N is for Now this is awkward.....

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Violet Parr, a quiet Gryffindor prefect, and Wilbur Robinson, a loud troublemaking Gryffindor prefect had just broken up the biggest food fight in Hogwarts history. Even  Headmistress McGonagall got involved. Well she got a pie in the face if you count that as getting involved... But anyways the food fight was huge, dung bombs, pudding, kidney pie, bananas, mashed potatoes, spaghetti, and pumpkin juice were being thrown! Mavis the Slytherin prefect had to run to the kitchens to shut down the elves from making the food! But in the end the food fight ended and everyone was covered in food. But both Violet and Wilbur had to do rounds before they could go shower off.

"This is disgusting. Why do we have to do our rounds coated in mashed potatoes and pumpkin juice. It's not like we will catch anyone out of bed! They will smell us before they see us." Wilbur complained.

"Well if you continue to be that loud they will hear you too." Violet looked at him a little cross.

"Oh come on you know you love me." Wilbur teased, playfully hitting her arm.

"Yea yea Robinson. Keep dreaming." She told him.The two had been friends since day one. They sat together on the Hogwarts Express all those years ago and now they were inseparable. Both of them had wanted it to blossom into something more but both were too scared to do anything.

Once their rounds ended they went to their dorms and got their shower stuff and went to the prefect bathroom. They met at the door to the prefect bathroom and looked at each other. Both of their faces were beet red. Both of them knew what this meant... They would have to take the bath together...

"Um...." Violet tried to talk.

"Look, we are both disgusting, you don't want to wait and neither do I so we can just suck it up and go to different corners and not look at each other... And plus you can also go invisible can't you?" Wilbur proposed sheepishly.

"Yea... I'll just be invisible..." Violet told him before they both went into the bathroom.

To say the experience wasn't awkward would be a complete and utter lie. It was the worst experience of both of their lives. Both agreed to never tell anyone else about it and to never speak of it again. But deep down, they both kinda wanted it to happen. 

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