B is for blood

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Violet was used to fighting. She was a pretty good fighter too. She was invisigirl so she was used to fighting. Wilbur knew she was a good fighter, she had spared him when they sparred. She never kicked him as hard as she could. She never hurt him intentionally. If she hurt him it was accidental. The she felt really bad about it. Wilbur always assured her that is was okay. Wilbur never hurt Violet either. She usually blocked everything he threw at her.

Violet was walking in school and someone pushed her into John. John was the biggest guy in school. He was a crackhead who was in and out of school and had really bad anger issues. Today he was just a walking time bomb. When Violet fell into him he lost it.

"What the hell is your problem. Do you think it's funny to just run into people?" John screamed at her.

"No. I am sorry I didn't mean to. I am sorry." Violet replied innocently. She tried to walk away but he grabbed her and slammed her against the wall.

"I'll show you sorry." John said getting really close to her face. He lifted her off the ground and threw her across the hall into the lockers on the other side. She hit the lockers hard. She fell on her side and tried to get up but was then kicked in the face. She saw blood drip to the floor. She was not going to fight back. But she was not going to sit here and get killed.

She stood up and he threw punch after punch. She blocked some of them but not all. Many of them caught her stomach and ribs. Then he pushed her to the corner and grabbed her head. He bashed her head against the wall. She fell to the ground after that holding her head. Everything became fuzzy. Then she saw some silver and rolled away just in time as a switchblade came down on the floor where she just was. She tried to get up but fell back down again. Everyone watching this was laughing their heads off. Everyone but one. Violet's friend Casey. She left just as he almost stabbed her to go get Wilbur.

Casey ran to Wilbur's class and threw open the door. She didn't care about the teacher at that point. She knew Wilbur wouldn't either once he found out what she had to say.
"Wilbur! Violet bumped into John and now he is trying to stab her! Come on!" Casey screamed at him. Everyone just stared at her like she was crazy. Then they looked back at Wilbur. The teacher tried to pull her out of the class but yanked her arm away from him.

"Do you not understand her life is at stake here!" She screamed at the teacher. "COME ON WILBUR THERE IS NO TIME!" She ran to the back of the class and yanked him out of his seat. They took off down the hall.

"Are you serious?"he asked turning a corner.

"Yes I am fucking serious. Why do you think I yanked you out of class dumb-ass! I swear sometimes you can be so goddamn thick!" She replied back. Then he saw the crowd and sprinted even faster. Then what he saw next made his heart drop.

Violet dodged every knife stroke so far. Until one caught her forearm. Blood started gushed out of it. Her vision kept getting fuzzier and fuzzier. He caught her shoulder next. The cut was deeper. Now she was fading in and out. Then the blade caught her midsection. Right above her hip. She had had enough. The knife was stuck in her side. She finally just kicked John in the balls then gave him a round house to the head. He tumbled to the teachers feet.

"Thank goodness you are here." He said innocently. "I was just walking when I bumped into Violet and then she started beating me up?"

"Wh..." She tried to shout but the pounding in my head became too much. She looked down at my side and pulled out the knife. She felt the back of my head and it was oozing blood. Then she reached for my forehead but stopped. She started to sway. The next thing she knew. Wilbur was carrying me to the nurse's office where we were told to wait for the ambulance there.

"Wilbur?" She asked weakly.

"Shhh. It's okay. Don't speak. The teachers know what really happened." He said softly. He laid me down on the cot in the nurse's office. After hearing that I breathed a sigh of relief.
"Ithurts." She said really softly letting her words run together. Those two little words were practically like a knife to the heart for him. He hated seeing her like this. Those two words kept ringing in his head though. It hurts.

"It will be okay." He said soothingly. Then he heard the sirens in the parking lot. He saw the men come and take her away on a stretcher. She looked back at him. He didn't see the girl he knew. He saw a scared little girl. She was scared. He felt awful he couldn't do anything for her though.  He wasn't there to help her when she needed him. He sat there for an hour Or two. He couldn't tell. Just then the principal came in with his mom.

"Come on Wilbur we need to go. Violet is about to have surgery." Franny said urgently.Wilbur got up and ran out of the room. Surgery! He was in shock. But from what he could tell the only serious injury was her side.

"W- what does she need surgery for?" He asked his mom anxiously.

"She is getting stitches. Not surgery. Sorry. I wanted to get you moving so we could go." She said kind of ashamed. "She is getting stitches on her side, shoulder, forehead, forearm, and the back of her head." Wilbur breathed a sigh of relief.
They reached the hospital in about ten minutes. Wilbur ran out of the car and to the front desk where he ran into Helen Parr.

"Is she okay? When can we see her?" Wilbur asked frantically

"Honey. Calm down. She is fine. We will be able to see her in 15 minutes." Helen said smoothly. She knew her daughter would be fine. She suffered worse before. The life of a super was not easy. Of course Wilbur didn't know she was a super. She knew Violet has debated on telling him many many times but has decided not to every single time.

Wilbur sat down in a chair breathing a huge sigh of relief. She would be okay. He still could have stopped the entire scene if he might have been there. He sat deep in thought for an hour when Helen came back down to the lobby.

"She is in room 207. Second floor  third door on the left." She said with a smile. Wilbur jumped out of his seat and practically ran to the elevator.

Violet was in the hospital. His girlfriend of 4 years was in the hospital. His best friend was in the hospital. He thought about all the times they hung out in middle school. how they were friends in elementary school. he remembered how she made the move to kiss him first. She tried to tell him something many times but decided against it. Something his parents knew but wouldn't tell him. She had been stabbed in the side by a crazy crackhead. She was in the hospital....*DING*. The bell for the second floor went off and the doors opened. He reached Violet's room and swung open the door. He saw her there sleeping with the constant beeping of the heart rate monitor.

He sat down it the chair beside her. She started to wake up.

"Wilbur?" She asked tiredly.

"I'm here don't worry. Everything will be okay. I won't leave you alone" He said softly to her. He took her hand in his and rubbed his thumb against her knuckles.

"Thank you." She said to him giving him a slight smile.

He kept true to his word. He didn't leave the room that day. He slept in the chair to keep her company. When she woke up in the morning she found him still sitting there with her. She saw him and admitted to herself, "I am lucky to be in love with my best friend."

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