C is for confessions

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Violet sat there alone in her room facing the truth. She had to tell him. It was about time. Her mom even asked her why she hadn't told him yet. They had been dating for a few years now and had been friends for even longer. She knew she had to eventually but put it off for so long because she was scared. Scared she would lose him if he knew she was a freak.

"Hey Vi." Wilbur said coming in her room with a smile. Just out of sudden reaction she disapeared.

"VIOLET!! What happened where are you!!!!! What?!" WIlbur started screaming scared.

"Wilbur calm down. It okay I am right here." Violet said reappearing holding his shoulders.


"Wil.." She started.

"HOW DID YOU DO THAT? I MEAN..." Wilbur kept going on.

"Oh enough of this." She said to herself finally after he had been pacing the room for 5 minutes babbling on.

"WILBUR!" She screamed at him getting his attention finally. "Will you please let me talk."

 Wilbur sat down. He had never seen her like this before. She fucking disappeared and she was being all calm about it. I mean come on. He looked at her. Waiting for her to explain.

"I.. I.. j-just. Ugh! Why is it so hard to say this!" She sat down next to him exasperated. She held her head in her hands as her elbows rested on her knees.

Wilbur looked at her and put an arm around her. "It's okay. You can tell me anything." He told her comfortingly.

I am invisigirl. Why were those words so hard to say. She had said them to herself many times before. But why was this different.

"I can't do this. I can't do this right now. I can't tell you yet. I am sorry Wilbur I just can't." Violet said not even moving her head from her hands. "Please. C-can you just leave me alone for now?" SHe asked looking up at him on the verge of tears.

"Yea. Sure. Call me if you need me. We can hang out tomorrow." Wilbur said knowing to drop the subject and leave.

"Yea sure. Tomorrow." She said like a parrot. She would tell him tomorrow. Just how should she tell him.



Violet is knocking on the Robinsons' front door. She knows she has to tell him today. She really can't put it off any longer.

"Ring My doorbell. Knocking isn't loud enough." said Spike.

"NO NO NO NO. My doorbell is louder. Plus you rang his last time." Dimirti said.

Violet gave a half smile and walked towards  Dimitri's doorbell when Franny came to the door.

"Oh. Come in Violet. Come on." Franny said ushering her in. "Wilbur is up stairs in his room-"

"Actually can I talk to you for a minute?" Violet said cutting her off.

"Yea sure. What do you need?" Franny said sitting her down on the couch.

"You know I am a super and I am trying to tell Wilbur and it is not really working out. I tried yesterday but I couldn't even get the words out. I don't know what to do. He needs to know. I accidentally disappeared in front of him yesterday and he flipped out. What do I do?" Violet asked looking at her shoes.

"I am sorry sweetie. I don't know what to tell you. All I can say is be honest with him. I know that it's hard but it's all I can give." Franny said apologetically.

"It's fine. I was figuring that is what you would say." Violet shrugged.

"Hey mom! Who was that at the door?" Wilbur said running through the hall. Then he stopped and saw Violet. She looked exhausted. She looked like a nervous wreck.

"Hey are you okay?" He asked as Franny got up to leave.

"Honestly. No." She confessed. Wilbur moved and sat down beside her.

"You can tell me." Wilbur said honestly.

"Look. What I am about to tell o-or show you is not easy." She said looking up at him. "Please. Just don't freak out."

Wilbur looked at her confused as she got up. She took one long look at him and vanished into thin air. He looked around but she wasn't there. But her clothes were still there like she was still wearing them. She just wasn't there.

"Vi... are you there?" Wilbur asked tentatively.

"Yes. I-I am" She said quietly stuttering some. She then reappeared and sat down next to him.

"What was that?" He asked.

"I-I just. I..." She was trying to speak but she kept choking on tears. She started crying and ran to the door and got out. Wilbur followed her. She disappeared when she got out the door. He followed the clothes outline. He gave it some distance before continuing to follow her.  She stopped in the backyard. She sat down next to the bushes. Then she reappeared.

Tears were flowing down her face. Then she saw Wilbur walk toward her. She put up a force field around herself. It flickered out though. She was not focused enough to make a full one. She tried again but Wilbur caught her arm.

"What's wrong?" Wilbur asked still holding her arms.

"You were going to say I was a freak. I was too weird. I-I am..." She started crying again.

"You are none of those things. You are you. That is why I like you." He said putting his arm around her and bringing her close.

She leaned into the taller boy and cried. He didn't think she was weird. He liked her for her. "Your mean *sniff* you don't think I am a freak?" She asked confused.

"No. Why would you think I thought that?" He responded almost disgusted.

"Because I am not normal. I-I can do things that make me stand out. I always wanted to be normal. I always thought that is what everyone wated me to be." She answered.

"Number one. Why would you want to be normal? Number two. Don't ever think that I would call you weird." He said firmly.

"Before we were frozen supers were outlawed. We could never use our powers. We were told to fit in. Don't stand out. You are not wanted anymore. They said to join them or go  away." She explained.

"Wow. I never knew that." He said amazed.

"We had to go into hiding. I always wanted to be normal. I just wanted to fit in." She confessed.

"Oh." He said not knowing how to respond.

"Yea." She said sadly.

"I was almost earased from existence." Wilbur confessed back.

"What?" Violet asked confused. Wilbur explained the entire deal. (You already know it or else you wouldn't be reading this story)

"Wow. I never knew. All because you never locked the garage door too." Violet said amazed.

"Everyone always hangs on the fact that it was because I didn't close the door. UGH." Wilbur said exasperated. Violet smiled and giggled a little.

The rest of the day they stared up at the sky and watched the clouds. Violet kept thinking about what he had said. "Why would you want to be normal." It rang inside her head. Then she figured it out. She wanted to be normal because she didn't like being special. She didn't want to keep the secret she had anymore. She was tired of the responsibility of the secret. Now she shared it with someone. She never regretted it.

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