A is for accidents

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Violet was walking to her English class alone. Just like everyday. She was not popular at all. She had one friend at her last school but they had to move because her dad exposed them again. Violet liked the company but she preferred to stay invisible. She never really liked standing out in a crowd. Well she never liked crowds period, her claustrophobia was too bad.

But she was walking too class when SLAM! This kid ran square into her knocking her over and dropping everything she had in her arms.

"I am soo sorry I didn't see you." Said the kid. He was gangly looking with his hair coming to a point in the front.

"It's okay. I am used to it." Violet replied barely audible.

"I am Wilbur Robinson." He said smiling helping her pick up her things.

"Violet Parr." She told him still mumbling.

"Well I am sorry Violet. I didn't see you." He said helping her get up off the ground.

"It's fine." She said looking at her feet. If you looked closely at the girl. You could see that half her ear was invisible.

She still didn't have full control of her invisibility yet. So if she got scared, hurt, or embarrassed then something was bound to disappear.

"Are you sure. I feel really bad about this." Wilbur said to the shy girl.

"It'sfinereally." She said letting her words run together. "Ihavetogettoclass." She said leaving he boy behind staring at her.  When she got into class they had to give presentations on Shakespeare or something like that. She sat in the back of class taking notes and doodling on her paper. When she went to lunch she was going to the bathroom when WHAM! She fell to the floor again and looked at the person she ran into. It was the same boy she ran into before.

"I am soo sorry" Wilbur told her again.

"Violet could feel her pinky disappear this time and she  got up her self and kept walking. Keeping her head down. "Accidentshappenitsfine. Don'tworryaboutit."

Wilbur grabbed her arm. Thank The Lord she thought. He had grabbed the arm with all her fingers visible.

"What do you want." She said this time meeting his eyes.

"I want to make it up to you." Wilbur said meeting her eyes back.

"Why?" She asked looking back down at her feet. No one was ever this nice to her. She was never told sorry to. Never held someone's voluntary attention for more than a minute before.

"Because I feel really bad about this." He told her sincerely. "Here. Lets hang out sometime."

"Um. I don't know. Idontthinkmy..." She started.

"Here's my number. Call me." He said walking away.

Violet stood there dumbstruck. ::What. Just. Happened:: she asked herself in her mind. She had a date on Friday. She went into the bathroom and looked into the mirror. Her foot and half of her arm were missing. She started to panic. She went into a stall and pulled out her phone and called her mom.

"Mom?" She said in a whispered panic.

"What's wrong sweetie? What disappeared?" Her mother responded.

"My foot and half of my arm." She replied still panicked.

"Sweetheart. Calm down. Accidents happen. Just calm down." Her mother cooed.

Violet started to breath normally. Then her arm and foot reappeared. "Thanks mom." She told her mom.

"Your welcome." Her mother replied. Then Violet hung up. Got out of the stall and went to class.

The entire rest of the day all she could think about was Wilbur.

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