Y is for You Shouldn't Have Heard That

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The two are married and Violet has some exciting news. But she doesn't know how to break it.

Violet paced the room up and down for at least twenty minutes. She was still holding the test in her hand that read 'positive'. She bit her thumb out of nerves. She was happy, excited, nervous, scared. No not scared. Terrified.

Violet had married Wilbur almost a year and a half ago and the two were talking about a child but nothing had ever been set in stone. She worried if he was going to be happy, scared, angry, she didn't know what to expect. She began to ramble on with herself.

"A child. I mean will he want it. Of course I will keep it but I don't know if he will want it. He just brushed off the subject sometimes. But maybe that was because he was tired. I mean what will I do if he doesn't want this child. He might just leave me. No he wouldn't leave me right?" Violet mumbled to herself.

While Violet was pacing between the kitchen and living room, Wilbur had just gotten home. Violet was so preoccupied that she never even heard the door open or close. He heard her talking to herself.

"Will he be mad. I mean you will have to tell him. A kid though. If he leaves me then I would be lost.screwed. Out of luck. I would be forced into the streets." Violet muttered. "A child. How do I tell him. I-I don't even know if I can. I mean he will be home any minute. How am I supposed to tell him. Do I just come out and say it? Do I beat around the bush at first? Do I just rip the band-aid off? I don't know!" She said shouting the last sentence.

"You don't know what?" Wilbur asked as he leaned against the doorframe. Violet turned around and shoved the test up her sleeve inconspicuously.

"Oh. Um. You weren't supposed to hear that. Um. How much did you hear exactly?" She asked blushing.

"I heard something about a bandaid and the 'I don't know' you shouted. Also about you needing to tell me something?" He said in a curious voice raising an eyebrow.

"Oh. Shit. You. Shouldn't have um heard that part." Violet said pushing the test away from her hand and farther up her sleeve.

"Violet?" Wilbur said in his old cocky voice.

"Hmm?" She said trying to distract herself from the current situation.

"What ever it is I promise we can get through it." Wilbur said as he set his jacket on the couch.

"Well. Um. You know how we talked about a child some?" Violet said looking at his shoes.

"Yes? Why?" He asked completely confused.

"Well. I-I. I-I'm pregnant." She said pulling the test out of her sleeve. She looked up at Wilbur. He was looking at her in shock. She waited for the blow of how he didn't want the child and for her to get out of his house. But next thing she knew she was being picked up and twirled around the loving room.

"Yes! That's amazing!" Wilbur exclaimed. "I'm going to be a father!" He said putting her down and pulling her into hug. He wrapped his arms around her. A father. He was going to have his own kid. Violet was pregnant with his child.

"You really think so?" Violet asked tucking a piece of hair behind her ear.

"I know so." Wilbur said as he held her shoulders and looked at her with sincerity.

"What if I screw up?" She asked.

"We could always just make another one." Wilbur said absentmindedly with a smile. Violet grabbed a pillow and hit him with it.

"Wilbur I'm serious." She said.

"Look. You won't screw up. My mom used to tell me stories of how she raised me. She was scared about her screwing up. Or her not being ready yet. But she told me. 'Your motherly instincts take over and you just ride on them. You soon know what they like and dislike within a week.'" Wilbur told her.

"And you're really excited about this?" Violet asked to make sure. Wilbur smiled at her. He kissed her.

"Of course I am. I will be with you every step of the way."

Well. Sort Drabble for ya. But anyways I wanted to ask you guys. Okay. So the alphabet is drawing to a close. But. I can continue the Alphabet and do the entire alphabet over again. Or. I can end the book and start a new one. Or just end the book. I would like a vote on it. Please. If you are reading this and you have a keyboard. Then you are fully capable of voting for which option.

Options are again:(comment which you want)

*Continue book and do alphabet again

*end this book and start a new one

*end book completely

I hope you fare well and till next time,


Willet's ABC'sTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon