M is for May I ask WHEN WE ARE?!?!

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Yo. This is gonna be really really short and I can do a part 2 if enough people want it but I had this really funny idea and I just kinda went with it. Sorry not sorry.

Ok. If there is one thing Wilbur is, its ebullient and impulsive. Don't get me wrong. Sometimes it's great. But other times... Not so much So when I said I was curious as to how the puritans would react to me in the Salem Witch Trials, he thought it would be a fun date idea. You can see how this can go horribly wrong right? Yea well he didn't. So, I am now being cornered to be tried for witchcraft and be burned at the stake.

I'm sorry.

 You are probably wondering how we ended up in this situation to begin with. 

Well it started off a normal day, just a normal Saturday of me and Wilbur studying for an AP US History test on Monday. I decided to make the off comment about how the Puritans would probably flip their shit if they knew about supers and that the "witches" they convicted were probably supers that had gotten caught. Wilbur got super into it. He kept talking about how cool it would be to go back in time and see how they really lived. He kept going on and on about how if they went back in time and saw how they lived then we wouldn't have to study for the test because we would know first hand. I think we can all agree he is just trying to get out of studying for the test. So me, being the responsible one, tried to convince him not to do anything rash. But the conversation went something like this.

 "Wilbur. No."


"I have powers Wilbur. If I get caught we are both screwed."

"But you hide your powers everyday."

"Because I know the dangers of everyday Wilbur. This is Massachusetts in the 1600's! We don't know what we will face!"

"But it would be so cool!!!"

"There is no stopping you is there?"


"You aren't telling your dad are you."


"God dammit Wilbur."

So then we traveled back in time, with appropriate clothing, and landed somewhere in the woods to the north of Salem. It was all going good and well until we met the preacher and had to actually engage in conversation. Then we started getting some glares and looks. So I begged Wilbur to let us go home. 

He refused. 

So we then ended up in the market place. More social interaction. What could go wrong right? I started playing with a child until his ball went into the woods and he chased after it. His mother looked worried about him going in there alone, so I went with him.

Once I found the kid and started bringing him back to the square I hear a twig snap and I swing around just in time to see an arrow fly through the air to the tree beside us. We started to run and I saw another arrow coming straight for the kid. I had no choice. I put a small shield up to stop the arrow. I would have been all fine and dandy but the kid turned around and saw the shield. He screamed. Then he ran. Shit.

I ran to the village to find Wilbur but only to find the entire village staring at me until someone screamed,


Then all hell broke loose in the crowd.






So that is how I ended up in this situation. But its not over just yet. 

I see Wilbur in the crowd and he breaks through and runs towards me. He grabs my hand and breaks for the north woods. A few villagers chase us but we out ran them and made it to the ship. He fires it up and once we get to the garage, that's when we breathe the sigh of relief.

"What the hell did you use your powers for?"

"What you expect me to let a kid die right in front of me? And it would have been fine if he didn't turn around."

"You knew the danger of using your powers there."

"You want to lecture me about the dangers of that? Seriously? Who is the one who tried to stop you from going on this crazy ass mission in the first place?"

"Ok. Fair point. But still."

"But still what Wilbur? I think after all that I reserve the right to say I told you so."

"Ok fine. You were right."

"Who was right about what?" Carls voice comes out of no where. Both of us scream and grab each other. "Sheesh? What's up with you two?"

"That. Is an excellent question."

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