the kiss. Tongues danced as lips synchronized. And just like that it was over too soon.

They rested their heads together. And both thought the same thing and said it. "Wow."

"Wilbur. I love you. After years of knowing you and keeping it quiet, I love you."

"Violet. I love you too. More than you can ever imagine." Wilbur told her.

"I miss everyone. My mom. My dad. Franny. Carl. Everyone. Art. Lefty. Spike. Dimitri." Violet told him.

"I do too." Wilbur told her. Then Wilbur saw something he never thought he'd see. He saw some of the old girl she used to be. The shy, scared, timid girl. He put an arm around her and pulled her close. "I do too."

In the morning Dash woke up before anyone else for a change. He saw everyone was still asleep. Dash pulled out one of their cans of food that they kept in their bags. He found his last can of ravioli. He used his pocket knife and opened the can.

He didn't eat it all himself. He saved some for the rest of the group.  When he finished his share he saw Violet walking towards him. He held out the can to her. She smiled and took it.

"Thanks." She told him as she ate one of the raviolis.

"We will need our strength today." Dash told her as he took a drink of water.

"We will. Now I doubt I will need to tell you about the unknown we are about to face. We don't know what's out there. We need to be ready for anything." Violet told him.

"Yes. True. We need to be ready to kill. People and zombies if necessary." Dash nodded in agreement.

"Oh. Pass the ravioli." Wilbur said as he and Jack-Jack joined them. Violet passed the can over to them.

"There is an old truck in the back. It has a full tank of gas and runs smoothly. We can take that into town." Violet told them.

"Sounds good. Who's driving?" Dash asked.

"I will." Violet told him as she got up. She brushed off her hands and turned to walk away. "Get ready. We leave in 15 minutes."

Violet went and grabbed her machete, her knife and her pistol with a silencer. Se pulled her hair back into a ponytail hoping they might find some shampoo on this run. She sighed and went back toward the door to wait for Dash. He had about 5 minutes left so she didn't press him. But he came forward with two police communicators. Hans was soon to follow.

"The police radio is all set up. Here's one for you and one for me." Dash told her. Violet took one. "Thanks."

Wilbur met with them before they went off. Violet gave him a quick peck on the lips before they did leave. This shocked Dash and Jack-Jack. But they went along with it knowing it was bound to happen sooner or later. And within 5 minutes they were on the road heading full speed towards town.

"So Vi." Dash called using g a nickname she hadn't heard in a long time. "When did you and Wilbur become a thing?"

"Why so interested in my love life all the sudden?" Violet asked.

"Why you and Wilbur? Why not you and me?" Hans interjected from the back seat.

"Because you're my sister. I don't want some asshole hurting you." Dash told her completely ignoring Hans.

"You think Wilbur's an asshole?" Violet asked curiously.

"No. I just want to make sure he is who he says he is." Dash told her.

"Dash. He has been my friend since the beginning.  Beginning of this and before that. You know that. Right?" Violet asked.

"Yea I do. But." Dash tried to speak again.

"No buts about it. Look there is an old Walmart. We can look there." Violet said as she hit the accelerator. They reached the parking lot and parked right by the door. Violet took the key and turned to Dash.

"Ok. First we get food and water. Then medical supplies and ammunition. Then clothes and anything else we might need. Got it?" Violet told him. Dash and Hans nodded as Dash pulled out his gun and Hans got his knife. Violet did the same as she got out of the car.

They reached the door with their guns cocked and loaded. They nodded to each other and Dash pulled the old automatic door open. Violet walked in and moved around. Violet found an old shopping cart.

"Push the cart. I'll cover you." Violet told them. Hans put away his knife and grabbed the cart. "C'mon foods this way." Violet motioned for them to follow. Violet and Dash filled up the cart with cans and bags of food. Once the cart was full they went back to the car and emptied it out.

"Come on. Lets look at ammunition." Violet told him. Violet walked ahead with Dash as Hans pushed the cart behind them.

"Stop." Violet told them. She had heard something. She moved silently as she looked down each aisle to see what she heard. She saw a walker down an aisle. She pulled out her knife and killed it. She looked behind her to the other two.

"C'mon. Get some bullets and silencers. If you find a gun you like get it. Not you Hans." Violet told him.

