Z is for ZZZ's

502 13 4

Violet had had about 5 hours of sleep in the past 6 days. She was running on willpower at the moment seeing as they were out of coffee. There had been crime after crime, chore after chore that needed to be done.

Violet was doing the laundry and pulling the clothes out of the dryer. She opened the door and was hit by a wave of warmth. She smiled but the feeling made her eyes droop, so she pressed on and kept moving. She pulled the clothes out and set them on top of the dryer. They were so warm and comfortable. She completely forgot what happened next.

Wilbur came home that night at 8pm. He was going to give Violet a special evening since she has been working non stop for almost a week. He walked in the door and walked into the kitchen. She wasn't there. He checked the bedroom and bathroom but she wasn't there either. Finally he went to the back of the house and found her. She was bent over the warm clothes that were on top of the dryer. She was fast asleep.

Wilbur walked over to her. He decided not to wake her. He gently picked her up bridal style and carried her to the bedroom. She stirred some but not because of her waking up. She was just dreaming. As he carried her she snuggled closer into his chest. He smiled at this.

He made it to the bedroom and placed her on the bed. He noticed she had her super suit under her shirt and sweatpants. He frowned.

'The people of this town need to be less dependent on her. This is getting out of hand.' Wilbur thought. He sighed knowing countless times she had been called  for little nothings like a house break in, or a mugging. Sure if she was patrolling it'd be another story but this was when she was not on duty and sleeping.

Wilbur changed into his pajamas then joined her in bed. He lay his arm across her waist and pulled her close. She did not protest. She was far too deep into dreamland to notice anything from reality.  She did snuggle up to him and he saw a smile spread on her face. He laughed internally at this. Soon he was fast asleep with her.

Wilbur woke up the next morning and saw she was still asleep in his arms. He could tell she was not getting up anytime soon.

Well hello! Hope you enjoyed that bit of fluff. Many of you may be wondering what on earth am I going to do now? Well I shall tell you. I will repeat the alphabet and continue this book. I already have some ideas but some letters will be more difficult. And I want your help. Can you do that? And don't answer unless you will actually give me suggestions. Cause if I do this by myself I will get writers block and sometimes take months and months in between updates. But either way I will continue the book. Till then,

Hakuna Matata


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