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Hi... Um... don't kill me... I lost inspiration then prom came up and I got distracted... Its no excuse... im really sorry. But im back:)

Okay. I finally went for the old school fluff cliche. When you realize what it is comment, vote, add to library I don't know. Just let me know you saw it. ;)

The Fourth of July. Freedom. Picnics. Patriotism. Declaration of Independence. Family. Fun. And Fireworks. The Parr family and the Robinson family come together and have a huge community picnic. Then at night they have a huge firework show.

The two family's were close and Violet and Wilbur were the closest between the two respected families. They had been friends since the first grade. The two had grown closer and closer as the years passed by. They told each other everything. Well almost everything. They both had a secret that they kept from the other person. Violet liked Wilbur. But was scared to tell him. Wilbur liked Violet but could never muster up the courage to tell her. Of course Dash figured this out early on and teased them when ever he had the chance.

Wilbur was dragging Violet though the woods to a small hill where they would have a good view of the fireworks. Dash showed him this spot earlier and warned him, 'Look. I know my sister likes you so don't screw this up. Okay?'
"Wilbur!" Violet complained as he pulled her through the woods. He was still running. Then he stopped at an opening. She caught up to him. "Explain to me why we have t come all the way out here to watch the fireworks when we had a perfectly good spot where we were."

"You can see them better from here." Wilbur told her.

"You better be right. Or else it will be a whole fireworks show wasted."  Violet told him teasingly.

"Oh it will be." Wilbur joked. "I hope." He added under his breath.

"What was that?" Violet asked as she came through the last bit of trees.

"Oh. Nothing." Wilbur said.

They sat on the hill in silence until Wilbur broke it.

"You look beautiful today... You always do." Wilbur said. Violet was in shock. She blushed then looked at the ground.

"Thanks Wilbur." Violet said. she scooted closer to him and jumped when that first firework went off. She fell on Wilbur.

Wilbur caught her and chuckled a little, "I got you. Don't worry."

"Thanks." violet said as she leaned against him. For the rest of the show they sat together. Hand in Hand and enjoyed having finally broken the friend-zone.

Okay sorry. I know Its short. but it was the best i could do... i have better stories that i will post in a minute.

Until next time,

I'm a lover not a fighter. But I will fight for what I love.

~Sarah :)

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