"Why sweet cheeks?" Hans asked as he eyed a long range sniper rifle.

"Because we don't know if we can trust you yet." Violet told him.

"Really? I have been with you for three weeks." Hans told her.

"Hans. If we find you with a gun we will kill you." Violet told him as she got the gun he was eyeing. (If you watch TWD it's like Sasha's gun. That gun is honestly my favorite) she saw Hans cringe at the statement. She hoped it scared him.

Dash found the bullets and since the cart wasn't very full they decided to look for clothes. Violet went to the women's clothes. She found some clothes in there and some women's stuff that she didn't want the guys to know about it. She found an old bag and put them in there. (You know the stuff)

She also found some cool vests and shirts. She also found some shampoo and soap. And a winter jacket just in case. She brought everything back to the cart and found the guys waiting.

"Did you get stuff for Wilbur and Jack?" Violet asked.

"Yes. I got them some knives and some new clothes. Underwear, pants, shirts, the essentials." Dash told her.

"Good. What about you?" She asked turning to Hans.

"We were supposed to get stuff for other people?" Hans asked. Violet and Dash looked at each other in disbelief.

"Never mind. Look. Lets empty this and then go in the back and see if they have anything good." Violet told them. They all agreed so they emptied the cart and headed out back.

"Leave the cart." Violet told him. He let go of the cart and pulled out his knife. They walked to the back and went through the storage room.

They split up and searched around. Violet met a walker and stabbed it clear through the head. No problem. Then she heard a scream.

She ran and tried to find Dash. She ran until she ran into a pack of walkers. She turned and ran. And called out.

"Dash! Hans! Where are you!?" Violet called.

"Here!" She heard. "Hurry! He's hurt!"

Violet ran like there was no tomorrow. She pulled out her gun and ran to the noise. She soon found them. They were surrounded by walkers. Violet placed a forcefield around them.

"Hold on. I'm coming" Violet called. She put a forcefield around herself and ran through the crowd and to the others. She pushed through the crowd of bloody, smelly walkers to the two boys. She broke through her forcefield.

Dash was on the ground in a rather big and growing pool of red liquid. It was blood. Violet came up and kneeled in the puddle. She saw it was Dash's leg. It was soaked in blood that looked like it was coming from his ankle.

"What happened?" Violet asked trying to hide the panic rising in her.

"He fell while running and walkers got his leg." Hans told her.

"Tell me the truth." Violet told him seeing right through his facade.

"That is the truth." Hans said. Violet took off her jacket and tore the sleeve.

"Dash hasn't fallen while running since he was in 4th grade." Violet told Hans while she wrapped his leg with the torn sleeve. "Ok. This will hurt." Violet told Dash as she pulled the sleeve tight. Dash winced in pain.

"Dash what happened?" Violet asked him.

"I told you he fell." Hans told her again.

"Ah shit. It got his Achilles. Dammit." Violet mumbled to herself. "We gotta get him outta here. He's losing blood fast."

"There's a partially open garage door over there." Hans spoke up. "If we can get over there we can close the door behind us and the walkers can't get out."

"Dash do you think if we help you walk we can get over there?" Violet asked. Dash nodded his head slowly.

"Okay. But we will need to hurry. I don't think I can hold the forcefield much longer." Violet told them. They all nodded and helped get Dash to his feet. They made their way slowly to the door. Violet was losing the forcefield fast. It was starting to fade.

They made it to the door and it was partially open. Just enough to slide under.

"Someone should go under and make sure it's clear on the other side." Violet told them.

"You go. I will stay and watch Dash." Hans told her.

"Okay. I will try to keep the forcefield up as long as I can." Violet told them as she slide under the door. She pulled out her gun while sliding under and saw there was nothing but sunshine and delivery trucks.

"Okay. Come on through! There is nothing." Violet called. She saw Hans shimmy under the door and run.

"Where's Dash?" Violet called after him but he just kept running. Then she realized. She was losing control of the forcefield.

"Dash!" Violet called out.

"Vi?" She finally heard Dash say.

"Yes?" Se whispered back.

"It was him. He tripped me and held he down. He cut my Achilles so I couldn't run anymore." Dash told her.

"I won't leave you." She said as she held the fading forcefield just a little longer.

