L is for Listen

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Violet and Wilbur were engaged. They were as happy as can be. They felt like nothing could go wrong. Their wedding day was approaching soon. In five months she would become Violet Robinson.

Violet got up one morning. She saw Wilbur was already gone. Then something felt wrong. She ran full speed to the bathroom. Only making it there just in time to fall in front of the toilet and proceed to throw up into the toilet. When she thought it would stop it would start up again. She sat in the bathroom for almost an hour. After that it was all she could do to get the phone and call in to her boss and tell him she couldn't come in today. Since she worked at the library and didn't call out sick very often it was no issue.

Violet went to get a glass of water. She came back and lay down in the recliner with a blanket. She ended up falling asleep while watching TV.

When Wilbur came home he saw Violet's car still there. He sped up his pace to make sure she was okay. When he walked in the house he found her asleep in the recliner with the TV on. He smiled to himself. She looked so peaceful. He decided it might be best to make dinner for her. He decided to make steaks.

The steaks were popping in the pan in the kitchen. He wanted a grill but They never really have the need for it. He smelled the steaks and the aroma was intoxicating. He heard Violet stirring in the other room. He was excited to see her reaction.

Violet woke to the smell of food. She got up and walked to the kitchen to find Wilbur cooking steaks for dinner. She stood in the doorway smiling at him. Then she felt the color drain from her face and her stomach churn.

Wilbur looked up and saw her in the doorway. They made eye contact and smiled. Then he saw the smile disappear from her face and her get very pale as she turned and ran to the back of the house. Wilbur moved the steaks off the burner and followed her.

He found her throwing up in the bathroom. She was shaking. Wilbur walked over to her and pulled her hair back and rubbed her back.

"Vi? Are you okay?" He asked when the puking slowed. He got a groan in return as she put her hair in a bun. She got half way done with the bun and turned back to the toilet and began heaving again.

Wilbur looked at her in horror. Violet never got sick. Why was this so bad? Did she have food poisoning? Why so close to the wedding? What if she has to go to the hospital? Wilber's mind was reeling. He took a deep breath and got violet a cool wet towel and put it on the back of her neck.

Wilbur sat down beside her. He kept rubbing her back. He noticed she was shaking in between heaves. He felt awful. Then she finally pulled her face out of the bowl and leaned against the wall next to him. It was only then did he notice she was crying.

"Violet?" He asked as he pulled her closer to him. "Listen. It will be okay. It's just a little stomach bug. It'll pass."

Violet just nodded and kept her mouth closed. She was scared to open it again for fear of what would come out. She just leaned against him, sitting there in the bathroom.

"I'm sorry." She finally said. "You went through all that trouble for dinner and I do this."

"Vi. Don't worry about it. Really. It's fine. You had no idea. Neither did I. I'll just wrap them and put them in the fridge and we can use them on sandwiches. It won't go to waste." Wilbur said rubbing her shoulder and hugging her.

"Thanks." Violet told him.

* A few weeks later*

The sickness had not stopped. And Violet now knew. Exactly what was making her throw up like she has been.

She was supposed to start two weeks ago. She was used to it being a little late. But not this late. And by now she knew it wasn't going to come. Wilbur didn't know yet. She wanted to be sure before she told him too.

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