Q is for Quiet Girl

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HOLY SHIT! Those came in fast. Not even twenty minutes. DAMN! Y'all must really like this book. Welp here you go. NExt chapter will be up soon.


Violet was one of the best in the potion class despite Snape's hatred of her. At times she wondered if the hatred was only an outward hatred. She never caused any trouble in his class, ever. Today she would see that the hatred was real. All the way to the core.

Violet sat quietly working at her table on the potion Professor Snape had assigned for them to finish by the end of class. Violet was almost finished with her potion when she wasn't looking someone bumped her table and knocked her entire cauldron to the floor, potion and all. Snape jerked around and saw the cauldron fall.

"What did you do?" He asked coldly.

"I-I was reaching for the r-roots and I-I must have acci-accidentally kn-n-nocked it over." She said quietly.

"Detention." He said sternly. "Maybe there you will learn to speak up and not be as clumsy."

"Oi! It's not her fault! I saw Johnson knock it over!" Called a voice nearby. Snape spun around angrily as to find out who it was. Once he turned around he narrowed his eyes. It was Wilbur Robinson, from Gryffindor.

"Detention. Robinson. Now sit down!" Snape retorted.

"I will when you stop picking on quiet students for no reason." Wilbur said, now he shot a quick glance to Violet. She was shocked. No one had ever stood up for her like this. She was always known as the invisible girl from Ravenclaw. Now a Gryffindor was standing up to her. Not just any Gryffindor, but Wilbur, one of the chasers on the house team, happy, confident, always smiling, son of one of the greatest potion masters of all time, Robinson.

"Two weeks detention!" Snape shouted.

"What! I get put in a classroom to do work for standing up for the voiceless!" Wilbur shouted more or less to the class rather than Snape.

"A months detention! Now SIT DOWN" Snape shouted through gritted teeth.

"Looks like the professor is getting mad at me for speaking the truth!" Wilbur said with his award winning smile.

"Ten points from Gryffindor! If you don't sit down 50!" Snape spat. Wilbur finally subsided and sat down.

Violet stood there rooted on the spot. She could not believe what had just happened. Someone stood up for her.

Violet walked up to Snape. "Can I redo the potion in my detention since I don't have enough time now." She asked.

"You will not serve your detention with me so I suggest you start working." He told her with a sneer.

Remarkably and to Snape's dismay, Violet finished the potion just barely. She had just added the last ingredient when he told the class time was up. She breathed a sigh of relief and put a vial of it on his desk for him to grade.

She walked out of the classroom and caught up to Wilbur. She pulled him aside.

"Thank you." She told him. "No ones ever stood up for me like that before."

"Your welcome. I figured it was time someone started." He said smiling.

"I've never heard you speak until now. Honestly." He told her.

"I-I just. Usually I have no one to talk to." She admitted. "To everyone I am just the quiet girl that is just there for when you need to borrow something."

"I think you're more than a quiet girl." He told her. "Why don't we go to Hogsmeade together. This Saturday?" He asked.

I-I'd like that. Thank you." She told him.

They left together to go to the great hall for dinner. Despite being in two different houses they became close, almost inseparable, for the rest of their time at Hogwarts.

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