"Go. Leave me. It'll be okay. Just do me one thing." Dash said lying on the ground. Violet felt her eyes sting with tears. And she nodded.

"Kill that son of a bitch." Dash said with disdain leaking from his voice. Then he pulled the door down so she would be protected.

"No!!!!" Violet screamed as she tried to pull the door back up. But she couldn't. She tried and tried until her arms gave out. She heard the walkers on the other side of the door. The reality brought her back down to Earth. She wiped her eyes and with anger she never knew before she got up and walked gun out to the car where she knew Hans was waiting.

She came around the corner and saw him bent over catching his breath. He looked up and saw her and gave a small smile but it quickly faded when he saw the anguish in her eyes. She held her gun out to him.

"You have one last chance to tell me the truth. How did he hurt his Achilles?" Violet seethed.

"He tripped and fell." Hans said.

"Wrong answer." Violet replied and shot his foot. Hans screamed in agony as his body crumpled to the ground. "Now answer the question!" Violet shouted as she stood over him with the gun pointed at his head.

"Okay! I cut it!" Hans said scared. Violet pulled back the hammer.

"Why?" Violet asked even angrier.

"Because in the old time I hunted supers for a living. I always hated you guys. Taking the jobs of perfectly good policemen and women. Because of you I lost my mother when your father caused a building to fall. The building was on fire. Your father was inside helping people. And he forgot one. So I vowed to take everything away from him. Then I found you. Every time you lost someone. I was there. Franny. Cornelius. Your father. Your mother. Now Dash. I was going to go after Wilbur next. You seemed unbreakable. And now I broke you. Now rot in hell! Shoot me you bitch." Hans spieled.

"No." Violet said as she put her gun away. She walked to the door again.

"You bitch! Kill me!" Hans called. Violet said nothing. She opened another one of the garage doors. She turned invisible and pulled the lever to open the door.

"No! You bitch what are you doing!?"  Hans screamed. Violet walked back to the car still invisible. She got in the car and honked the horn, drawing the walkers to Hans.

She heard screaming and blood splattered the hood of the car. Then she just heard the walkers. No more screaming. She put the keys in the ignition and drove away.

She found one of the police radios. And heard Wilbur's voice.

"Wilbur. I'm on my way back." Violet said in the radio. She found an old CD in the glovebox. She put it in and turned it up. Not caring who heard anymore. She remembered the band. It was Guns n roses. She let the guitar carry her thoughts away. Soon she was back at the warehouse.

Wilbur ran out to meet her with jack-jack. She ran to them. She hugged them tightly. Tighter than she ever had before. Because she was holding on to all she had left.

"Vi. What happened? Where are they?" Wilbur asked. Violet tried to speak but all that came out was

"He's. G-g-gone." Violet got out. Then she broke down. Her knees buckled and she collapsed to the ground and cried. She cried for a good half an hour. Until Wilbur spoke.

"We need to go inside. It's getting dark." Wilbur told her. She got up with his help and went inside then Violet told him everything that happened.

"He's. he's gone. I'm never going to see him again. It was my fault. I should have held the forcefield longer. It's my fault he's dead." Violet told Wilbur. Jack was asleep.

"No. It was Hans. He cut his Achilles. You can't blame yourself." Wilbur told her. She lost it again. She began crying into his chest. He just held her and rubbed her back. But she sniffed and stopped crying.

"I'm sorry. I just can't believe he's gone." Violet told him.

"It's okay. It's gonna be alright." (It's all better now Tyrece. *sobs in background*) Wilbur told her. Violet nodded and stayed in his arms. She had no more tears to cry. She just stayed in Wilbur's warm arms. At the moment he and Jack-Jack were the only things keeping her from coming unhinged.

Violet began to grow tired. But she stayed awake and just listened to his steady heartbeat. She let the steady noise lull her to sleep. She closed her eyes as the thumping continued.




Wilbur laid down with Violet using his chest as a pillow. He kept an arm around her and pulled her closer. She complied as she snuggled into him farther. He kissed the top of her head before he himself drifted off to sleep.

Hope you enjoyed that. Sorry it was so long but this was one of those that kinda had to be. But anyways. Have fun reading the rest! Till next time

Just look at the flowers.


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