It Was YOU?

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"Who is this joker!" Violet vented to her best friend Kari.

"The same guy again?" Kari asked as Violet handed her the note found in Violet's locker.

"Always signed Captain Time Travel! I have looked it up, asked my brother, asked the nerds. No one knows who this is!" Violet cried exasperated. For the past two months Violet has been getting random love notes in her locker. Her and Kari have been trying to figure it out before Violet results to more drastic measures.q

"Come on Vi. I would be flattered to be getting little love notes from an admirer." Kari told her.

"No. I am flattered but it's also kinda creepy at the same time." Violet told her.

"True. Very true." Kari told her.

"But with my luck it is probably just some prank." Violet mumbled to herself.

"Why do you always think the worst of every situation?" Kari asked.


"Don't play dumb. This guy could really actually think you're pretty. Why is that so hard for you to believe?" Kari asked putting her hands on her hips.

"Looks Kari. I'm the invisible girl. The only time I get noticed is in the movies and teen romance novels. I am sorry for being a non believer but I will believe it when I see it." Violet said pushing past her friend.

"Fine. Call me later." Kari cried as Violet walked out the door. Violet smiled to herself at her friend. Now one question remained. Who was Captain Time Travel?

One person knew the answer to the question. And that person. Was Wilbur Robinson. Yes. Son of Cornelius Robinson. Very very popular Wilbur Robinson. Every body's friend Wilbur Robinson. Every one but one. And her name was Violet Parr. And she was his target.

Wilbur began getting curious with the shy girl when he gave her a charming smile and she scoffed and rolled her eyes. From then on Wilbur took it upon himself to learn what he can about her. That was the problem though. It was almost like she didn't exist. He had hacked into the CIA and looked there but nothing. He looked into her family and still nothing. But instead of deterring this boy it only made his curiosity grow.

The curiosity became like when he saw her playing with her brothers. One looked about 13 and the other about 5. He saw a side of her he never had before. He saw her running. Laughing. Smiling. He just couldn't explain it.

The like soon became lust when he saw her at the beach coincidently. She was in a dark purple bikini with sunglasses and a big floppy hat. She sat under the umbrella most of the time reading. But Wilbur went into the water and didn't come out for a while (to hide something if you know what I mean ;))

Violet knew who Wilbur was. I mean who at the school didn't. He was almost everything Violet wasn't. He was popular, well liked, good looking (in her eyes), out going, funny, and basically perfect. That's why she hated him. Well. She didn't hate him. Se actually really likes him but covers it up with hate to save herself the embarrassment of rejection.

She began to like him when she first saw him. You know those love at first sight crushes. But she knew it would never happen so she just let it go. The first time she ever really needed to cover it up was when he smirked at her for the first time. She covered her blush with a scoff. But now Violet had more pressing matter on her hands than some petty little crush. She had to figure out who the heck this person was.

Violet got to school the next day and found yet another note in her locker. It fluttered to the ground. Violet sighed and picked it up and read it.

Dear Violet.
By now I assume you are curious as to who I am. I have heard you were inquiring as to who i was. You already know me. I'm not sure if you hate me but you are pretty and I would be willing to make it work. Meet me at the old playground in the park at 5:30 pm. Show this to no one or I will not show up. And yes I will know.

See you there,
Captain Time Travel

Violet blushed and put the note in her book bag. She reached back in her locker and grabbed the rest of her books. She was nervous. This could be some rapist. She didn't know. Violet went through the whole day debating to herself if she should meet this person. In the end she decided she would.

Violet got home at 4 and spent the next hour and fifteen minutes wondering and waiting. She paced her room. When 5:20 rolled around she got her keys and drove her car to he old playground. She arrived at 5:35 but there was no one there.

She got out of her car and walked over to the play set.

"Hello? Is anyone there?" Violet called out.

Wilbur was in the old tube slide. He heard her call. She came. Wilbur had no idea what to do now.

"Great. Just another prank." Violet said as she began to turn around.

"I was beginning to think you wouldn't show up." Wilbur sad as he stood at the top of the set as he leaned on a pole.

"It was you? Now I know it was a prank." Violet said as she turned around and began to walk off.

"No wait!" Wilbur jumped down and ran after her. He grabbed her arm.

"Let go of me!" She said harshly as she tried to pull her arm away. But he held it tightly.

"No. Listen to me." Wilbur told her.

"Why should I!" Violet asked.

"You came out here. Don't let it be a waste of your time. And you are already out here so why not just hear me out. It's not a prank. I swear." He explained.

"And why should I believe you?" Violet asked angrily.

"Because I like you!" Wilbur blurted. Violet froze.

"I did since you glared at me for the first time. It was the first time anyone had done that to me besides my parents. You are the only one who didn't treat me like a prince. You showed me reality. Yea it hurt. Your words hurt your glares hurt but it made me realize I was not on top of the world. And dammit Violet! I couldn't tell you because I thought you hated me. I was just some love struck kid with a crush. And like all crushes it would die away but no! It didn't! It grew. I couldn't do anything about it!" Wilbur told her.

"I-I always thought you hated me." Violet told him from behind her hair.

"I hid behind anger. I didn't know how to face it. And believe me it wasn't easy either. Hiding smiles, trying not to laugh, and secretly keeping an eye on you to make sure you were okay. I kept my friends away from you and made sure they didn't bully you like they used to. And the glares I gave you were only when you were watching." He said as he sat down on the stair of the play set.

Violet sat down next to him. She grabbed his hand and began rubbing her fingers over his.

"Thank you." She told him as she looked up at him.

"For what?" Wilbur asked confused. "If anything I should be thanking you for staying."

"For just keeping an eye out for me and keeping your friends away. In elementary school they were really mean or as mean as an elementary schooler can be."  Violet told him with a weak smile.

"Well no one was looking out for you. So I thought it was about time someone started." Wilbur told her.

Violet leaned her head on his shoulder. He put a hesitant arm around her shoulder. She leaned into him hesitantly.  They sat like this for a while until Wilbur broke the silence.

"I've never done this before. Just sit and not do anything. The girls always want to just talk and talk." Wilbur told her.

"Not me. I'm fine to just sit and think. That's why I don't hang out with the other girls. They talk too much." Violet said.

"You really aren't like other girls Violet." Wilbur told her. "Other girls would sit and fan girl and faun over this. How sweet or something this was. But you just accepted it." Wilbur told her.

"Well it was sweet. But it just wasn't on my mind to do that. It was more like who the fuck is sending me these and is it a prank." Violet told him. Just then Violet's phone rang.

Wilbur watched her as she answered the phone. Her face dropped.

"I'm sorry. I have to go."  Violet said as she got up and began to walk away. But she turned around and gave Wilbur a kiss on the cheek. "I-I'll see you." She said as she ran to her car.

Wilbur sat there in awe as he felt the warm spot where her lips were on his face. He smiled to himself as he watched her drive away.

Till Next time :)


(IF you have seen Be Cool and understand that reference then let me know)

~Sarah :)

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